An assignment I’m proud of – Quarter two

I am proud of multiple of my quarter two assignments, but I am probably most proud of “my logo” from drafting; for this assignment, I had to create my own logo using AutoCAD (an application for 2D and 3D design).

this is “my logo”:

As you can see, it is a green snake with a word in the center (sprr.), and there is a meaning behind it; before starting the logo, we had to brainstorm ideas and names for our “brand,” the main topic of mine was “eco-friendly.”
And, what is the most eco-friendly colour? Green! that is why I chose to make it that colour.  After some research, I decided to make a snake because I found out that snakes can symbolize change – changing to an eco-friendly lifestyle. Finally, you might be wondering what “sprr.” means: it is the word superior but without vowels.

I am proud of this assignment for various reasons; it was one of the last assignments for drafting, and when I saw the final product, I realized how much I had improved – one thing you should know about me is that I am really bad at using technology. At first, I thought AutoCAD was extremely hard to use and that I would never learn how to use it, but after looking at the final product, I realized how much I had improved; I went from not being able to make circles to make my logo, and even printing it on a t-shirt!.