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Comment Guidelines

Here are the guidelines you must follow when you comment on my post:

Meaningful comments

When you comment on a post, make sure you write something that is meaningful. It should be more than just a few words. The comment doesn’t have to be too interesting, but I would appreciate it if they weren’t just compliments, and instead was good feedback, questions or something funny.

Be polite and respectful

You should always comment something that isn’t rude or impolite. Be nice to other people. I don’t want any form of discrimination, bullying or arguing in the comments.

Stay on topic

If you want to comment on my blog, you must comment something related to my post or a conversation about the post.

Read the post before commenting

Before you comment on my blog, you should read the entire post before writing a comment, just to know what the topic is about first. If there are other comments, I suggest reading those as well, just to join the conversation, or to make sure that you don’t comment the same thing as some one else.

An example of a good comment is:

“These are very good homework tips, I just have one question. What could I do to finish my homework faster?”

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