English 10 22-23 Daily

January 19th, 2023

I’m not here again, sadly. I have graded all of your final essays here at home in bed and am pleasantly surprised. I will return them in the AM so you can see the rubric / score. If you have ANYTHING else to submit that’s late, now is the time to complete it. Final grades are going out tomorrow after class.

I promised that we would go over the literacy 10 exam. This will still happen. You will just complete the exam today as a practice and we will go over everything tomorrow in class for our final day of the semester.

Here are the instructions:

  1. On your device, click this link: https://bced.vretta.com/#/en/bced-landing/grad/sample/literacy10
  2. Select “Form A”
  3. Start the test. Get used to the formatting – how the test is structured, the buttons etc. Everything is on the left hand side to continue,
  4. Do the multiple choice
  5. Do the graphic organizer but save your written work on a separate document
  6. PART B – Choose a ‘pathway’ that interests you more.
  7. Do the multiple choice questions
  8. When you get to the written response, save your work to a separate document.
  9. Finish self reflection if you want
  10. Check your answers.

After you finish the test, make sure to ask three questions about the process for me to answer tomorrow. We will also go over your written responses in class.

And I’ll show you your final grades tomorrow.

January 17th & 18th

I’ll be here for block 1, but block 5 will have a TOC. Tomorrow, I will not be here.

You know exactly what your job is over these next few days.

This is your prep work for the Smoke Signals /Indian Horse paper that will be in class tomorrow.

Sadly, if you’re not here, then you will just get a 0 for the paper.

Step 1:


Step 2:

Rough draft. Have your peers look over it. here’s a generic peer review sheet:

Peer Review 3PP Essay Structure

Step 3:

Wednesday, 18th January In class writing.

January 16th, 2023

Period 1                                                                                                          Period 5










If we have time after this, then you can work on those outlines a little further.

January 13th, 2023

Here is a transcript of the movie (Written by Sherman Alexie):

Smoke Signals Transcript_1

Let’s continue with the theme statements today – and when you’re ready, please fill out this document:


This document is due (I gave you paper copies yesterday) at the end of class. Did you complete it? Just a visual check really. If you have something of worth for Monday, then everything will go to plan and Tuesday of next week, you can write the actual draft before the final on Wednesday/Thursday.

Friday of next week will be taken up by the last minute Musical Mondays.

So today is important for you to get your work done!

Resources for active verbs in academic papers:


January 11th, 12th, 2023

We will be watching the movie Smoke Signals today and a little bit of tomorrow.

You will be doing three things:

  1. Take a look at this “Theme Paper” – I also have paper copies. list_of_common_thematic_topics_new_revised
  2. Underline any common themes you see from Indian Horse to Smoke Signals.
  3. With the words you’ve underlined, make up “Theme statements” that connect the two pieces. I’d like for you to have five by the beginning of Friday so that you have something to share.

This is the story that the movie Smoke Signals is based on:

Short Story:

Phoenix Arizona

January 10th, 2023

Period 1:

In class write on the following prompt:

We talked in a general way about the cycle of addiction. Today, I would like for you to think about the book so far, and do an in class write on the nature of abuse / addiction in Indian Horse. I am choosing to do this as a quiet write rather than a discussion so as to not cause any uncomfortable feelings in the class.

Here is the question:

Why does Saul Indian Horse descend into alcoholism in Indian Horse? What do you think the nature of his disease reveals about the character’s journey?

Turn it in by the end of class.

Period 5:

We will be working on this today as a final mini-assignment for the book:

Informal Blogging

Take a look at my other students work before attempting your own – follow this link:

Indian Horse Blogs

January 9th, 2023

Musical Mondays Per 1:

Daniella S.




Think about these questions for tomorrow:

1. Have you been in situations where there were opportunities for drug or alcohol use? Did you feel pressured? Why or why not?

2. Why do you think some teens abuse drugs and alcohol? If you asked them, what reasons would they give for using? What other reasons might they have?

3. Imagine that it’s 25 years from now and you have a teenage son or daughter exactly the same age as you are now. What would you say to him or her about drinking and drugs?

4. When you feel down, stressed, lonely or bored, what do you do to feel better? Sometimes people “medicate” with drugs or alcohol to avoid difficult feelings. What are some healthier options?

5. It’s Friday night and you’ve been looking forward to hanging out with your friends all week. Your friend says he’ll give you a ride because he knows you’re stuck. You get there and it’s going great, but then you turn around and your ride is smoking a joint. What are your options? What would you do?

6. You are at a concert and someone offers you a pill to “enhance the experience.” If you were to take it, what are some of the possible consequences? If you chose not to take it, what would happen?

7. Have you ever seen anyone using alcohol or drugs make a fool of themselves? What happened? How would you feel if it were you?

8. When do you think people are old enough to make their own decisions about drinking and drugs? Do grownups always make good decisions? If you were in charge of setting the legal age, what would it be?

9. What can teens do to have a good time and to feel a rush of excitement other than doing drugs or drinking? In short, what else can teens be doing on a Saturday night?

10. Name two things you would like to accomplish by the time you graduate high school. How could drugs and alcohol use get in the way of those goals

Musical Mondays Per. 5:



Period 5 –

Friday, we talked in a general way about the cycle of addiction. Today, I would like for you to think about the book so far, and do an in class write on the nature of abuse / addiction in Indian Horse. I am choosing to do this as a quiet write rather than a discussion so as to not cause any uncomfortable feelings in the class.

Here is the question:

Why does Saul Indian Horse descend into alcoholism in Indian Horse? What do you think the nature of his disease reveals about the character’s journey?

Turn it in by the end of class.

Read to chapter 50 by tomorrow.

Look at the essay examples from the last blog post.

January 6-8, 2023

Some questions to think about and write down for discussion – spend 20 mins on this.

Friday, we talked in a general way about the cycle of addiction. Today, I would like for you to think about the book so far, and do an in class write on the nature of abuse / addiction in Indian Horse. I am choosing to do this as a quiet write rather than a discussion so as to not cause any uncomfortable feelings in the class.

Here is the question:

Why does Saul Indian Horse descend into alcoholism in Indian Horse? What do you think the nature of his disease reveals about the character’s journey?

Turn it in by the end of class.

Read to chapter 50 by tomorrow.

I have an essay example:

30 mins:


If we have time:

Read the article.


Before the pandemic, there was a fentanyl epidemic. People are trying to combat the overdoses here in BC. What are the pros and cons of this controversial decision?

What Richard Wagamese’s “Indian Horse” Taught Me

With Bell Let’s Talk day  and Acadia Mental Health Week recently passing, campus has been putting forth fantastic effort in addressing mental health stigma and promoting self-care. The progress is fantastic, especially when I look back on my first year at Acadia compared to now. However, there is still a crucial aspect to the conversation that has been pushed aside. The reality is that First Nations youth are dying by their own hands approximately 5 times more often than non-Indigenous youth. The statistics are even higher for Inuit peoples, which are indeed among the highest in the world. I knew of these statistics before, but it wasn’t until I read Richard Wagamese’s Indian Horse that it became a visceral reality instead of just statistical fact. Reducing these experiences to numbers and headlines has allowed us to distance ourselves from the issues prevalent within First Nations communities because we don’t feel anything for numbers or headlines. Our response begins and ends with “oh no, that’s terrible”, and then we go on with our lives because we have the privilege to do so.  But fiction has proven to be powerful truth. It is easy to see the news and think that you’re knowledgeable about an issue, but it isn’t until you hear the raw stories from the affected people themselves when you truly begin to put the pieces together.

Indian Horse- Richard Wagamese

This novel explores the life of Saul Indian Horse, an Ojibway boy who is telling his own story so that he can reclaim it. The story is told in first person, forcing the reader to experience the atrocities through the protagonist’s eyes. The reader follows Saul’s journey from a young boy living in the bush with his family to adolescence in the residential school system, and onward to adulthood where Saul develops a severe drinking problem like his parents before him. Often faced with dead friends and family, neglect, abuse, and blatant racism, Saul finds himself repressing the harsh reality he faces and opts to instead immerse himself in the world of hockey. A world that he loves but does not love him back. As Saul’s opportunities in life increase, so does the racial hostility. Although he has survived St. Jerome’s residential school, the weight of his life there follows him everywhere he goes until he finds the strength to tell, and remember, his story so that he can heal.

Wagamese’s novel serves two very important purposes. First, the story is a powerful reminder that reclaiming your story is a necessary component to healing. Second, Indian Horse answers the most important question we are left with when we see brutal statistics and headlines regarding First Nations addictions, mental health, and suicide epidemics. That question is “how?”. How are these statistics so high? How is this still happening? How does addiction relate to mental health? How can there be this much devastation among First Nation communities? Wagamese details the “how” by telling Saul’s story and, by extension, his own story. This kind of story can only come from a place of knowing, which means it is a story worth listening to. It connects the dots for those of us who have been privileged enough to never know the kind of struggle Wagamese writes about. After reading this novel, I am still asking “how?”, but now from a different context. How can I learn more? How can we teach each other? How can we help? I learned from Indian Horse is that it starts with listening.

January 4th, 2023

First half of the class is for you to get ready for the PowerPoints on discrimination in sport.

The second half of class is for those presentations. Volunteers first, then we will have everyone else.

Per 1 – Indian Horse Quiz Tomorrow

Per 5 – Catch up on the book

Friday will be the mini lesson on addiction & recovery for both classes.

January 3rd, 2023

PPT on racism in sport. Research time.

Watch this:



Here are the instructions:

Discrimination in Sports TK

December 16th, 2022

This will help you if you ever feel that you’re behind in reading:


We will watch some of the movie today.

Icing racism in hockey

Take these questions into consideration.

  1. How is prejudice / racism taught?
  2. How can we be tolerant and considerate, empathetic and inclusive to others? Why is this so hard for some people?
  3. We are dealing (in this whole unit) with the nature of reconciliation. What is Canada’s responsibility to make amends for the injustices committed upon the indigenous communities of the nation?

