- What is the overall topic and the goal of your project?
The overall topic and goal of my project was to learn more about ocean pollution, how it affects the earth, our ecosystem, the animals on our planet and how we can help resolve this huge problem on earth.
- What sites did you use to collect your data and create the infographic and what did you learn about it?
I used many different sites to collect data for the infographic. I learned that ocean pollution is a noticeably big problem in the world and that we are not doing much to prevent it. Some of the things that we are doing are helping but it is still a big problem.
- How has the process of utilizing these sites impacted your understanding of how technology can change (or help) the world?
It has taught me that there is so much that we can do to prevent this situation but when only half our population is doing it, it does not have an enormous impact.