Core Competencies

Core Competencies


I’ve used communication in my English class as we would go into groups and discuss topics. We would have to communicate to create prompts and ideas to share out to the class. We would do many rounds with new groups each time and that would make us talk to everyone in the class. It would help people to get to meet need people and help their understanding in what we were working on that class.

Critical and Creative Thinking

I used critical and creative thinking to help myself in French. As I had to create sentences in a different language that I am not fluent in. I had to answer and comprehend questions. I had to use critical thinking to translate it and answer it in French. At the start of class we have to answer a question of what we did yesterday or on the weekend. We would have to make 3 answers in complete sentences. We also had to be a creative thinker as in our in class write we had to make ideas to do and invite someone to come do it. By using creative thinking I created many ideas.


I had to be responsible in my math class as I need to keep my self on track. What I mean by that is not getting distracted and doing my work. I also have to remind myself to do my homework  and make sure I understand every piece of information we were taught.




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