Guide for commenting on my blog

Thank you for reading through my blog. Here are some guidelines for commenting on my work. I hope that we might be able to have a friendly chat or discussion if you use these guidelines.

1. Start by sayings something relevant.

Saying something relevant to my blog and its content is quite important. I find that my blog is going to be more professional than something like iMessage or discord. My blog is more a place to discuss the work that I have done through the year.

2. Leave genuine comments

If you are interested in the work that I have done then leave a comment on it but, if you don’t really care about it I would rather not have a discussion about it due to the fact that you will not seem interested. I have no interest in talking about something that doesn’t engage both of us in a meaningful talk.

3. Do not self promote

I feel like this one should be somewhat obvious, but my blog should not be a place where you try to draw attention to yourself. If you visit my blog you probably want to learn about me and not some stranger online.

4. Be you

If I ever talk to you I want to talk you, not someone who you are pretending to be. Be yourself, nobody is here to judge you on somebody else’s blog. People would rather talk to who you really are rather than how you try to act.

Example: “Hey Wesley, I really enjoyed reading about events that happened on your birthday. Would it be possible for you to go more in depth about that professional female baseball player?”