Period 5: Same thing as above, only with another element involved:

PPT on racism in sport. Research time.

Watch this:



Here are the instructions:

Discrimination in Sports TK

December 15th, 2022

Period 1:

10 minutes or so to get everything ready for the debate. The debate is the following prompt:

Be it resolved that schools should promote education and academics rather than sports in order to prepare students for a better future.

After that, I will assign you a reading –

In the upcoming chapters, there are certain events that will disgust you. This is natural, as we are talking about the nature of racism and prejudice. Where does it come from? Here is an article I would like for you to read.

Icing racism in hockey

Take these questions into consideration.

  1. How is prejudice / racism taught?
  2. How can we be tolerant and considerate, empathetic and inclusive to others? Why is this so hard for some people?
  3. We are dealing (in this whole unit) with the nature of reconciliation. What is Canada’s responsibility to make amends for the injustices committed upon the indigenous communities of the nation?

Period 5: Same thing as above, only with another element involved:

PPT on racism in sport. Research time.

Watch this:



Here are the instructions:

Discrimination in Sports TK

December 14th, 2022

We are now split:

Period 1: We will be doing a warm up debate for 25 minutes so that you get the rules down. Here is the warm up prompt:

Be it resolved that schools should promote education and academics rather than sports in order to prepare students for a better future.

I will assign you a side. I will tell you the rules. We will go through a mini mock debate. Then we will work on this real prompt (that we will work on for logical fallacies):

Be it resolved that Indigenous education should replace traditional Eurocentric education in BC schools.

Period 5: Here is the prompt:

Be it resolved that Indigenous education should replace traditional Eurocentric education in BC schools so that students have a full and accurate history of the true Canadian experience. 

Let’s argue this statement for accuracies before you start research. I will assign you groups again.

The debate should not take more than 50 minutes. After that, you can work on studying for the quiz tomorrow.

December 13th, 2022

Period 1: Gaby will present her “Tuneful Tuesdays.”

Today, since we need to switch things up once in a while will be different.

I promised my friend Mr. Karmali that we’d support his entrepreneur 12 class in the Foyer.  So go there – enjoy some time. Learn something Come back at 9:20AM and give me a takeaway from the experience. What did you learn? Bring money.

Period 5: Debate prep / debate today. Quiz on chapter 10-22 Thursday. Racism in Hockey Friday.

Be it resolved that schools should promote education and academics rather than sports in order to prepare students for a better future.

We will go over the rules of engagement together.


This is a participation mark, so if I see you into the topic and working well with others – respectful of differing opinions, then you will receive an instant A for this assignment.


December 12th, 2022

Daniella C








Period 1, if we have time, we can finish the discussion.

Period 5, we WILL have time, so let’s continue the day to the next part of our discussion on the text. By Wednesday, you should finish through chapter 22 in the book.

What does this suggest about the role the church played in the Residential School experience?

Read the brief document Church Apologies for Indian Residential Schools.


Is there any sign of anger in this document? What might this indicate? What does this article
suggest about the role the church played in the residential school experience?

Together we will watch The Secret Path.


What do you









December 9th, 2022

15 minutes or so to complete those questions.

We will have a discussion today.  This will be graded in the same formatting as What You Pawn I Will Redeem. Talk or turn in. Both is preferable.

If we have time, we’ll watch The Secret Path and continue the story.

There’s a small (don’t stress) quiz on the novel up to chapter 22 on Wednesday. Today we will be looking at the character of Saul and what the residential school experience was like.

Anticipation Guide
Carefully examine the image below.

What does this suggest about the role the church played in the Residential School experience?

Read the brief document Church Apologies for Indian Residential Schools.


Is there any sign of anger in this document? What might this indicate? What does this article
suggest about the role the church played in the residential school experience?

Together we will watch The Secret Path.


December 7th & 8th, 2022

And as we proceed, here are the discussion / comp questions for you.

Questions chapter 1-10    DUE FRIDAY! I have to stress this.


If English class is about learning life lessons, about learning about the human condition, then where can we find the answers to these questions in literature, movies, the media, life?

  1. How does one build resilience in the face of extreme discrimination?
  2. How can resilience lead to survival?
  3. How does one resist injustice?
  4. How does one reconcile after suffering oppression?
  5. Where does one find beauty in the face of extreme conflict?
  6. What does reconciliation look like?

Choose ONE to respond to in an informal post (Word document for now). What do you think is the answer? Can you think of any sources you could use to answer the question? What questions do you have that “stem” from this question? (In other words, expand on this question to make more concise)

Informal Blogging

December 6th, 2022

This is the text we will be using. I will print out chapters 1-10 for you.

Indian Horse – Richard Wagamese

So I will assign the books for you today. This is our first assignment – It is a group based assignment. I am very excited for what you come up with.

Introduction Activities

And as we proceed, here are the discussion / comp questions for you.

Questions chapter 1-10

December 5th, 2022

If we have time after the presentations, we will continue the discussion started on Friday. The desks can remain where they are.

Musical Mondays Today:

Per 1:




Per 5:





December 2nd, 2022

Discussion. 15 minutes to prepare, then we’ll move the desks in a circle in order to get this thing going. The bigger the ideas, the better the grade.

Look at yesterday’s blog for the questions and the story.

December 1st, 2022

Today, we will be reading a story without introduction.

What you Pawn, I will Redeem Alexie

Here are some questions to think about before we move on to the novel. We’ll try and go through a few today, the rest tomorrow. Questions and graded discussion Friday.

  1. In “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” what is the purpose or symbolism behind the three Aleut Indians?
  2. How would you describe the narrator of this story?
  3. What are some of the literary elements used in Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”?
  4. Is there a bias? If so, what is the nature in the story?
  5. What does Jackson do with the money he gets?
  6. Who is Jackson and what does his quest symbolize?
  7. In Sherman Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” how is Jackson alienated from the community? How does he respond?
  8. How does Jackson Jackson change as a result of completing his hero’s journey in Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”?
  9. What challenges does Jackson face in trying to get the $999 dollars in “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”?
  10. In Sherman Alexie’s short story “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” does Jackson really work hard for the money at the end of the story like he says?
  11. Identify the historical era Sherman Alexie is writing about in “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and its significance to the story.
  12. In “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” how does Sherman Alexie show belonging ?
  13. In the opening of “What You Pawn, I Will Redeem,” explain what the protagonist means when he says “it’s my secret story, and Indians have to work hard to keep secrets from hungry white folks.”
  14. In Sherman Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” is Jackson a reliable narrator? Is his story believable? Is it important for Jackson to be reliable or his story to be believable?
  15. How does Sherman Alexie complicate stereotypical notions about American Indians in “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”?
  16. How does Sherman Alexie in his story, “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” complicate stereotypical notions about American Indians?
  17. What is regalia, as mentioned in “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and why is it valuable?
  18. Is there an epiphany in What You Pawn I Will Redeem?

This unit is discussion heavy. I would like for you to be attentive and have respect for the material we will be discussing.

November 30th, 2022

Do you need more time for the short Story?  This is due tonight Midnight.

Today, we will be reading a story without introduction.

What you Pawn, I will Redeem Alexie

Here are some questions to think about before we move on to the novel. We’ll try and go through a few today, the rest tomorrow. Questions and graded discussion Friday.

  1. In “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” what is the purpose or symbolism behind the three Aleut Indians?
  2. How would you describe the narrator of this story?
  3. What are some of the literary elements used in Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”?
  4. Is there a bias? If so, what is the nature in the story?
  5. What does Jackson do with the money he gets?
  6. Who is Jackson and what does his quest symbolize?
  7. In Sherman Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” how is Jackson alienated from the community? How does he respond?
  8. How does Jackson Jackson change as a result of completing his hero’s journey in Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”?
  9. What challenges does Jackson face in trying to get the $999 dollars in “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”?
  10. In Sherman Alexie’s short story “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” does Jackson really work hard for the money at the end of the story like he says?
  11. Identify the historical era Sherman Alexie is writing about in “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and its significance to the story.
  12. In “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” how does Sherman Alexie show belonging ?
  13. In the opening of “What You Pawn, I Will Redeem,” explain what the protagonist means when he says “it’s my secret story, and Indians have to work hard to keep secrets from hungry white folks.”
  14. In Sherman Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” is Jackson a reliable narrator? Is his story believable? Is it important for Jackson to be reliable or his story to be believable?
  15. How does Sherman Alexie complicate stereotypical notions about American Indians in “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”?
  16. How does Sherman Alexie in his story, “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” complicate stereotypical notions about American Indians?
  17. What is regalia, as mentioned in “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and why is it valuable?
  18. Is there an epiphany in What You Pawn I Will Redeem?

This unit is discussion heavy. I would like for you to be attentive and have respect for the material we will be discussing.

November 29th, 2022

Short Story Peer Editing Checklist

Please get things done – have at least one of these filled out for the end of class. Printouts will be handed out. Use this time wisely.

November 28th, 2022

Musical Mondays Presentations:

Per 1                                                                                                     Per 5









November 24th & 25th, 2022

Now you will be expanding all of your outlines to a rough draft that is due tomorrow at the end of class. This is a chance for you to get feedback so get the rough draft of the story turned in by Friday so that on Tuesday (November 29th), you can have the final day of working on your short stories to get feedback and finished by the end of the class

Short Story Checklists and Examples:

Peer Review:

Short Story Peer Editing Checklist

I have printed out some copies of this as well if you feel as though you need a physical copy.

November 23rd, 2022

In class write for the reader response. 75 minutes – timed. Turn in by the end of class.

November 22nd, 2022

Today you will read this and do all of the necessary outline for tomorrow’s in class write / final reader response. This is a quiet class as it is treated like a final.

