Break the Fake (Part 2)

I decided to look for an article about scrapbooks. I will be fact-checking this article to see if it is real or not. This article was about black history archives that are in trouble. It was also claiming that a 19th century Philadelphian filled hundreds of scrapbooks with newspaper clippings and other materials. But now, underfunding and physical decay are putting archives at risk. Here the steps I took…

  1. The article was on a website called “The Atlantic”. I have not heard of this news platform before so i decided to look more into it.

2. I did a Wikipedia search on the Atlantic and found that it is a magazine and multi-platform publisher. It focuses on literature, political science, foreign affairs, and lifestyles. It has a good reputation and has proven to be a trusted source.

3. Now that I trust the source of the article, I still wanted to verify the information. I found the author of the article and her name is Cynthia Greenlee. I searched her name and instantly found many websites about her. I clicked on the first website about her and found that she has a masters degree in journalism, a PhD in history where she specialized in African-Americans, gender, and the law. She is well known journalist and scholar, so I trust the author of the article.

4. I tried to search up the article on but nothing showed up. Still, I wanted to fact-check the information.

5. Lastly, to fact-check the information on the article. I decided to search “black history archives are in trouble hoax” to check the validity. I saw that many other reliable news platforms reported on the story.

To conclude this, the story is in fact TRUE.

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