Proud of Assignment Quarter 3

My proud of assignment for this term was the mac and cheese assignment in Food Studies. My group and I were asked to make our own version of mac and cheese and name it. My group and I added green onion, chicken, extra cheese and broccoli on our mac and cheese. We named it NAP’n cheese because it was our first letter of our names together. I am proud of this assignment because it turned out to be really good and my group and I enjoyed making it. 

Break the fake II

 Break The Fake Part II 


For my passion project I talked about helping/guiding people into living a healthy lifestyle

with things like diet, exercise and mental & spiritual activities.  


To do this search, I first searched up on google “healthy habits for a healthy lifestyle.

With that search, I scrolled through and picked a random website.  



The website I got, was a website called Gaiam. After reading through the

article, it was talking about tips to make habits into a healthy lifestyle. This website contains

yoga classes, blogs, apparel, workout equipment and a lot more. They claim their goal is to help 

people find their perfect imperfections and being happy with themselves through yoga.  


The next two photos were the next step I took. I went to Wikipedia and searched up the

name of the website. Wikipedia said that the website has the same things Gaiam mentioned on their page. 


I noticed that this company is 33 years old and when I search up the name of the founder,

it states the right information I’m looking for. 



I went back to the website and saw that at the top of the list, there was a name

who was supposed to be the person who wrote the list.  


I then searched his name up and got the box in google. I only did one more

thing to make sure that if this was the same person. 


His website claims that he is a specialist in the area of health and wellness which clearly

linked to the original website I was previously looking at.  



My final Note is that this website is true and accurate.

Proud of assignment

The assignment I am proud of for quarter 2 is my composition about the Egyptian and the Moroccan revolution for social studies. In this assignment, I was required to write about two revolutions that comes from the Arab spring and how they are similar, and how are they different from each otherIt was a bit difficult because I had to write it in 2 hours but other than that it was a good assignment and I am proud of it and how it turned out.  

Passion Assignment


Notes – Cut & paste / paraphrasing.  My ideas, questions, connections, etc. 




Prevalence of Healthy Lifestyles Characteristics–Michigan, 1998 and 2000. (2001). MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report50(35), 758. 



Most people with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic lung disease share multiple common risk factors and lifestyle behaviors ( 1). Tobacco use, poor diet, and physical inactivity have been identified as the leading contributors to overall mortality in the United States, accounting for one third of all deaths (2); Michigan has a particularly high burden of chronic disease-related mortality ( 3). To characterize the prevalence of four healthy lifestyle characteristics (HLCs) (I.e., healthy weight, adequate fruit and vegetable consumption, regular leisure-time physical activity [LTPA], and not smoking) in Michigan residents, data were analyzed from Michigan’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) for 1998 and 2000.  

Diseases such as cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease are usually caused by unhealthy habits such as smoking, a bad diet and lack of physical activity.  


One third of the deaths in America are caused by these unhealthy habits: Imagine the lives that are being taken just by not having healthy habits. 






5 Healthy Habits Cut Diabetes Risk, Even After Age 65. (Cover story). (2009). Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, 27(6), 1–2. 


Get Plenty of Sleep to Reduce Diabetes Risk 

Add another health concern to the growing list associated with not getting adequate sleep: Lack of shuteye may boost your risk of type-2 diabetes. SUNY-University at Buffalo researchers report that study subjects who averaged less than six hours of sleep nightly were four and a half times more likely to develop abnormal blood-sugar readings than those sleeping longer.  



Plenty sleep is required to maintain healthy. Especially if you want to avoid having diabetes. 


People who score an average of less than 6 hours of sleep daily, they are 4 ½ times more likely to have abnormal blood sugar than the people who get more sleep daily. 







Passion is a feeling that is love or hate towards something. Usually when someone asks what your passion is, you respond with something that you love to do such as soccer, dancing, knitting, making videos, cooking etc. (it could really be anything). My Passion is inspiring others to have a healthy lifestyle. It sounds weird but it is something my mom does for a living and it really opened my eyes for something I might want to focus on more in the future. Ever since I was young, I knew that my passion was to help people but there were always major things that sort of stopped me from feeling confident in what I wanted. Being a doctor would have been an impossibility for me because I am sensitive when I see “graphic images” of wounds and cuts. Being a police officer, a firefighter or anything really in that area of help never actually drawn my attention. A year ago, learning about my mom’s new job was about helping people balance their lives with healthy eating, exercise, mental health and other small but affective habits. Most of the time if you can balance your life in that way, you could avoid diseases in the future such as cancer, chronic lung disease & diabetes. Some unhealthy habits that a lot of follow including myself sometimes could by unbalanced/poor diet, smoking and the lack of physical activity. These unhealthy habits have been the one third of deaths in America. This is exactly what I want to help with; trying to avoid these types of diseases. To give a bit more information onto what would help to balance these lifestyles. For example, a way to avoid diabetes would be getting enough sleep. People who score an average of less than 6 hours of sleep on the daily, they are 4 ½ times more likely to have abnormal blood sugar than the people who get more sleep on the daily. To conclude, my passion or my calling if you would like would be to help and/or guide people to happier and healthier lifestyles; reminding them that physical activity, balanced diet, and other habits could be life changing if they tried.  


Communications 9 – Cinema Jobs

I chose to show a group project I did in communications 9. During this unit, we learned about the different jobs that go on in the film making world and I thought it was very interesting to learn them all. The PowerPoint shows a couple jobs that help out in the making of the movie. I am proud of this project because my group & I put in a lot of information and I feel like I learned a lot in this project.

The photos bellow are a couple of slides from the PowerPoint since I couldn’t put in the link to it.

Comment Guidelines for my Blog

Thank you for stopping by my blog. Just a little reminder to always stay positive, considerate and thoughtful when you are commenting on my work. I will leave some simple guideline reminders down bellow to help you out when commenting on my blog!


  • No foul language

This means to not use any cuss words or racial slurs at any time while you are commenting. I believe this is a good way to spread positivity because there’s really no need for any foul language in a blog comment.

  • No off topic rants.

I chose this guideline because I feel like it’s important to receive feedback or friendly comments about the post so that I (and others too) can feel like people are actually looking into your work and not just ranting about something that has nothing to do with the subject.

  • No spam

This is an important guideline because it can always be annoying to get a ton of comments on post by one person. Spamming is always unnecessary and is usually off topic so please don’t do it.

  • Treat others the way you want to be treated

It’s always nice to receive a positive comment or constructive criticism, so please do the same for others. It’s very important to bring each other up and not down.


Example: My blog post on a cooking recipe

“Hey, I really liked the recipe you showed. Thank you for the simple explanation, it really helps. Can’t wait to make it soon!”