Final Project Infographic

  • What is the overall topic and the goal of your project?

My topic is is the increase in temperature in world. My goal is to inform others that temperature is increasing and how to slow the rapid rise of heat.

  • What sites did you use to collect your data and create the infographic and what did you learn about it?

I used Gale, Opendata Canada, Nasa, and to collect information for the infographic, I used excel to create my graph, and Canva to design the infographic. I learned there are many sites to search data you need and there is so much information available that you can find a topic for almost you are interested in.

  • How has the process of utilizing these sites impacted your understanding of how technology can change (or help) the world?

Using these sites helped me understand technology can easily teach you things almost instantly, and you can see the different voices of people. Websites can be used for great things such as, problem solving education. and innovation. Using Canva and Excel I realized you can be creative with the way you present information.




Hobbs, Abby. “Time to Act is NOW!” Skipping Stones, vol. 30, no. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2018, p. 10. Gale In Context: Canada,

“Climate change: the Earth at a crossroads.” The Week, 25 Mar. 2023, p. 19. Gale In Context: Canada,



Information Fluency – ChatGpt

ChatGpt is an Ai Chatbot that was made by a company called OpenAi and was launched recently in November 2022. Many people use it for different things like drafting essays, creating music, solving equations, asking questions, explaining topics, and numerous other tasks. It is a major breakthrough for Artificial intelligence technology as it generates human like responses and can predict what words follow each other because it has been trained from an extremely large text collection from the internet. Consequently, there are many issues that comes with having an overly powerful Ai chatbot. For example, lots of people that are in school tend to use ChatGpt to cheat or copy and paste assignments. This is problematic because students will not learn or do the work and it is difficult to solve this problem. For example, countries like China and Russia banned have banned the software completely, many universities have a detection software to detect if you are using it and some teachers will have you do the assignments in class and on paper, so you cannot use ChatGpt. Furthermore, ChatGpt will make it more difficult to tell what is genuine and will help people misrepresent themselves because they will know what to say, but I think people should use ChatGpt as a reference or an idea to use your actual thoughts to represent your genuine feelings. Overall, there are many negative parts that come from ChatGpt but the benefits outweigh the negative parts.  

Break the Fake part 2

The lost ship of Ernest Shackleton  “The Endurance” that was supposedly crushed by ice but was found in march 2022 after 106 years. It was found 10 000 feet deep in the bottom of the icy Weddel sea. Also the ship was somehow in pristine condition after being sunken since 1915. Scientists are trying to find new sea life that lives on the ship.

This article was found in this website

  1. First I located the source of the article which was the person who wrote the article who was a person named Corryn Wetzel who is a freelance science journalist in Brooklyn, her work has also appeared in National Geographic and Audubon Magazine.


2. To verify the source I went on a website called LinkedIn and saw that Corryn Wetzel is indeed a wildlife reporter and science journalist in Brooklyn who graduated from New York University. She also has a blue checkmark on twitter and has a panel on google that recognizes her as a journalist.

3. I used the words fake and hoax into google to check the topic and none of the results ended up saying it was fake. I also checked other sites that covered this topic like NBC News and BBC News and they all had the same general consensus.


4. In conclusion my call is that it is True because the source of the article was proven to be very well informed of the subject and there was no signs or sites that I can find that state this news piece is fake or a hoax, also there was a general consensus between many news outlets which is why it is true.