Here is the story:

THe Seventh Voyage Text

Here is the data response question sheet:

Seventh Voyage RR Questions


Remember – do the structure as follows:

  1. Find your opinion with these 6 questions:
  • Do you like or dislike the text?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the writer?
  • Does the text clash with your personal views?
  • How does the text relate to you personally?
  • To what extent did the text challenge or change your opinions or beliefs?
  • Did you learn anything from the text? If so, what did you learn?
  • What is your overall reaction to the text?

2. Organize your thoughts into a 3 paragraph essay / response.

3. Final paper structure: (For Wednesday)

  1. Summarize (briefly) the text
  2. give your own opinion on why it was good / bad.
  3. Connect the thematic statement to a personal anecdote or philosophy that you have.
  4. How does your view fit in the bigger picture?



November 21st, 2022

Musical Mondays Per. 1

Veronica & Faith




Musical Mondays Per. 5





If we have time after the presentations, you have the class to work on the ideas for your short stories – to turn in that outline. Tomorrow and Wednesday will be the final.

November 18th, 2022

Two items for consideration:

  1. Outline of your short story – prove to me you have something worthy to work on next week. THIS IS CRUCIAL FOR NEXT WEEK! Finish by the end of class today.
  2. read this text for next week when you write an in class reader response. THe Seventh Voyage Text

November 17th, 2022

This class will be more like yesterday, Only today you will have finished your reader responses and now you’re working on an outline for your time travel short stories and reading “The Seventh Voyage” by Stanislaw Lem.

For Period 5, I will be leaving so you have my personal hero Mr. Ipe. Just get to work, don’t make trouble and get stuff done.

The outline for the short story will be due at the end of class. 

THe Seventh Voyage Text

Here is the data response question sheet:

Seventh Voyage RR Questions

Short Story Checklists and Examples:

Peer Review:

Short Story Peer Editing Checklist



Outline Due Wednesday!!

Time Travel Short Story Ideas

One of my favorites:

Only Time Will.Tell

November 16th, 2022

You will be reading the story “The Seventh Voyage” by Stanislaw Lem. This is solo reading. After, you will be finishing the previous reader response and starting a new one.  Please complete the data response for tomorrow evening. This is merely a completion grade you check off at the end of the day. The good draft for “Yesterday was Monday” is due tonight.

Here is the story:

THe Seventh Voyage Text

Here is the data response question sheet:

Seventh Voyage RR Questions

Short Story Checklists and Examples:

Peer Review:

Short Story Peer Editing Checklist



Outline Due Wednesday!!

Time Travel Short Story Ideas

One of my favorites:

Only Time Will.Tell

November 15th, 2022

Did you answer the questions? 10/15 mins for that.

Let’s come up with some questions regarding the text.

  1. Could the entire story itself be a production?
  2. Why do you think the author chose to put so many references to religion?
  3. How will the knowledge of ‘before and after’ time affect Harry’s actions? Will he tell others?
  4. Is the story all in Harry’s head? Could it be all a dream?
  5. Why did everything in the story play out like a production? What is the reasoning behind the ‘theatre’ motif?
  6. Who do think the “audience” of the play is?
  7. Was Harry based off  someone in Sturgeon’s own life?
  8. Who are the main characters of this ‘play’ everyone is involved with?
  9. Who are the little people? Are they dead? lost souls? in limbo? in hell?
  10. Where did the author get the idea to write this story? Why do authors write about the afterlife or what is outside of time?

B. After that, you come up with a theme statement.

Ex. Very special conditions must be satisfied before one may assert the identity in time, the duration of a given existent. The permanence of marble, over which time passes almost imperceptibly, differs so essentially from the permanence of a living being that one questions the usefulness of joining them under the same concept.


C. Choose a theme statement to use that works with your personal views.


D. Now you have all the ‘data’ needed, structure the 1-3 paragraph response like this:

  1. Summarize (briefly) the text
  2. give your own opinion on why it was good / bad.
  3. Connect the thematic statement to a personal anecdote or philosophy that you have.
  4. How does your view fit in the bigger picture?

Turn it in by tonight, 11:59PM

November 14th, 2022

Musical Monday (Kaitlyn per.1)

Revisiting the Reader Response:

Yesterday was Monday (Sturgeon):

Yesterday was Monday

Permanence in linear time

Besides time, we sense that history, science, craftsmanship, and perhaps even theology all come together in this Gordian clockwork of “Yesterday Was Monday”, and all these presented as the almost-believably realistic scenes and events experienced by an ordinary guy who happens to wake up on Wednesday before it’s quite finished.

Reader Response:

A. You should have all the following questions completed:

  1. Do you agree or disagree with the writer’s choices in the story? Would you have made different choices to make the text better?
  2. What’s the overall message? Does the message clash with your personal views?
  3. How does the text relate to you personally?
  4. To what extent did the text challenge or change your opinions or beliefs?
  5. Did you learn anything from the text? If so, what did you learn?
  6. What is your overall reaction to the text? Why did you [dis] like the text?


B. After that, you come up with a theme statement.

Ex. Very special conditions must be satisfied before one may assert the identity in time, the duration of a given existent. The permanence of marble, over which time passes almost imperceptibly, differs so essentially from the permanence of a living being that one questions the usefulness of joining them under the same concept.


C. Choose a theme statement to use that works with your personal views.


D. Now you have all the ‘data’ needed, structure the 1-3 paragraph response like this:

  1. Summarize (briefly) the text
  2. give your own opinion on why it was good / bad.
  3. Connect the thematic statement to a personal anecdote or philosophy that you have.
  4. How does your view fit in the bigger picture?

November 10th, 2022

Finish the “All you Zombies” outlines today.

I have a small worksheet I’d like for you to complete if you’re done with the outlines.

Task Part 1:

You will take the flash fictions you have written and, with a partner, come up with an idea on how you can take this mini story and make it have an element of time travel.

These are the time travel concepts we came up with at the beginning of the unit – please review them first with me, then with a partner. This exercise is more of a review. You don’t have to commit to anything yet:

  1. Seeing the Future

In these stories, it is actually information that travels through time. And this might be the most scientifically plausible form of time travel, one that is already happening all the time on the quantum level.

Visions of the future have shown up in literature and mythology for millennia, it’s just that we used to call them prophecy. But the fundamental storytelling device has changed little, even as it evolved with the times, manifesting in various communication technologies. Characters connect to the future through newspapers (the film It Happened Tomorrow, which inspired the show Early Edition), letters (The Lake House), radio (Frequency), photography (Time Lapse) and now, the Internet (my own recent novel The Future Is Yours, the reason I’m interested in sorting all this out.)

All these stories of peering forward in time differentiate into two categories on the basis of one crucial question: If you see the future, can you change it?

1a: Stories of Inevitable Foresight 

These are stories where the future can be seen—but ultimately, what you see can’t be stopped.

The archetype for this form is one of the oldest works of dramatic literature in the Western canon—Sophocles’ play Oedipus Rex, where the titular king is warned by the seer Tiresias that he will murder his father and wed his mother… and despite his best efforts to the contrary, he ends up inadvertently doing just that (and then gouges his eyes out for good measure).

Stories of inevitable prediction speak to one of our deepest fears: that we have no free will, no agency, no power to control our fate. A glimpse of the future, foreknowledge of what’s to come, only ends up causing the events we aim to prevent.

Sound depressing? Maybe that’s why it’s a theme that spoke to sci-fi author Philip K. Dick, author of Minority Report— which is, for all its superficial differences, a story very similar to Oedipus Rex. It features a trio of precogs who dream of future-murders, and a cop assigned to prevent such killings—until he finds himself accused of one himself.

Dick was a pessimist about the prospect of free will, and in his story (spoiler alert!) his character ends up going through with the predicted murder. But perhaps unsurprisingly, when Steven Spielberg got hold of the same material, the outcome changed, and Tom Cruise’s version of the character was able to alter his destiny. How? Sheer force of movie-star charisma mostly. Which brings us to—

1b: Stories of Preventable Foresight

Other stories of seeing the future treat altering the timeline as quite evitable. In fact, the very act of viewing what’s ahead empowers the individual to change things, and prevent the foreseen events from coming to pass. That’s how Early Edition worked, with Kyla Chandler given the thankless daily task of averting tragedies only he could foresee.

But the prototype for this story form can be traced at least to 1843, in A Christmas Carol. Yes, even Dickens wrote some timey-wimey shenanigans; what else are the Ghosts of Christmas Past and Yet To Come? And when Scrooge beholds the pitiful sight of Tiny Tim dead, and his own neglected grave, he is promised a chance to rewrite the narrative if he can merely change his ways.

Which means that Dickens was much more of an optimist than Sophocles or Philip K. Dick. Being able to see the future and change it, whether through an epiphany or a magical newspaper, is the sort of world most of us want to believe in… whether that’s the way things actually work or not.

But in other types of stories, it’s not only information that travels through time. Many stories concern people getting to do so too—and the way authors treat those journeys says just as much about who they are and how they view the world.

  1. Traveling to the future

One of the clearest progenitors of the time travel narrative, H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine, is about a man zipping off into the distant future. But the world he encounters—one full of peaceful Eloi and belligerent Morlocks—is so disconnected from our own, it’s hard to know why it’s not simply a story about aliens on another planet.

This points to a problem with time-travel forward. The future feels so unknowable, it often ends up being less interesting than we’d expect. That’s why some “travel into the future” stories make our present the future of the characters—like Time After Time, which features Jack the Ripper fleeing 1890’s London and winding up (via a time-machine that belongs to H.G. Wells) in 1970’s San Francisco (it’s as ridiculous as it sounds, and well worth a watch). But this plot device is really no different from the fish-out-of-water Rip Van Winkle premise, dressed up with technology.

Perhaps this is why “travel into the future” has perhaps been used most effectively as a last-minute twist ending, as in the original Planet of the Apes.

In other words—time-travel into the future is just not that special… maybe because we’re doing it all the time, at a consistent rate of 60 minutes per hour. And given that our own lifetimes have witnessed such seismic changes in technology and society, do we really need to imagine a cosmic leap forward to see things that will blow our minds?

