Math 9 – Linear Equations Project

In this post, I will be talking about a project that I did last quarter, in Math 9. I am proud of this project because I put in much effort to make my word problems creative, and I made a PowerPoint that was very pleasing to watch. Moreover, all the equations I created for my word problems were exactly correlated and made sense in each context.

To summarize, we were working in the unit of linear equations and my teacher assigned a project where we had to create our own word problems and linear equations. Creating word problems was particularly difficult for me because I am a visual learner, and not so much a reading learner. Therefore, it was challenging to create word problems that made sense for each type of equation. After creating the word problems for each equation, we had to make the equations and solutions to each problem. In addition, we had to create common mistakes when solving each type of equation, which meant creating the equations and explaining the mistakes in words. Creating common mistakes was much easier for me than creating word problems, as you simply use numbers and never words. I received a perfect mark on this project, which I did certainly did not expect. I am most proud of the fact that I did well on a project that highlighted my weakest skill in Math (word problems). Undoubtedly, this project improved my literary skills for the writing aspect of Math, and I will be eternally grateful for that!

The link to my project is below:

Linear Equations Project-Math 9