John’s Blog Rules!

Hello, here on my blog I would like all of you to be respectful and considerate of what you comment on my blog or when looking through my work. I am outlining some guidelines to help you when you are commenting or viewing.

 Be polite. You should not swear, throw insults, act mean, or take over the conversation. If you are not polite don’t comment or leave the site.

Think before you say anything. Think what about what you say before you say anything be sure to think it over before you say then type. When you send make sure it sheds a positive light over you and you do not regret saying the thing you said.

Be clear. Make sure your comments are clear and understandable for other people. Write exactly what your mean on your comment which will make your comment more impactful.

Stay on topic. Your comments should be about the blog post. If you write something unrelated to the topic, it shows that you did not read the article or don’t respect the blog.

An example of a good comment is “Great post, I think making the layout of your post more organized would improve your blog!”


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