
I chose my topic about basketball,

The first website I read about was about Lebron James and the second one was about Stephen Curry.

I read about Lebron James first, the story told me that he made an insane dunk which I’m guessing won the Cavaliers game. This dunk made the crowd and his team go wild. It also told me that he is 33 but likes to play basketball like he’s 25 years old, which explains why he went for an insane dunk. I do wish the article told me what the end score was and if they won the game.

The next article I read was about Stephen Curry. It talked about how he was ignored and always made fun of when he grew up. Everyone bypassed him, for an example schools and everyone didn’t believe in him just because he was shorter than the other players. He then said all those comments and hate messages were all ”Distractions.”

I chose basketball as my topic because basketball is my favorite sport, I chose an article because it had Lebron because I won’t to try to dunk one day. The reason I picked Stephen Curry was because I’m short and people are often surprised I play basketball. I picked it because Stephen Curry’s story is like mine. I’m not that good at basketball nether will I try to be an NBA star. I’m really trying to say is you can do anything no matter what just like Stephen Curry did!

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