Assignment 3B: Writing a Post (TOKTWD) ~Eunyul Kim













Take Your Kid to Work Day

-Eunyul Kim

For this assignment, I went and followed my dad to his real estate workplace at Evergreen West Realty. My dad had a fairly short online-meeting before were to head out to the actual workplace-his office. The meeting-of course I didn’t wholly understand everything brought up in it-was just a regular DOM discussion which included medians for sales and other stuff. This was early in the morning; it was around 4:00pm where we would drive out to the first location. A meetup was held at a rental townhouse in which a family was in the process of moving out and it was all too clear they were quite busy with boxes stacked and draining upon the floors. It was a cool place and the family I saw was a mother and their two kids. While my dad talked with the potential renter, I jotted down rough notes of the place and took some pictures of the townhouse for me to pick out later on. That was the first location. Evergreen West Realty at Glen Drive was next. This was where admin staff resided and separating from my dad who mostly worked outside the offices with meetups at his thrall. Administration all had mandatory leaves at 5:pm, and as for the boss who anecdotally, according to my dad, stays a deal longer than most of the others, was not there alike. At the office was where I tallied up my notes into one document which was the one I handed in and the writings below. I finished writing at one of the many rows of desks while my dad really just sat there waiting. With that, he also showed me around the place explaining what was written on whatever (whiteboards and such) in which I used his word of mouth to complete my assignment.

For my Take Your Kid to Work Day, that was a short summary of what took place that day.

  1. What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 6th? Use details
    My father is a realtor. I took a quick viewing of an online meeting in the morning that consisted of the ‘Days on Market’ numbers, median prices, and other numbers if I’m being frank, do not understand. At around 4, we headed to a showing of a home listed to rent. The place was filled with boxes of the current homeowner heralding the successful selling of the place. Furnitures residing in the home stood new but some sagged in places where it really felt like age had taken its toll.
    It was 6:00pm when we arrived at Evergreen West Realty– 2963 Glen Dr #206, Coquitlam. The administration staff were held to a mandatory 5pm leave so it was only my dad and I.
    The place was mostly painted upon the idea of a wholly white modern room. The tables, walls, divisions, and doors all follow an exact pattern, white. The doors which entranced into meeting rooms were kept consistent of a birch finish. If you can imagine an Ikea purist had designed this room, it would be exactly so. It is known that the owner of Evergreen West Realty is sort of a perfectionist—specifically when it comes to room design and cleanliness. It was apparent that it was a priority. The scent of the interior is pretty confusing to describe. It was definitely fresh. It reeked of wet wipes but saying that sort of connotes a repulsive description which is not even close. The closest I can get is it felt like the smell of a library (the Port Moody Library to be exact) but a lot less enclosed and trapped. 
  1. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work? Why?
    I feel as if the community aspect of the area would just be the little thing that would support my everyday entrance to the office. There is a large area where everyone (mostly the office workers) is supposed to do their duties. 
  1. What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work? Why?
    Sort of ironic to my previous point but it could be the chaos that may occur here. Not chaos as in classroom loud behavior chaos because these people are adults but the mental strain of having to come here in a confined space—whether than space be a spacious space with sufficient airflow, the repetitiveness would definitely issue some sort of distastefulness to the place over time.
  1. What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit? Why?
    The organization amazed me. I expected the place to be even sort of littered with the littlest amount of workplace essentials and garbage, but I was wrong. The counters were swept bare with only hand sanitizers occupying the place. I appreciated the care of the place very much.

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