That’s why the most interesting physical-time-travel stories have focused on…

  1. Traveling to the Past

Some of these stories are just touristy jaunts that don’t bother with the ramifications of intervening in history (like A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court). Which is fine and well, but more interesting are stories that grapple with the question: Can we alter the past? And by implication… can we alter our own present? Which breaks the category down into two distinct groups…

3A: Changing History

Perhaps the most intuitive mode of time travel is where characters travel to the past, and in doing so, alter the present they left behind. Back to the Future is probably the most popular of all. It’s fun to meet your teenage parents, but if you mess things up, you risk erasing yourself from existence. So then you have to… fight off your mom’s sexual advances and help your dad save her from getting raped? (Yeah, I didn’t really get how messed-up that was as a kid either…) Fix the past, fix the present, life goes on.

Of course, beyond just keeping your parents married and yourself in the family portrait, what people dream of is using time travel to fix history, the easiest go-to being the plot to kill baby Hitler. But in the massive time travel canon, it’s almost exclusively villains who try to rewrite the past. Very few stories feature heroes changing history for the better. Butterfly effects are almost always negative, and even the most well-intentioned time travel plans (like saving Kennedy from assassination in Stephen King’s 11/22/63) result in horrible misfortune for the world (catastrophic earthquakes in that case, for, ya know, reasons).

All of which points to the fact that on some profound level, as much as our minds love playing with the possibilities of altering the timeline, we are deeply attached to the one we have, and innately suspicious of any effort to correct it. Which is why we have…

3B: Immutable Timelines

Stories where characters find themselves fundamentally incapable of altering history,  regardless of their level of intervention. 12 Monkeys (and the French film it’s based on, La Jetee) tells the story of a time traveler seeking to prevent an apocalyptic manmade plague. He ultimately fails and realizes, too late, that as a child he witnessed the death of himself, as an older time traveler. The ending is incredibly satisfying—despite the fact that it’s profoundly fatalistic, suggestive of a world in which not even high-tech time-bending can save the human race from killing itself.

A less fatalistic example of this approach to time-rules is found in Avengers:Endgame, in which the characters travel to various moments throughout Marvel history to steal Infinity Stones (think Oceans 11 with a lot of fan-service). Smart Hulk (yes, seriously) gives the stipulation that history will “heal” itself of their interventions, preserving the timeline. On its face, this sounds like a lame gimme of a screenwriting rule — but turns out, it’s actually reasonably well-supported by recent experiments on quantum time travel. Science and sci-fi both point to the same idea: we can’t change the past.

  1. Time loop

Which brings us to the final category—the pinnacle of unalterability—stories where a character is stuck reliving the same day again and again. The prototype here is the 1993 comedy Groundhog Day. The formula it set out brilliantly has been replicated in other genres, including but not limited to YA melodrama (Before I Fall), slasher-horror (Happy Death Day), sci-fi action with aliens (Edge of Tomorrow), sci-fi action without aliens (Source Code, ARQ), episodic existential-dramedy (Russian Doll) and then circling all the way back to comedy again in last year’s Palm Springs.

These films don’t merely share a high-concept, they all have essentially the same theme: life doesn’t change until you change. Which would seem to make them remarkably unoriginal, if not for the surprising fact that they’re ALL good. (Seriously, I’ll go to bat for Before I Fall). No doubt there are some bad time-loop movies that I missed, but the fact that one hyper-specific premise has resulted in so many excellent movies points to the fact that there is a deep, resonant truth to the notion of being trapped in time.

Of course, this is only a partial taxonomy of time travel, but even this incomplete catalogue points to a few key takeaways. Most time travel stories are cautionary tales. Attempting to meddle with history is punished; defying prophecy is futile; the best we can do is pull a Marty McFly and close the Pandora’s box we opened in the first place. These stories, for all their far-flung leaps through space and time, are ultimately about how, if we want to change our lived reality, we need to start with ourselves.

Our job is to look through these four types of stories and find a universal truth to why we are obsessed with the notion of time – the true ruler of us all.

Task Part 2:

Come up with a rough outline for one of these time travel plot ideas:

Time Travel Short Story Ideas

November 9th, 2022

Today we’re reading a new story: All You Zombies. (Fact: It’s not about zombies)

You will also learn a new word: Solipsism. Look it up.

Here is the text:


Now today’s assignment is going away from the usual written response / comprehension questions.

I will give you paper  – on which you are to draw a timeline. You have to sort out this story so that it makes sense to you. At the end of the class, I will take your “Timelines” and see if you came up with something that is tangible and related to the story.

Let’s practice with this 1950’s song:

I’m My Own Grandpa


1. On September 20, 1945, the Bartender drops off baby Jane at an orphanage. She grows up there. She dreams of joining one of the “comfort organizations” dedicated to providing R&R for spacemen.

2. Nearly 18 years later, the man who refers to himself as “an unmarried mother” is dropped off at April 3, 1963, by the Bartender. He meets and, after some weeks of dating, seduces and impregnates the 17-year-old Jane, who has an intersex condition. From Jane’s point of view, he then disappears. Actually, he has been retrieved by the Bartender, and taken to 1985 (see sixth bullet point).

3. Jane learns that she is pregnant by the now-missing unknown man. After giving birth by C-section, she is found to be a “true hermaphrodite” who has been severely damaged by the pregnancy and birth; on waking she learns that she has been subjected (without her consent) to a “sex change” which reassigns her sex to male.

4. On March 10, 1964, the Bartender kidnaps the baby and takes it back in time to the orphanage (see first bullet point). Jane, now male, becomes a stenographer, and then a writer. Whenever he is asked his occupation, he replies, somewhat truculently, “I’m an unmarried mother—at four cents a word. I write confession stories.” He becomes a regular at the bar where the narrator, the Bartender, works, but does not interact with him significantly for six years.

5. On November 7, 1970, the Bartender meets the Unmarried Mother, yells at the customer playing “I’m My Own Grandpa“, conducts the Unmarried Mother into the back office, and takes him back to 1963 to “find” (and, ostensibly, get revenge upon) the man who got him pregnant (see second bullet point). He returns to the bar, seconds after going into the back room, and allows the customer to play the song. From his own point of view, he has carried out his mission of ensuring his own existence.

6. On August 12, 1985, the Bartender travels to 1963 and retrieves the Unmarried Mother — whom he had left there (then?) during the events of the fifth (and second) bullet point(s) — to the Rockies base and enlists him (actually a younger version of himself) in the Temporal Bureau.

7. On January 12, 1993, the Bartender, who is also Jane/mother/father/Unmarried Mother, arrives back at his base from 1970 to think about his life.

November 8th, 2022

Here’s the Musical Monday final list for sign up. Memorize your dates: Musical Mondays Final Sign up

Needle in a Timestack

So by now, I’m sure you’re aware that if one changes even the slightest thing in the past, then the consequences could be dire.

This next story is one that is similar in theory, but has a few differences. Basically, it’s about a jealous ex-boyfriend trying to mess up a happy marriage by trying to erase the married couple’s past. Pretty cool idea.

Yet this is the day I will teach you about “reader Response. Look at this graphic I stole of the internet:

So I will put down these questions that are in the graphic – please write out in a 1-3 paragraph response your reaction to this text after you finish reading it:

  • Do you like or dislike the text?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the writer?
  • Does the text clash with your personal views?
  • How does the text relate to you personally?
  • To what extent did the text challenge or change your opinions or beliefs?
  • Did you learn anything from the text? If so, what did you learn?
  • What is your overall reaction to the text?

For the discussion, you are to look back at the response you have just written and come up with a claim (thesis) summarizing everything you’ve written.

Example: You wrote about how both Mikkelsen and Janine are both fighting to keep their love in tact. So you can summarize with “Love is seen of as fleeting, yet something worth fighting for in Silverberg’s “Needle in a Timestack.”

November 7th, 2022

FINAL GUIDELINES: Musical Mondays Final guidelines

This class is to create an outline for your final. This is where you ask questions. Your outline is due at the end of class. It is a participation mark.


Musical Mondays Final Presentation Guide

Now that you’ve seen six different styles of how musical genres and themes can be connected, it’s your turn to come up with a final presentation and paper that is a culmination of all the connective tissue of writing and presenting in class. I will list them for you.

  1. Literary Lenses
  2. Literary Analysis
  3. Musical / Poetry Analysis
  4. Creativity
  5. Reader Response Evaluation

Today is the first day of your preparation for the final. Here are some things you need to do so that when you write your paper, you will have all of the necessary evidence and prerequisites.

There are two parts to the final. You will be graded as a group.

Part 1 – Paper guidelines (Do this first):

Critical response multi-paragraphs do not simply summarize the text or evaluate whether you like the text; they are a three paragraphs, persuasive, and focused analysis, argument, or interpretation about the text. They not only help you think critically about the texts you read but also help you formulate ideas that can be expanded into longer essays. There are four parts to a critical response multi-paragraph:

You will be doing your own analysis / question and answer on lyrics or musical elements. I would like to see the outline (which are the questions I’ve been making you do for seven weeks) and a final paper that is well polished with a thesis and topic sentences with evidence from the songs themselves.

1) an argumentative topic sentence,

2) evidence in the form of quotations or paraphrases for the argument you are making,

3) interpretation of your evidence in relation to the argument, and

4) a strong concluding statement.

Note: This is a review and collaboration of your lens paragraphs and reader responses – an extended idea that is fully developed and flows well.

Part 2: Presentation guidelines

Follow these directions in a PPT / Presentation:

Before you play the song – discuss this / present this to the audience:

  1. What is your song?
  2. What Genre is your song?
  3. Explain the lyrics of the song
  4. Hand in your written paper to me (see above, example below)
  5. Play the song
  6. Hand out discussion questions
  7. Discuss
  8. Provide everyone with a final ‘takeaway statement’

November 4th, 2022

Needle in a Timestack

So by now, I’m sure you’re aware that if one changes even the slightest thing in the past, then the consequences could be dire.

