Welcome To My Blog!

Hello, I’m Aidan an amateur artist and a student! I am passionate about about videogames, digital art, books and a lot of other things I can’t fit in this paragraph! I’m here to to talk about things that may include interests, hobbies and tips for school! Hope you enjoy!

My favorite quote is “Welcome to, Jurassic Park!” because that scene is of epic proportions and the way John Hammond says the quote is said in such a way that adds on to the grandeur of it. The camera panning, the open area, it’s all perfect.


My favorite youtube clip is the “VERY fast demoknight tf2 trimping at incredible hihg speed” video by SolarLight because shows how skillfull the movement in Team Fortess 2 is and how if you’re good at movement, you have a huge advantage over other people.


My favorite image is a piece of art I drew because it shows how far I’ve came with drawing and


it’s of good quality in my eyes.









My favorite website is Pokemon Showdown because it allows me to battle friends, practice my competitive Pokemon skills and tweak and make new teams for the competitive season.

Pokemon Showdown!