Kim, Eunyul’s Blog
Hi, Welcome to My Blog.
My name is Eunyul and I am freshmen at Charles Best Secondary. I like music, reading, movies, and sleeping. I play the drums and piano but I lowkey suck at piano. When it comes to music, I really like Elvin Jones, Coltrane, and Gillespie, but I also like differing genres and artists. I used to listen to rap and that type of stuff but right now, not so much. I still like Eminem though. Books and movies for me share very similar genres: I like mostly horror and mystery. My favourite movie right now is The Shining. The filmography is what really does it for me. My favourite subjects are math and socials.
“That wasn’t any act of God. That was an act of pure human frickery.” -Stephen King, The Stand-
I like this quote because I admire the author and his writings. I’ve tried reading other authors but all of it comes off as fake and ungenuine. Not the author themselves but I can’t put off the feeling that they suck at writing. However, Stephen King is actually something different. I like the quote but ironically, I don’t really like the book. Dolores Claiborne and Gerald’s Game are very good examples of stuff that reads better than The Stand. Gerald’s Game was super immersive and dark and it felt as if, if what happened in the book happened to me, it would mirror the reactions that occurred in the book.
2) What is Your Favorite YouTube Clip:
I distinctly remember watching this video first in early 2023. I’ve rewatched a lot since then-not so much now-and I recall putting it on loop in the background while doing some project that required repetitive brain usage. I really like it.
3) Find a Picture that has Impacted You:
I like this image because this image fills me with some transcendental, otherworldly motivation.
4) What is Your Favorite Website: musescore
I really like this site because it carried me when piano got boring but I did eventually quit. I still use it when I’m confused on a part of a song. I’ll be trying to play by ear then give up after like 30 minutes. Then I just look at a transcription someone else made and that gives me a really good base to start from.