This next story is one that is similar in theory, but has a few differences. Basically, it’s about a jealous ex-boyfriend trying to mess up a happy marriage by trying to erase the married couple’s past. Pretty cool idea.

Yet this is the day I will teach you about “reader Response. Look at this graphic I stole of the internet:

So I will put down these questions that are in the graphic – please write out in a 1-3 paragraph response your reaction to this text after you finish reading it:

  • Do you like or dislike the text?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the writer?
  • Does the text clash with your personal views?
  • How does the text relate to you personally?
  • To what extent did the text challenge or change your opinions or beliefs?
  • Did you learn anything from the text? If so, what did you learn?
  • What is your overall reaction to the text?

For the discussion, you are to look back at the response you have just written and come up with a claim (thesis) summarizing everything you’ve written.

Example: You wrote about how both Mikkelsen and Janine are both fighting to keep their love in tact. So you can summarize with “Love is seen of as fleeting, yet something worth fighting for in Silverberg’s “Needle in a Timestack.”

November 3rd, 2022

Sound of Thunder

SOund of thunder Questions

We will have the discussion of A Sound of Thunder first, then will start our next story:

Needle in a Timestack

So by now, I’m sure you’re aware that if one changes even the slightest thing in the past, then the consequences could be dire.

This next story is one that is similar in theory, but has a few differences. Basically, it’s about a jealous ex-boyfriend trying to mess up a happy marriage by trying to erase the married couple’s past. Pretty cool idea.

Yet this is the day I will teach you about “reader Response. Look at this graphic I stole of the internet:

So I will put down these questions that are in the graphic – please write out in a 1-3 paragraph response your reaction to this text after you finish reading it:

  • Do you like or dislike the text?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the writer?
  • Does the text clash with your personal views?
  • How does the text relate to you personally?
  • To what extent did the text challenge or change your opinions or beliefs?
  • Did you learn anything from the text? If so, what did you learn?
  • What is your overall reaction to the text?

For the discussion, you are to look back at the response you have just written and come up with a claim (thesis) summarizing everything you’ve written.

Example: You wrote about how both Mikkelsen and Janine are both fighting to keep their love in tact. So you can summarize with “Love is seen of as fleeting, yet something worth fighting for in Silverberg’s “Needle in a Timestack.”

November 1st, 2nd, 2022

I will read for you this short story. Please read along with me.

We will do a pre / during / post reading of this text in a worksheet.

Here is the story:

Sound of Thunder

Here is the worksheet. It is due tomorrow at midnight.

SOund of thunder Questions

I am excited to publish the new unit: Time Travel.

Today, we will take it rather easily. We’re going to have a discussion on what Science Fiction genres are.

Here is a run down of what we will be doing –

V3.5_21_Time Travel Short Fiction Introduction

Discussion Questions: (Write, then discuss with a partner)

  1. What is the definition of Science Fiction?
  2. What are some examples of science fiction stories? (Movies, Manga, Fiction etc.)
  3. Is science fiction an effective genre? Why or why not?
  4. What sub-genres of science fiction can you think of?

On Thursday, we will be starting a short story that might hurt your brain.

The short stories I have chosen for this specific unit are ordered and as follows:

A Sound of Thunder

Needle in a Timestack

All You Zombies

The Seventh Voyage

Yesterday Was Monday

And if we have time: This is one of the academic skills I want you to take away:

V2_Reader Response TTU

Thursday, April 14th

October 31st, 2022

Songs that Define a Generation


Every generation has an anthem or song that defines them. Music, as we’ve found out, is subjective and personal. Yet there are some songs, factoring in where those songs were played, (For example – an American wouldn’t think that the Korean song “Come Back Home” by Seotaiji would define their American cultural experience in the 1990’s) contribute very heavily to the generation it was played.

I have touched upon North American generational connections from 1968-2004 for this assignment. After 2004, I stopped caring because I moved away:


  1. Say it loud, I’m Black and Proud – James Brown 1968



  1. God Save the Queen – Sex Pistols 1976



  1. Don’t You Forget about Me – Simple Minds 1985



  1. Fight the Power – Public Enemy – 1989



  1. Smells Like Teen Spirit – Nirvana 1991



  1. Hey Ya _Outcast 2003



These seven songs are not the definitive voice of a 35-year period, but their lyrics were cutting edge; the songs themselves were completely new and fresh, daring and authentic.

Your job is to look for a connection between self and society. What is the song of your generation? Go through these questions for the criteria to be met:


  1. Describe your generation in five descriptive words (Adjectives).


  1. What is the music that you and your peers are into (if anything?) Who are your heroes? What is ‘popular’ now currently? How has that changed from your past? As a contrast, what is uncool? Be as specific as possible.


  1. Focus on other areas of popular media that have to do with your generation. What are they? Why are they important to you and your friends?


  1. Create a slogan (phrase that is marketable) for your generation.


A. Example: We don’t care about your rules! Freedom unites us all!


  1. Choose a song that is an emblem (guidepost) for your generation OR goes with the slogan you’ve just created. Tell me about the song a little bit.

October 28th, 2022

Okay, first thing is to come up with a proposal – I will talk to all of you about your ideas for the project. See yesterday’s blog for clarification on due dates. You have today and a little bit of Monday to work on this.

Good luck.

October 27th, 2022

Please work on your podcasts today. You can work around the school in a quiet area if you would like to. If you need podcast microphones, I have two available.

Tomorrow, please commit to a final project and finish your journals. You only have two days to work on this in class.

Due dates:

Podcast: Friday Midnight 10/28

Journals: Monday Midnight 10/31  (spooky)

Independent novel final Wednesday 11/2

October 25th, 2022

Reading (Last Chance)

This is an overview I will go over with you again. This document shapes our week this week.

What is the independent Novel Study Project?

Here is the project:

Independent Project Final_2021

And here is the rubric:


And here is the journal for Independent reading:

Independent reading Journals

The first task, and I don’t mind if this goes through to tomorrow, is to create a raw podcast of sorts with others who have the same questions as you. These are the questions I would like to give you about 20 minutes by yourself to jot down answers to.  Then I will put you in ‘proximity groups’ so that you can record your conversations.

Here are the questions:

Independent book questions podcast V3

You have the class to work on your essays. They are due TONIGHT TUESDAY OCTOBER 25, 2022.

October 24th, 2022

Reading – Musical Mondays postponed until next Monday. We are busy this week.

This week: Finish the essays by Wednesday / turn in film packages / independent reading finals.

Today, you will be working on a peer review on the rough draft you turned in Friday / this morning.

This is the peer review sheet along with the rubric I will be using for your final papers.

Peer Review 3PP Essay Structure

You have the class today to do a peer review and apply these changes directly to your good copy. Make use of your time. You have through Friday to finish, but put your best effort into the final result.

October 19th, 2022 & October 20th, 2022

ROUGH DRAFT DUE TONIGHT MIDNIGHT! (October 20th) Turn into teams!

Here are some examples of what I’m looking for.

back to the future essay _Arianna

Back to the Future Essay_Jack

What is the purpose of a chosen cinematic element (lighting / sound/  camera/ editing)  in Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands, and how does it add to the film’s theme? Use reasons and specific evidence to support your answer.

Once again, you should be working on this essay today. By the end of the class, I would like for you to have a working first draft. Keep checking with me and I will tell you if you’re on the right track or not. Here is the information again:


This is for specific areas in which you need help for your writing. This resource is fantastic for brushing up on grammar, punctuation and writing skills. We will look at this during the week.


Step 1.

Fill out this section. Your thesis is what will drive the 1-3PP essay:

Tim Burton in Edward Scissorhands uses _____________________________ in order

                                                                                                          Cinematic element

to ____________________________________________________________________.

                                             Achieve what purpose

For example,____________________________________________________________.

                           Provide evidence from the text to support  the topic sentence.







                                             Reflective commentary



                                                Sentence of closure/summary

You are to work with what notes you have to come up with a cohesive paper that is a representation of your learning of the terminology and of the analytical paragraphs you have worked on up until this point.

Another way of looking at this is to think about the lens paragraphs you had for the last major assignment and then apply it to this paper – as they are both “Literary Analysis” papers.

Like any model for composition, this is open to criticism. For instance, these paragraphs tend to become formulaic and predictable in structure. Excellent paragraphs, certainly, don’t always follow this or any guide. This guide might help, however, especially in the beginning stages of writing about literature.

October 18th, 2022

I won’t be here today. I am still getting over this sickness.

I would like you to work on putting all of your notes together. Look at these thesis statements and choose one. Try and connect evidence to it. This is your task today. I will look over it tomorrow.

Optional Thesis Statements I

  1. In Edward Scissorhands, Burton uses specific camera angles and framing techniques to highlight the different power-dynamics and project emotion onto the audience.
  2. In Edward Scissorhands, Burton uses editing techniques to show the urgency of time the characters face throughout the film.
  3. In Zemeckis’ Back to the Future, the lighting  demonstrates different lighting techniques to enhance the characteristics of the protagonists.
  4. In Edward Scissorhands, Burton utilizes camera movement to draw in the audience and provide maximum engagement by emphasizing the expressions and actions of each character, while simultaneously adding more depth to the plot of the film.  
  5. Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands uses both Diegetic & non- Diegetic sounds in order to create anticipation or inform us of coming events and create an emotional connection from character to audience.

Optional Thesis Statements II

  1. In Edward Scissorhands, Burton shows sound in order to draw in the attention of the audience for the entirety of the film.
  2. In Edward Scissorhands, Burton uses Lighting in order to enhance the personalities of the characters in the film.
  3. In Edward Scissorhands, Burton shows camera movement in order to accentuate the characters struggles and triumphs as well as make the message of the film clearer.
  4. In Edward Scissorhands, Burton shows camera angles to show the power differences between characters and display the main focuses on this power structure throughout each scene.

