Posted in Science 9

Take your kid to work day

Today for take your kid to work day, I went with Jason, Kate and Ace to Jason’s dad’s work. We went to a company called Ekona, which is a company that is creating a plan to decarbonize fuels and produce clean energy, which is the methane pyrolysis solution (heating up methane to break the molecular structure, and creating carbon, water and hydrogen. The hydrogen is used for energy).

In the beginning, there was a presentation to explain how the entire machine and all the parts work, and some stuff on climate change. After the presentation, we went on a tour of the entire work place, where we saw a bunch of cool places and things.

This is a room where the reactor gets tested. In this room, they find small problems in the scaled down version of the reactor and test it to make it better.

This is the workshop. Many materials and seperate parts made and stored in this room, as well as many small testing tables, measuring tables, etc.

This is the reactor bay, where the actual PMP reactor is in. The four parts are: Feedstock heater which heats the methane up, accumulator which stores the gas before it moves to the reactor, where it turns the methane to hydrogen and carbon, and a coil like thing that is used to expansion and a support structure.

After the tour, we did a fun little science experiment that was planned for us. We used salty water, spoons, alligator clips and a battery to create a cool reaction.

What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment?

I could hear clicking of mouses and keyboard when people work at their desks. I hear people talking to each other, instructions and conversations. In the workshop, I could hear a lot of people walking around, not just us. I could hear someone welding stainless steel (pretty hard to weld). I could see a lot of wire, cable and fancy panels in the Reactor Bay and testing room. I could see a bunch of things I couldn’t touch. During the experiment, I could smell the scent of vinigar, and something else that was strong smelling. During lunch, I could smell pizza, and all through the tour I could smell coffee, which everyone seemed to be drinking it. In the workshop, I could touch a part of the reactor that wasn’t attached yet. It was a hollow tungsten tube like piece. It was smooth, cold and extremely heavy. Everything else was pretty much untouchable, because some of them are expensive and hard to replace. I felt very excited and calm in this environment, I also felt fascinated by everything.

What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work?

This work place has a lot of STEM and business related jobs, and it is something that I am interested in. I think that an enjoyable job would motivate me to attend work. Something else that would motivate me would be the many hands on things that were going on. Some people would sit at their desks to research and look at data, but a lot of them were running tests.