Exploring > Our best idea blog #2

After exploring possible ideas we have decided to make a babysitting device because it is useful for teenagers our age. This device is portable so that you can bring it to every house you watch kids at. This device is a motion sensor that detects motion passing and then would set off an alarm to bring awareness to the sitter that someone else or something else has entered the home. This alarm would give the sitter time to get prepared for what could happen such as they could call 911 as they were alarmed right away. They would also protect the kid. This device also relaxes and makes the parents of the children you are watching more confident that you have this device. Shows that you are responsible. The best idea would be to place this device near entrances such as doors and windows.

about our project blog #1

My partner Tanya and I are planning to code a burglar system. We know these devices are pretty popular because they are really useful. We know that we want to explore some ideas to make our system more specific for kids our age and things we could use it for. A possible sound sensor or possibly motion sensor.