About Me


Hi I’m aadi this is my edublog some things about me are I love hockey and sports. I am a goalie in hockey and I find it very fun. I like music and shoes

1) What is Your Favorite Quote: Find your favorite quote, or one that is meaningful to you. Copy and paste it or type it into your page. Explain why you chose it and remember to record who said it!

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t think -Wayne Gretzky

I picked because I feel everyone should keep this in mind when they are nervous

2) What is Your Favorite YouTube Clip: Find your favorite YouTube clip, copy the embed code, and paste it in the HTML portion of your post, this will embed your video.  Explain why you chose it.

I chose this because it is one of my favourite hockey clips




3) Find a Picture that has Impacted You: Find a picture that you like, dislike, has inspired you or is meaningful to you for some reason. Embed the picture into you page and explain why you chose this picture.

I chose this because I like hockey very much


4) What is Your Favorite Website: Create a hyperlink to your favorite website.  Explain why you chose this site.

I chose this site because I can see all the stats in the nhl and rosters. Also when I can’t watch the games I can look at this and see the scores