Cooking In Quarantine

During the quarantine, cooking is something I’ve been very passionate about. Whether it’s trying new recipes to make cookies or watching various cooking shows about simple meals, I’ve been reading, experimenting, and watching all things cooking. From the pandemic-driven quarantine, people have been starting to cook more often. They, along with myself, have looked up the different cooking classes offered online which offer more confidence in the kitchen. It is found that the recipes and the classes have encouraged everyone to cook more often, even after it is safer to go out to restaurants. The pandemic has encouraged many people to continue to experiment with their cooking at home. They’ve tried variations of cookie flavours, pie fillings, and dinner ideas. Personally, I’ve experimented with different bread loaves, soup bases, and trying to make things that we would buy from the store, from scratch. We’ve all been finding ourselves at home, extremely bored, and trying to find a past-time. For my past-time, along with many others, I turned to cooking and baking. There are also benefits to using cooking as a new hobby. It is relatively cheaper to prepare your own snacks and meals at home, rather than ordering constant take-out. Not only is it cheaper, but it is also healthier, Since we cook it all at home, we know exactly what is going into the recipe. Cooking is my new favourite past-time, stress-reliever, and overall hobby. My only question is, why did it take me, along with others, so long to start cooking?

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