Why Drug Abuse Is A Real Problem

This topic is a very serious manner and remains very pervasive in British Columbia. 

Drugs have been with humanity for a very long time, but a lot of the time people take advantage of it. The director of BCCDC (British Columbia Centre for Disease Control), Tyndall, had been working with drug addicts for some time. Trying desperately to keep them alive, helping them control their problems. But, over the course of 2016, 1422 tragic lives were taken from overdoses. Tyndall was sick of watching people die, so he said to start a program that distributed hydro morphine pills to only registered users. I know that addictions occur and it is hard to get rid of, but I know that motivation and support goes along the ways of helping. That is why we absolutely cannot let drugs win over the mentality of victims, we should always help them to improve themselves so they don’t live a tragic and unfortunate life. I believe that drug users are not educated enough to understand their actions. In the Article ‘Death, death-day in, day out.’, It states that this one person that befriended people who overdose, often dealt with hardship since they die quickly. It also states that another person lost 12 people he knew to the lethal drug, Fentanyl, and 2 of those people were his close friends.

I ask this question to you viewer, do you think people really care about others if they are involved with drug addiction? I say, if you know someone who does drugs, try everything in your power to stop them.

(P.S., I am not passionate about drug abuse, I am passionate about ending drug abuse.)