My Guidelines For Appropriate Comments

Hello! I’m happy you made it to my blog, while you’re here please note the following guidelines if you do plan on writing a comment to keep this place friendly and safe for everyone.


Stick to the truth and use facts!

When building your comment, making assumptions or guesses about information isn’t helpful and might confuse people. So always make sure to go off facts and the truth to enforce trust and a positive environment.

Stay kind.

Nobody wants to invite rudeness, if you’re going to say something, don’t target other people with insults. Of course constructive criticisms are more than welcome to me, as I see them as new ideas to improve myself, or the things I do.

Think twice!

Before you finish up a shiny new comment, read back over it before posting while questioning if you and others will approve of it. If not, then it’s probably best that you don’t share it, even if it’s really witty or cool.

Form and grammar.

Even though this isn’t an essay or speech, proper grammar is a luxury when trying to read through chunks of text. So please keep things just a bit organized to impede the influence of confusion, and to help everyone out.

An appropriate comment for my guidelines would be: “That’s a neat quote in your blog, thanks for sharing it, and where did you find it? My favorite quote is do today’s duty, fight today’s temptation.”

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