Q3 Proud Post – Math 9

Towards the end of the third quarter, right before finals, we began learning about data analysis. That unit covered what might get surveyed, the difference between population and sample, and how to make a project plan. In place of a test, we were assigned project where we made our own plans and researched our own questions. I decided to analyze the average prices for different groceries at stores in British Columbia. I made a plan, and I included things such as questions, hypotheses, and graphs to show my data.

View the project below!

I’m proud of this project because it was a slightly longer version of something I experience doing before. It took time to ensure I included every detail that I needed to write down, and was covering any information that was needed. I wanted to make sure everything was as good as it could be, with no major faults. I’ve always been the person to spend a lot of extra time to make sure everything’s perfect, and I think this time really paid off.