We have now finished the movie. We will do this paper in steps. First, I will go over a little about essay structure, so you’re not completely lost.



This is for specific areas in which you need help for your writing. This resource is fantastic for brushing up on grammar, punctuation and writing skills. We will look at this during the week.


Step 1.

Fill out this section. Your thesis is what will drive the 1-3PP essay:

Robert Zemeckis in Back to the Future I, uses _____________________________ in order

                                                                                                          Cinematic element

to ____________________________________________________________________.

                                             Achieve what purpose

For example,____________________________________________________________.

                           Provide evidence from the text to support  the topic sentence.







                                             Reflective commentary



                                                Sentence of closure/summary

You are to work with what notes you have to come up with a cohesive paper that is a representation of your learning of the terminology and of the analytical paragraphs you have worked on up until this point.

Another way of looking at this is to think about the lens paragraphs you had for the last major assignment and then apply it to this paper – as they are both “Literary Analysis” papers.

Like any model for composition, this is open to criticism. For instance, these paragraphs tend to become formulaic and predictable in structure. Excellent paragraphs, certainly, don’t always follow this or any guide. This guide might help, however, especially in the beginning stages of writing about literature.

October 17th, 2022

Musical Monday 3

The LGBTQ community (and I use an abbreviated acronym to specify the types of music we will be focusing on) has flourished over the past twenty years, and rightfully so. Yet the movement has had a dark history of oppression and bigotry committed against it. We will look briefly at the past hundred years up to contemporary society on a group that has shaped and shaken the musical world for the better.

I do not have the time to go over some of the names you haven’t heard of (Tony Jackson – pioneer of barbershop!) I have given some of the biggest names that you might know through popular movies, musical media, word of mouth or streaming platforms.


Ma Rainey – Prove it on me Blues

Ma Rainey was the first blues singer to admit and flourish in her sexual preference. She was a mover and shaker in the blues movement that would become mainstream and not just what people would call ‘race music’ (instead of just music!) back in the 1920’s. Now she is remembered as an icon of the LGBT movement in music and in fearlessness for being true to herself. Her music transcends what public opinion thought about gender, class, and race during the time – which was, shall we say, unenlightened.

Elton John – Tiny Dancer


Elton John is an icon, and most people know that he is a household name. In 1976 he came out as gay. This was an excellent moment for the LGBTQ community, as he helped form Glam rock, glam pop and an entire generation of people that became more accepting of the community as a mainstream multi-million dollar money making genre.

David bowie – Starman


David Bowie was a mover and shaker of the generation. He changed the voice of ‘pop’ and made experimental pieces while wearing amazing costumes. He created the androgynous look – where the binaries of male and female blurred. He classed himself as bisexual, even though he was married for a long time.

Lady Gaga – “Queer Icon of a generation” Born this way


Lady Gaga needs no introduction. A lot of people do not know (or at least I didn’t) that Lady Gaga identifies as a bisexual female. She is the new form of a diva – a larger than life star that crosses all boundaries. Look at the lyrics and figure out how she expresses herself.

Todrick Hall – Nails, hair, hips, heels


This is just a fun song. Todrick Hall is openly gay. He parodies earlier songs that have defined the LGBT community in song. He continues the old tradition of ‘drag’ or as it was tragically called in the 1930’s the ‘pansy’ art form and reimagines the genre. David Bowie is an obvious influence. He got his big break in American Idol season 8.

Tyler the Creator – Garden Shed


I must bring in Tyler the creator because not only is this song – garden Shed a very well put together and lyrically gorgeous piece, but he’s actually dating Will Smith’s son now, Jayden Smith. A little celebrity gossip never hurt anyone. Also, the R&B / Hip Hop genre, usually a heterosexual affair, has a voice from the LGBT community with this artist. This song in particular is an excellent coming out song.

Questions for Consideration

  1. What makes music ‘queer’?
  2. A lot of music is based on a retaliation to oppression of certain cultures or subcultures that go against popular opinion. How is music an expression of self in this vein?
  3. Why do we like to categorize music? How is this harmful or beneficial to modern culture?
  4. What examples can you give of multi-genre or ‘undefinable’ music?
  5. Find a song that is part of what one can categorize as part of the LGBTQ community. Why did you choose this song in particular? (You can choose one of the songs presented today and look at the deeper meanings. Explain.)

October 14th, 2022


We will finish the movie today.  In between the movie stopping time (about 1hr 20) I will check to see how everything is going. We will go through some of the questions together.

After it’s finished, I would like for you in your groups to finish an academic paragraph (the structure is there) on how your element has been a significant part of the movie and why.

I’ll explain after it’s all over.

October 13th, 2022

You finished Day ‘B’ with Ms. Jeong. Excellent. So now you do the same thing –

  1. share your notes
  2. pick a representative from the group
  3. have the representative go to all the other groups and get notes from them on all the cinematic elements.
  4. Come back to your home group – give the notes to them.

We’ll go over the questions together and then we’ll start something called ‘storyboarding’ which is a really cool way for one to visualize before they film.

October 12th, 2022

Here’s the plan:

Get into your expert groups right after everyone arrives.

  1. share your notes
  2. pick a representative from the group
  3. have the representative go to all the other groups and get notes from them on all the cinematic elements.
  4. Come back to your home group – give the notes to them.

Complete the questions for discussion (tomorrow)

Enjoy up to 51 minutes of the movie. Continue taking notes on page 18 of the package. (Screening day B)

October 11th, 2022

Okay – No Musical Mondays this week – (Perhaps on Friday but I need to have a musical term that starts with F)

We jump into the movie after independent reading.


The groups we will come up with today (Maybe):






I will take you every step of the way. The next three days are all dedicated to the movie itself, but there’s a specific way with which we will watch it. Today is the run through.

October 7th, 2022

Time to work on journals for independent novel assignment for 15 minutes. Remember them?

Independent reading Journals

Presentations for film terminology.

Please open your film unit packages. I will show you where to go.

  1. Meet Joe Black (2 times with and without sound)


Complete the questions for Meet Joe Black. We will talk about them on Tuesday

Everything will be in here. You should have already completed your survey.

This part of the unit will be an application of your film terminology understanding. This is a pre-requisite for the big project. Edward Scissorhands.

We will start Edward Scissorhands on  after I put you in what we call “expert Groups”. These groups will be random.  This is after Thanksgiving.

The groups we will come up with today (Maybe):






October 6th, 2022

I will give you about 25-30 minutes to complete the assignment after the silent reading today.

First you will get into small groups.  Present your videos – you can spread around the 2nd floor if you’d like.

For the last 15 minutes or so, I want you to elect one of the small groups to present their work in front of the class. The incentive here is that you get a bonus mark for being so brave.

October 5th, 2022

After I finish the film, I want you to choose a movie clip – or a series of movie clips.

Note down (or make a video) about all of the different vocabulary you have learned in the video and through the handout.

Depending on work habits, this can be due today or tomorrow. Let’s talk about it first before you jump into the project.

October 4th, 2022

New Unit!

This is everything you will need for the unit:


At the end of the unit, all you will do is turn in this package – fully completed. The thing is, I will guide you through each page. I am not going to tell you exactly how long it will take us, but it has taken usually about a week and a half for other classes.

I will constantly update this page and explain what we have done. There will be other minor assignments and completion checks that will be due throughout the unit as well. Please keep up with this, as each part makes up a whole.

The unit itself is a perfect bridge for us to jump into our sci-fi short story unit. It is also a chance for you to review analytical paragraphs.

Film Terminology:

We will go over shots. Here is a video we will watch:

Your exercise will be to find a clip from your favorite movie and show me some of these vocabulary words explained.

October 3rd, 2022

NOTE: I’ve had a lot of questions regarding what this unit is actually all about. I have clarified and cleared everything up. Only do what’s on the blog / teams page from now on. I’ll make the questions easier and more accessible to you based on what we discuss in our classes. No surprises!


Alternative rock came about in the 90’s. Some of you might have heard about it , some not. I am giving you three songs that had their moment in the sun, then passed away. These are one hit wonders – in my own time growing up. We love songs then hate them after some time has passed. These songs were some of those songs for my generation.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: Why do we hate songs we once loved? What is over-saturation? Think deeper than ‘ it got boring’.

Here are the songs. The rest of the day is normal. We’ll discuss them during and after you finish the work:

Here’s something to do before you finish the work, however:

  1. Find song from your past that got ‘over saturated.’ Play it for your people / classroom buddies.
    1. Discuss these three questions and make sure to be ready to discuss the answers to me personally.
      • What made this song old and stale to you? (Besides repetition) Why is it that songs become loved, hated, then loved again?
      • What memories does this song invoke?
      • Are the lyrics even important or is it the beat? Something else entirely? (Nostalgia, aesthetic, etc.)


1.Sugar We’re Going Down – Fall Out Boy




2. Marcy’s Playground, Sex and Candy: https://genius.com/Marcy-playground-sex-and-candy-lyrics

  1. Whetus, Teenage Dirtbag: https://genius.com/Wheatus-teenage-dirtbag-lyrics

September 29th, 2022

Finish your rough draft today. Get one peer edit if you can. Here is the information for that:

Peer Review Narrative

I will restate this:

An actual outline is impossible for a narrative non-fiction. That’s what makes the writing form so great.

750-1250 words!!!

September 28th, 2022

With all of your brainstorming, modeling and question answering, soul searching and all that, it’s time for you to commit to your own longer form non-fiction narrative.

And this will be the shape of the next few days.

Here is an outline I would like for you to complete:

Narrative Essay Outline_Student

This is a work block for you to complete your rough drafts. Tomorrow, we will be working on peer edits and  there will be a lot of time to work on your final drafts.

If you want to see what the peer review sheets are like, I will post them here:

Peer Review Narrative

An actual outline is impossible for a narrative non-fiction. That’s what makes the writing form so great.

