Semester 1 project

This is a assignment that I made in English 9. In this project we were told to create a short story and since it was almost Christmas break, we made a story about an Evil Santa trying to ruin Christmas. I am very proud of this assignment because we put in a great group effort and worked very hard to try and achieve our goal of getting an A. We ended up getting the A and our teacher told us that we got the A because we used a flipbook and we were very creative with our ideas.

This is a picture of the cover of the book. We continued to write a 2000 word, 11 page book and felt very proud the the finished product!

English 9 Final Reflection

This is an assignment I am proud of. It’s a flipbook that I made with Kai and Avery about a fake Santa and how Christmas is ruined that year. It was my first time creating a story and me and my partners had a lot of fun doing it.

“This visual representation reflects the Core Competency: Thinking and how I grew in that competency in English 9 because…The words represent my thoughts. I chose to symbolize my thoughts as a brain because a brain is the main function of the body. Also, my Core Competency is thinking and the brain is a great image to represent that.

Advertisement and Persuassion

My Advertisement:

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques:

In my project about persuasion my topic was that I was trying to make people “buy” my skates.  This project was helping us understand how companies on social media trick us into buying their products and we had to make an advertisement here.  There are 3 types of persuasion, there is ethical, emotional, and logical and in my presentation I used ethical because ethical means that someone famous is modeling for the product or also saying a quote.  My advertisement is ethical because Connor McDavid who is the best hockey player in the world right now is saying a quote that is “Once you start, you won’t be able to stop” which is referencing the new and improved speed of these skates but also once you buy them, you won’t regret it.  The techniques I m using here is special offer and also bandwagon because bandwagon means that someone is saying this product and you should buy it and my advertisement is saying pretty much that.  This project is supposed to make you want to buy this product but also to help you understand what and what not to believe on the internet.


Core Competency Reflection:

I can tell the difference between opinions and facts.  During this past week, we learned about persuasion and that in some people’s presentations, they opinions about things they were working on but there were also some facts and now I know what are facts and what are opinions.  I can persevere challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals.  This past week, we needed to do a presentation in front of the whole class and one of my least favorite things and one of my fears is to present in front of people but I did and did a good job of it.  I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.  This week, I made a PowerPoint about persuasion and at first, I was very confused but after a couple days I got used to the information and understood it and then made a long PowerPoint about the topic so I felt proud that I got to know this information in under five days.  I can form new ideas to create new things.  This week, I had a lot of ideas of what my PowerPoint should be about and I finally decided on making a persuasive advertisement about my skates.