For the Take Our Kid to Work Day, I went to my dad’s work. He works for a water treatment company that does water treatment for mine sites. Normally he works at his office in downtown Vancouver but for this day I went to his lab which is at the BCIT Burnaby campus. At his lab they have it split up, one room is a big room split into two where one half is office space and the other side is divided by a wall and is one of their two labs. The other room is a second lab.
They use the first lab, the one that is part of the larger room, to mix chemicals. I was able to help out one of their scientists and mix chemicals that they were testing in this lab. I used multiple beakers, test tubes, chemicals, water and a scale. Before I was able to step foot into the lab I had to put on a white lab coat, safety glasses and latex gloves. I needed to wear those because I was helping them mix chemicals. If you were just coming in to check on something or ask questions all you needed to wear was safety glasses.
Their other lab was where they would do the testing of the chemicals. I unfortunately was not able to help with the testing of chemicals but I was able to assist in bringing the mixtures that they were testing into that lab for them.
Overall it was a cool experience learning what they use to mix the various chemicals and learning what the different symbols on the containers mean. I now have a better understanding of what he does when he’s not at home and traveling around the world.