September 27th, 2022

Final section of narrative non-fiction:

So far your timelines look spectacular and it’s nice to see the stories behind the faces in my class.

I am going to read you a story – non-fiction narrative – called “Me Talk Pretty One Day”.

After we will discuss these three questions that I’d like you to copy in a document and answer.

But first, there’s a poem that I’d like to share, and I’d like for you to write this quote and respond to it:

Refrigerator, 1957
by Thomas Lux

More like a vault — you pull the handle out
and on the shelves: not a lot,
and what there is (a boiled potato
in a bag, a chicken carcass
under foil) looking dispirited,
drained, mugged. This is not
a place to go in hope or hunger.
But, just to the right of the middle
of the middle door shelf, on fire, a lit-from-within red,
heart red, sexual red, wet neon red,
shining red in their liquid, exotic,
aloof, slumming
in such company: a jar
of maraschino cherries. Three-quarters
full, fiery globes, like strippers
at a church social. Maraschino cherries, maraschino,
the only foreign word I knew. Not once
did I see these cherries employed: not
in a drink, nor on top
of a glob of ice cream,
or just pop one in your mouth. Not once.
The same jar there through an entire
childhood of dull dinners — bald meat,
pocked peas and, see above,
boiled potatoes. Maybe
they came over from the old country,
family heirlooms, or were status symbols
bought with a piece of the first paycheck
from a sweatshop,
which beat the pig farm in Bohemia,
handed down from my grandparents
to my parents
to be someday mine,
then my child’s?
They were beautiful
and, if I never ate one,
it was because I knew it might be missed
or because I knew it would not be replaced
and because you do not eat
that which rips your heart with joy.

What is this poem about? Why did I choose this poem for a non-fiction writing unit?

Here is the story:

Me Talk Pretty One Day


  1. How does Sedaris use humor and characterization to come to terms with his fear of learning a new language?
  2. Explain a time in your life when you have overcome adversity at school or a place of learning?
  3. What quotes can you find in this story that are affecting / resonant? Choose up to three.

September 26th, 2022

New Term Long Unit! (Only on Mondays)

Here is the homework sheet that you will be using each week to explore each of the songs. I will have two for you to complete. This is the .doc you’ll be using for each lesson:

When you analyze a piece for perceptive reasons, then the basic questions asked are the ones that seem simple, but provide evidence for good discussion.

Narrative in Song. Musical Mondays #1

Every song has a story to tell. Yet some stories are better than others. The artist actually has a narrative in mind when they pen the thing, so what we have as listeners is a fully fleshed out story, characters, rising action, climax, the lot. The following four songs have stories to tell. It’s your job to understand what the plot is. Then at the end of the analysis, you are to write your own lyric based on the prompt given.

Choose 1! Democracy Rules.

Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven


Pink Floyd – Shine on You Crazy Diamond


Skid Row – I remember you


Thriller – by Michael Jackson


  1. What is the story about? Give a summary of the story as you understand it.
  2. What is the effect of this story as a song? How do the lyrics and sound combine to make a cohesive whole?
  3. Now that you know a little bit about stories in general, how is a short story different from a lyrical story? What are the pros and cons of both?
  4. Put this idea into a lyrical narrative:
    1. A talented young man’s deepest fear is holding his life back. Your character’s biggest fear is your story’s secret weapon. Don’t run from it, write about it.

Complete the following document by Wednesday at 11:59PM (October 27th) for a minor letter grade.

V4Music analysis guide_2021

September 22nd, 2022

Independent reading.

Finish off your timelines -rough draft should be finished today (Thursday). The good draft will be completed by Monday at the end of class at the latest. Since we’re doing other stuff on Monday, try to have as much done as you can today. You get 30 minutes class time on Monday to complete the assignment.


  1. Complete this: A Timeline of Your Life
  2. Expand your 10 memories using the senses on a word document / PPT / poster board
  3. Complete by Monday at the end of class 3:15PM to teams or hard copy to me.

September 21st, 2022

Independent reading.

Look at this non-fiction Memoir. Kind of an idea that I’d like for you to follow:

My Dad Tried to Kill Me with an Alligator

Here is a worksheet for the timeline. I will give you big paper to take home as well. All you need to do is look for 10 memories of your past in a linear way. Ask family / friends for ideas.

A Timeline of Your Life

Don’t worry about trying to understand everything right away. People said to me “Trust the Process” – it was good advice.

September 20th, 2022

Independent reading. 10 minutes

Narrative Non-Fiction Unit!

I love this unit. I change it every year. This is a rough version of what your final will look like:

Narrative Finals


This is a kind of “Speed Writing Challenge” that will be shared with someone in class. These are all random essay questions college boards would ask you during the application process. It is good to familiarize yourself with this kind of essay question before we get into the more ‘fun’ side of narrative non-fiction.

  1. Please answer two of these questions. I will time you for each. (15 Minutes)
  2. After three questions, I will ask you to choose the strongest of the two.
  3. Group discussion of these pieces – what you took from your partner’s work.

You can download the questions here:


Narrative Essay Outline_Student

Here is a worksheet for the timeline. I will give you big paper to take home as well. All you need to do is look for 10 memories of your past in a linear way. Ask family / friends for ideas.

A Timeline of Your Life

Don’t worry about trying to understand everything right away. People said to me “Trust the Process” – it was good advice.

September 16th, 2022


Library for 20-30 mins at the beginning of class. (Friday) Independent Novel Study Project

Information on Independent Novel Project:

What is the independent Novel Study Project?

Here is the project:

Independent Project Final_2021

And here is the rubric:


And here is the journal for Independent reading:

Independent reading Journals

Finish your lens paragraph by 11:59PM tonight. You have the rest of the class to work on this. 

September 15th, 2022

We will finish the movie.

Here is the final assignment we will do in class together and then you’ll take home. Since it is a final of sorts I will only help you with specific questions.

Purdy Lens Rubric

So it’s time to put everything together.

What perspective (lens) shows the major theme of Encanto?

Structure you need to follow for final paper: (Copy and paste to a word document)

Rough Draft Due Tonight February 11th at 11:59PM!

The Ten-Sentence Critical Paragraph – A Variation of P.E.E.

Like any model for composition, this is open to criticism. For instance, these paragraphs tend to become formulaic and predictable in structure. Excellent paragraphs, certainly, don’t always follow this or any guide. This guide might help, however, especially in the beginning stages of writing about literature.

Sentence 1 – Topic Sentence – contains the title of the piece of literature, the writer’s full name, and your topic. If this is an answer to an assigned question, then your topic sentence might be a rewording of the question into a statement. (a thesis statement, your statement to prove)

Sentence 2 – Main Point #1, One way the writer does what you say he or she does is through…

Sentence 3 – Example/Reference or quotation #1. The best example from the piece of literature which supports you main idea #1.

Sentence 4 and 5 – The explanation in your own words of how/why this example/quote does what you say it does. This section is where you develop your answer and prove your thesis.

Sentence 6 –   Main Point #2. Another way the writer does what you say he or she does is…

Sentence 7 – Example/Reference or quotation #2. The best example from the piece of literature which supports you main idea #2.

Sentence 8 and 9 – The explanation of how/why this example/quote does what you say it does. This section is where you develop your answer and prove your thesis.

Sentence 10– Concluding Sentence. Minimally: summarize your paragraph repeating some of the key words from the question. Better: relate this literary device/technique to the effectiveness of the whole composition and how the device/technique helps the author develop the theme, or, relate the composition’s theme to real life.

Remember the Conventions of Critical Writing (writing about literature) –   
Verbs should be in Present Tense –
Use Objective Point of View (no ‘I’ statements) –
It’s not simply your opinion. You are making a plausible interpretation of a writer’s work. –
A quote should not sit as a sentence. A quote should become part of your sentence. –
convey, portray, depict, evoke, and any literary term… are good words to use! –
Refer to the reader, the writer, the speaker

September 14th, 2022

So today we will start Encanto. You have finished a lens paragraph of sorts. Today and tomorrow we will watch the movie, put some ideas together and you will organize your ideas in a coherent 500 word paragraph. I will give you the structure to follow. Before that, here is another link to the note taking page for the movie:


Focus on those three questions again to help you:

  1. What lens best represents the movie and why?
  2. What two pieces of evidence can you find (in the transcript or your notes) that backs up this lens?
  3. What does this mean as a ‘bigger picture’? For example – what can we take away and learn from this episode?

Transcript of Encanto:


September 13th, 2022

Here is a sample of a good response for the student’s level – your lens paper doesn’t have to look like this as it is a pre-assessment, but this is what I’m looking for:

The lens that best represents this episode in my opinion is the feminist/gender lens. Oftentimes in the episode there was seemingly harmless banter and actions that were written off as jokes, however when seen with modern society’s thoughts and values, these once ‘harmless’ jokes and actions toward the female cast are now considered offensive and ignorant.

One example of this is when Lily explains how Marshall reached a low point in his life where he abandoned his dignity and stopped wearing pants. Going everywhere with only his underwear on. This lack of self-respect is also affecting Lily. Lily states “It was funny at first, but then it became a daily thing,” suggesting she was fine with it at first thinking it was a one-time occurrence, then when Marshall continued this behavior, she became concerned for his well-being and possibly uncomfortable at the sight of him with no pants constantly. Moreover, when she was eating with Marshall in the restaurant, and he walks away with no pants she seemed visibly embarrassed and uncomfortable. Marshall paid no regard to how she felt and how his actions reflected on her because he was so caught up in his own problems.

I think the thing you can learn for this episode is how much comedy has changed since this show has first released. I find it interesting how some jokes mentioned here I found odd but were considered peak comedy just a few years ago. It’s really interesting to see how far shows have come in how they depict women and how people are more conscious of what is shown in media now.

