Posted in Passions

Break the Fake

I looked online for an article, and one article caught my attention. It was about Elon Musk wanting to test his company’s brain chips (Neuralink). The brain chips would allow the person to interact with technology using their thoughts. They want to start testing in 6 months. I wanted to see if this article was real or fake.

The first step I took was to verify the source. I know that it is actually Global News that published the article because the news article was on their website.

Then, I searched up Global News on Wikipedia. WIkipedia says that Global News is the news and current affairs division of Global TV. They have made very little errors and are pretty reliable and trustworthy.

I went onto to see if the article was true, but I could not find anything.

Since I could not find anything on, I went onto media smarts custom search engine. When I searched up keywords, I found that what the article said had been correct.

Next, I did a google search for other sources. I went on the news tab, and found many similar news articles saying similar things. They were also published by pretty reliable news sites.

In conclusion, I would say that this article is true. Many articles have written about it and they are all trustworthy. I also think it is true because Global News is a pretty reliable news source and I use it all the time in Social studies. Because of their credibility, I believe the article is true.

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