Break the Fake -Did Walt Disney really want to ‘kill goofy’? Viral rumor that shook the internet

  1. After searching for some current news, I found an article that was published not too long ago. I found this article on a website called “SK POP, where it talked about how Walt Disney didn’t truly want to kill Goofy and there was no actual proof of any notes written left behind.

2. To verify how trustworthy “SK POP” is, I searched their name up on google. I found out that they have several different social media accounts that are verified. 

3. Then I went onto to check if I could really trust this information. To my surprise “SKPOP” was right and Snopes verified that any rumors about Walt Disney leaving any notes left behind about Goofy were incorrect. 

4. Lastly, I double-checked by searching on Google and found several other articles claiming the same things as “SK POP”. 

5. I realized that after all the trusted sources I looked at, that it is most likely that the rumors going on about killing Goofy are false. 


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