For the block 1 class, we will be watching King Sized Homer and then you will be writing a pre-assessment based on the rules we will be talking about after the discussion of what lenses one can find in the show.

Tomorrow we will start the movie Encanto.

For block 5 class, I would like you to finish the lenses paragraph – you have 60 out of 80 minutes to do this. For the last 20 minutes, I would like you to get ready for Encanto tomorrow. There is a great video on this explaining the historical, literary and cultural background to help you. This lady is incredibly smart and speaks in an easy to understand manner – this will help you decide what to look for in the film tomorrow.

September 12th, 2022

Today, we will finish the mini lenses presentations and then we will watch something completely other that what I had planned.

How I met your mother is no longer available to stream. The second, newer show I was to present – that 70’s show is no longer available to stream.

So I have gone back to the original show I loved in the 90’s and have researched it through a Psychoanalytical lens to get you thinking about what you can write:

The Simpsons.

Here is the script of the show:


And we will briefly look at a part of an undergraduate thesis from someone who studied in the University of Iceland. Luckily, it was on The Simpsons and lenses… but how they look a little later down the academic road. We’ll discuss it:



2.1 The Pleasure Principle in “King-Size Homer”

In the seventh episode of the seventh season of The Simpsons, Homer strives to obey the
pleasure principle to new extremes. In a mandatory five minute session of calisthenics at
the Nuclear Power Plant, Homer finds out that one of his co-workers got injured on the
job and is now on disability with full pay. Upon hearing the news, Homer immediately
decides to get himself injured enough to become disabled so he can work from home.
Unable to harm himself, he realizes that hyper obesity can qualify him as disabled. He
consults Doctor Nick Riviera, who recommends “a slow steady gorging process
combined with assal horizontology” and that Homer focuses “on the neglected food
groups such as the whipped group, the congealed group and the chocotastic.” With help
from Bart, Homer begins his mission of overeating himself into obesity.
This is obviously not a good idea; however, Homer is regulated by the pleasure
principle, which entails that when confronted with pain he finds the easiest way to
relieve himself of it (Freud, Beyond 1). Freud explained: “The pleasure principle, then,
is a tendency operating in the service of a function whose business it is to free the
mental apparatus entirely from excitation or to keep the amount of excitation in it
constant or to keep it as low as possible” (Beyond 56).

For Homer, his job is the excitation and the id strives to have Homer away from
the Nuclear Power Plant at all costs. This explains partly why Homer has dipped his toe
in so many fields of professions; while the job is new and exciting in itself, it does not
cause pain. However, Homer‟s attention span only lasts so long and he quickly becomes
bored. Being on disability is the perfect choice for Homer‟s pleasure principle regulated
mental process. Instead of seeking new jobs, which all end in causing pain instead of
pleasure, he gets to be at home—which means, in his mind, being able to drink beer and
frolic with Marge at will. The ends justify the means, even if it is dangerous for his
health and immoral, since becoming disabled on purpose is abusing the system.
Confronted by Lisa about this morality issue and whether he has told Marge about
his plans, Homer answers:

I‟m not saying it isn‟t sleazy, honey, but try to see it my way: all my life I‟ve been
an obese man trapped inside a fat man‟s body. … No, it would only worry
[Marge]. If you want to add to her worries, go ahead. I guess I‟m just a little more
grateful for all the things she‟s done for us.

Unlike the ego, which tries to be moral, and the superego, that can be super-moral, the
id is non-moral (Freud, The ego 44). For Homer it is not morally wrong to answer his
eight year old daughter like that, neither is becoming disabled due to obesity. There is
really no right or wrong in the id, no contradictions or conflicts—there is only the
instinctual strive for pleasure (Freud, “The Question” 196, 201). Obviously, the ego
needs to step in and Lisa is surprised on how long Marge is willing to let this go on. She
needs “to mediate between the claims of the id and the objections of the external world”
(Freud, “The Question” 201). In this case the claims of the id are being obese and, quite
frankly, lazy while the external world objects with ridicule. Unlike the id, the ego goes
by the reality principle, which “takes into account the conditions imposed by the real
external world” (201) and the difference between the reality principle and the pleasure
principle shines through when Marge finally confronts Homer:

MARGE. Let‟s quietly and calmly discuss the pros and cons of your controversial
plan, shall we?
MARGE. Con! You‟re endangering your health.
HOMER. Pro. I‟m drought-and famine-resistant.
MARGE. Con! You‟re setting a bad example for the children.
HOMER. Pro. I, er, don‟t have to go to work.
MARGE. Con! You‟re running the air conditioner non-stop. It‟s freezing in here.
HOMER. Pro. Uh… uh… I love you?
MARGE. Con. I‟m finding myself less attracted to you physically.

The ego’s intervention is too feeble, too late. Utterly disconnected with reality, Homer
exclaims that this is everything he ever wanted and now, he finally is a “big fat
dynamo.” He now works from home and for Homer that is enough. Of course, his
happiness based on a change of scenery lasts only a few hours and although he does not
have to face the morning traffic, he does have to succumb to the boredom of sitting in
front of a computer all day pressing Y for Yes, N for No and Tab for ordering the soft
drink TAB. To be fair, his job as a Nuclear Safety Inspector never seemed to require as
much attention while he worked at the plant itself. Now, he has to actively take
decisions over and over again on serious matters like venting gas to prevent explosions.
Even when confronted with this critical task, he fails to realize the impact of his deeds.

He begins answering every question with “Yes,” casually using a broom so he does not
have to leave the couch, and when that becomes too much of a chore, he puts a toy in
charge—a drinking bird that bobs its head up and down in perpetual motion. He literally
risks a nuclear meltdown, so dire is his need for pleasure. He leaves the confinements of
his home/workplace, sporting his new flowery muumuu, cape and his fat guy hat.
While outside, in the real world, he is confronted by the ridicule that was
expected. He tries to see a film (“Honk if you‟re horny”) but loses his dignity when the
cinema‟s manager explains that the seats cannot take a man of his girth and offers him a
garbage bag full of popcorn if he does not make a scene. Homer hurries home and
decides that it is up to him to show the world that the obese are not lazy and
irresponsible, only to find that while away, the bird failed and an explosion is imminent.
In the end, of course, he redeems himself by saving the day; however, the only reason
why he is adamant enough to do so is because an explosion would cause him personal
pain. “Everybody‟s going to be dead, especially me!”


Let’s think about these three questions:

  1. What lens best represents the episode and why?
  2. What two pieces of evidence can you find (in the transcript or your notes) that backs up this lens?
  3. What does this mean as a ‘bigger picture’? For example – what can we take away and learn from this episode?

First, you can have a discussion with partners, and then begin to make a good idea of this in your writing. Make sure to answer the questions based on the lens you have chosen. I will hand out a paper that is a matrix of lenses so that it can help you. This will also be used for the full length film


September 9th, 2022

Presentations today for the class on lenses – informal – no need to stress. If you do it, you get a completion mark. Please see me if you have any questions. You’ll have time today (about half an hour) to complete the presentations before showtime.

September 8th, 2022

Now, things might get a little strange right away, but I’d like for you to take notes on this video to reflect on the content. I’ll hand out paper.

  1. Structuralism:the significance of the changing balance between text and image and its relationship to an interpretation of the story as a fantasy – a figment of Max’s imagination, oppositions.
    b. Feminism: the role of the mother (and the absence of the father), the balance of power between mother and son, the role Max adopts with the ‘wild things’, the representation of the ‘wild things’ as gendered or genderless.
    c. Postcolonial: the role Max adopts with the ‘wild things’, his colonising – and subsequent desertion – of the creatures, the behaviour of the ‘wild things’, the colour symbolism of Max’s clothing.
    d. Psychoanalytic: what the ‘wild things’ might represent, Max’s relationship with his mother, the absence of the father, dream/reality distinctions, sublimation of desires into fantasy.

Look for fairy tales. Either by yourself or with a partner. Pick a lens in which to view your fairytale.

Look at this document. There are 8 lenses to choose from, but you only need to familiarize yourself with four.

Here’s some fables from Aesop etc. you can choose from:


Tomorrow, you’ll present your fairy tale for class. You will do these three things:

  1. Summarize the fairytale
  2. tell the class what lens you are looking through and why
  3. explain why this lens is relevant to the story.


September 7th, 2022

Welcome to class.

Here’s the syllabus. Let’s go over it briefly. Each pair should come up with a question that you need clarified.

Grade-10-2022- Introduction

Here’s the introduction to the first unit – Let’s get started right away:

10 Essential Questions (out of 100)


  1. Brainstorm with class on questions
  2. Find someone you don’t know
  3. Ask 10 of the questions from the board – answer them – Vice versa
  4. Get ready to present your partner to the class

Let’s get started.

Now, things might get a little strange right away, but I’d like for you to take notes on this video to reflect on the content. I’ll hand out paper.

  1. Structuralism:the significance of the changing balance between text and image and its relationship to an interpretation of the story as a fantasy – a figment of Max’s imagination, oppositions.
    b. Feminism: the role of the mother (and the absence of the father), the balance of power between mother and son, the role Max adopts with the ‘wild things’, the representation of the ‘wild things’ as gendered or genderless.
    c. Postcolonial: the role Max adopts with the ‘wild things’, his colonising – and subsequent desertion – of the creatures, the behaviour of the ‘wild things’, the colour symbolism of Max’s clothing.
    d. Psychoanalytic: what the ‘wild things’ might represent, Max’s relationship with his mother, the absence of the father, dream/reality distinctions, sublimation of desires into fantasy.

Look for fairy tales. Either by yourself or with a partner. Pick a lens in which to view your fairytale.

Look at this document. There are 8 lenses to choose from, but you only need to familiarize yourself with four.

Here’s some fables from Aesop etc. you can choose from:


Tomorrow, you’ll present your fairy tale for class. You will do these three things:

  1. Summarize the fairytale
  2. tell the class what lens you are looking through and why
  3. explain why this lens is relevant to the story.

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