Q3 Proud Assignment – Yohan Lee

During quarter 3 of my 1st year at Charles Best, I had to do an assignment about linear relations.

The whole purpose of this assignment was for students to understand the knowledge about graphing, to know slope equations, like y = mx + b.

This assignment asked us to choose an animal for to graph on a grid and right down coordinates from certain points of our choosing, I had to write down 8 total equations; 2 horizontal points, 2 vertical points, 2 positive sloped equations and 2 negative sloped equations.


For this project, the animal I chose was a monkey, the reason why I chose a monkey was because I saw a very wholesome video where this monkey leads a man somewhere, here is the url of this video:

This is pretty much the only reason why I chose a monkey/chimp over any other animal.
Either way, I thought it was a fun assignment to do and I thank my teacher Ms. Cho for teaching me Math 9.
Hope everyone else does well in future classes!

My Proudest Assignment From Quarter 2

During socials 9 of quarter 2, I really enjoyed working on this project about the American revolution.
I learned that Americans pretty much hate the British, I would understand why they would but their hatred seems to be a bit excessive. Apparently Great Britain decided to aggravate the Americans by increasing the amount of tax since the war prior to this war (the Seven years war) made Britain go poor because of the amount of money they poured in the military. So Americans fought back and eventually won to claim independence.
(to this day, a lot of Americans still hate the British.)

For this project, I was supposed to fill 6 boxes with D E T A I L E D information about the American revolution/war of independence, and as you can see, I did put a lot of detail! (I think the grammar might be scuffed, but I tried.)

I was happy when this project turned out to be good looking, since it took me a collective 4 hours on fine detail of that huge building, king George III, George Washington and all the other drawings. I considered the drawings to be very pristine, besides George Washington’s face, but overall I thought that I did very well on this project.

It does look quite bland since it is mainly white. The reason why I did not use outliner or colored pencils were these reasons. I did not want the dark marker to seep through the paper, making both sides look terrible; and I didn’t want to use colored pencils because I am bad at shading in a color and I personally like black and white more than bright flashy colors.

This project was fun and I hope the people who have future classes with Mr. Mackay also have a good time!

Science 9 – Bonds & exo/endothermic energy

In quarter 1 of my grade 9 year, I had science 9 with Ms.Galuska from Charles best secondary school. I enjoyed this one assignment I had to do during my time in that class, and that topic was about bonds. I was really glad of how it turned out, but I already know that everything in life will have a flaw, and I plan to work on those flaws so then I can be better within the class that I am in.

this is the link to my video since the file was too big: