Break the fake- Prada blackface scandal

In this article, it talks about a blackface accusation that Prada was involved in, and it claims that the scandal lead to legal repercussions. Apparently Prada was getting backlash for racially insensitive products and advertising. According to the article, the scandal was turning into a bit of a legal problem.

Step 1: The source was a website called “The Cut”, which is apart of the New York magazine website. It seemed quite reliable, but I was not completely certain.

Step 2: To check if “The Cut” was a reliable and true source, I searched it on Wikipedia. It seems like a reliable and popular source, so I can most likely trust that the article is accurate. Since “The Cut” is apart of the New York magazine, I assumed that it is probably a credible source.

Step 3: I also used to confirm that the story was true. I found out that there were multiple other articles about it, and they were confirmed to be true.

Step 4: Lastly, I wanted to check the other articles about this topic to see if they had similar information. I found several other websites and articles that discussed the same story. They seemed reliable, because there were many popular websites like the CNN, CTV, and ABC news with an article about Prada’s blackface scandal.

In conclusion, this article was true.

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