Au cours de ce cours, j’ai appris beaucoup de choses, mais une chose que j’ai beaucoup apprécié les fiances. Dans les carrières, nous avons fait une projection budgétaire qui nous a fait apprendre beaucoup sur la façon de dépenser et d’économiser de l’argent efficacement. C’était très utile quand, après le lycée, je sais comment utiliser mon argent si j’ai ma propre maison ou une chose que je pourrais utiliser toute ma vie. Nous avons divisé tout ce dont nous avons besoin dans notre vie par exemple la nourriture, le logement, les voitures, les impôts, les assurances et bien d’autres. Ce projet était amusant à faire, mais il y avait aussi des moments où il était simple de travailler, mais aussi stressant où je devais travailler beaucoup pour aller dans mon budget. Dans Excel, il était utile d’utiliser car nous pouvons suivre notre argent et voir combien d’argent nous avons totalisé ou dépensé. Chaque section pour notre budget, nous avions un montant d’argent à charger et je l’ai beaucoup aimé parce que nous aurions choisir le travail que nous voulions faire et il nous montre une bonne préspective de notre avenir. 



































Link to my infographic:

        What is the overall topic and the goal of your project?

  1. My overall topic for this DL project was about forest fires. Forest fires are a big thing going on right now and I decided to spread the awarenesses on how much it has affected Canada and teach how to prevent it from spreading more.
  2. What sites did you use to collect your data and create the infographic and what did you learn about it?  Here are the sites that I used for this project:,,, 

3. How has the process of utilizing these sites impacted your understanding of how technology can change (or help) the world?

Technology helped me a lot with finding true information with good sites as the ones I put in my edublog because these are all true information from CBC News or


I have been doing kickboxing for over 3 and a half years and in kickboxing there are multiple health benefits in this sport. Kickboxing has always been a big passion of mine and I enjoy it every day from this day. First of all I will be starting it off on how much it strengthens your core. Since most of the sport is about sweating and self defence you do many kicking and jabbing which throughout the time strengthens your core muscles. When you twist to add power to a punch, you’re engaging your core to make stronger. The questions you may ask are about the techniques and on how to punch or how to make it perfect. Well, it takes much time to perfect it and the more you practice your technique and reflexes will get better. Another thing about health benefits which helps a lot with is  it decreases stress, and boosts endurance. As for myself kickboxing has helped me a lot with stress. Even if you’re in shape, kickboxing uses your body in a totally different way from other exercises. Doing too much too soon can lead to injuries, especially to your back, shoulders, and joints. To prevent that you must look around your surroundings and be aware on who is near you. 

Has Beyonce won the most Grammy’s than any other female?!

Has Beyonce won the most Grammy’s than any other female?!

Beyonce from now has one 28 grammy’s, more than any other female. She has broken the record of most grammy’s and is the female with the most nominees. Beyonce is one step away from having the most grammy’s with the late conductor Georg Solti, holding the record for the most Grammys victories with 31.

The steps I had took were:

1.  see if the source is verified (

2. Fact checking tool it

3. Checking other sources if I are saying the same thing.

Does it exist?

Yes, the URL points to a real website.

Are they who they say they are?

The website claims as “Beyoncé being the most female woman for Grammys in the history”, so they are claiming that they have the best news but it needs to be further reaserched.

Is it trustworthy?

With reading, it is regarded as a satirical website, so all the articles on it are but fake.

Conclusion: This article is true information


Summary: Where I had gone on November 2 was my dad’s renovation company, we had gone to two houses and we were looking around on what they had been working on. My dad had been showing me how to mesure the walls or on how to mesure the floors when he wants to buy the tiles. There were people working on the walls, floor and the rooms. Everywhere was very dirty but it had been organized well on what they were managing on doing. I enjoyed getting taught new things and also enjoyed looking around what my dad had been doing.

  1. What did you hear see, smell and feel in the work environment?

In the workplace that I had gone to it was very noisy because of the people using there tools. They had been using tools for screwing things and placing the screws on to the kitchen cabinets. I had saw a lot of things there, I saw painters painting the walls, tile workers adding on the tiles and saw my dad adding the lights onto the ceiling. The houses had mini chunks of walls dust on the floor from the previous paint being old but they were painting a new colour on to the walls for the house. The floors were messy and had dust all over the place. The bathroom had tiles being glued on to the walls and the walls on the kitchen they had new tiles being sticked on to the counters. Walking into the houses they both smelt like freshly new paint and smelt like dust off fresh clean wood. Being there felt very exciting and seeing everyone do something, I had found it very interesting and fun to watch.

2. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up everyday?

I would be motivated to wake up every day because I would like to see the progress that’s going on everyday and seeing what the crew had done with daily check ups. I would be looking around, talking to the owner and telling them the changes made or what they would like in the house. With myself telling the crew on what the owner would like I would immediately tell them, the new tasks they have would have to do to get the owner  what they wanted done.

In conclusion, I had an amazing time at my dads workplace and found it very interesting and fun to watch what had been going on . I hope I can come again and see the progress on the houses and what they had done till then.


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