Biology project

This quarter I am most proud of my biology project in science. For the project we had to make a mind map showing information about different subjects in biology. We had to explain sexual reproduction and the stages of meiosis, what meiosis is and what chromosomes are. For asexual reproduction, we had to talk about the different types such as budding, binary fission, fragmentation, vegetative reproduction, and spore formation. We also had to talk about the cell cycle, mitosis and steps of mitosis.  We also had to talk about variability and the positive and negative results of mutation. I worked really hard to make sure that I included the right information and enough information to show my understanding. I enjoy working with mind maps so this project was really fun for me to do. I am very proud of the way I showed what I had learned throughout the lessons, how I added more information and how I added more detail than the criteria asked for. I am also very proud that I didn’t procrastinate at all with this project. My teacher actually ended up keeping my project to show to future classes. This was probably the best project I have done this school year.

Equine Therapy Break The Fake Part ll


Horses are one of the most important things in my life. They help me stay calm and happy, and when horses are used to help people, it is called equine therapy. I saw a website that talked about equine therapy and the benefits. I didn’t know if this was a website made by people who did studies on the subject or people who made guesses. The website talked about how horses have taught many people how to trust again and how they will take skills they have learned from the horses, such as hard work, into the real world. I wanted to see if what they were saying was true. This is what I found:


First, I checked Wikipedia. They said that the company, Psychology today, is a website that features “therapy and health professional directories,” This shows that the people who wrote the articles are experts and shows what they do.

I then searched up “Psychology today equine therapy hoax.” Nothing came up about it being fake. It came up with more articles from the same website about the benefits of horses.

Finally, I checked the website and saw that this article was reviewed by a fact checker and had a checkmark beside it. Also, I went to the Twitter of the author of the article and saw that she has a PhD in Transformative Studies and is a mental health advocate.

Overall, I found nothing leading to this author and website being fake. Everything leads to the direction that what they are saying is to be believed.

The information in the website is true.


English Project

At the end of my English class, we did a group project based on a short story we chose.  My group did it on the short story “The Oedipus Complex”  The story was about how a little boy had troubles getting along with his Father. What we had to do was make a quiz, create 45 question, make a 5 page drama scene, create a game and do a small work sheet. My group did really well and got 78/80 on the project. My teacher chose me to be the group leader so I was in charge of most of the project. Being the group leader meant I would get more marks if we did well but lose more if we did poorly. That was stressful but I worked hard to make the project the best it could be. I was in charge of the drama scene and writing a few of the questions. I couldn’t believe that we received 11/10 for the play that I wrote. The play was about two teenage girls having differences with their parents. I was proud of how the play turned out because everyone seemed to understand the plot and I made sure that my group was comfortable with it. Also, I spent a very long time making sure that it matched the theme of the story and that it would be fun to perform. This project was very intimidating, for there was many small details and we had to present it in front of the class. I worked really hard on it and didn’t give up when it felt like too much. I am so proud of what I have accomplished. Here is the play that I wrote.

Equine Therapy

One of my biggest passions is horses. One of the reasons is because how they take away all the stress I have in life. This is called Equine Therapy for many people who are interested in horses.  I have heard of many other people that have experienced the feeling of freedom while riding a horse which I relate to. I find that when I ride I loose all the stress going on in my life. I just focus on that moment. I come home from the stable happy and ready to continue with my school and studying. Horses are also great for social skills. They are good at calming you down and making you feel comfortable. I noticed that when I began riding horse I gradually became more confident. I have read of many people whose life has changed by being around horses. The horses helped them through some very traumatic situations. Whenever I feel sad but cannot go to the stable I like to watch movies or videos about horses. Horses are a huge part of my life and I am so happy I found a way to deal with stress through them. There are many organizations, such as Pacific Riding for Developing Abilities (PRDA), which help people with disabilities learn to ride horses and have fun. I would love to volunteer there when I am old enough. Almost everything about horses makes me calm, including the smell of the stables, the feel of the horses hair, and just the fresh air. Grooming a horse is very calming and most of the time relaxing. I feel that more people should learn about Equine Therapy because it is super effective and just overall amazing.

Foods 9 Macaroni

In Foods 9, we did a Macaroni competition at the end of the quarter. My group actually won the competition.

This was our Macaroni and Cheese. I am really proud of it because it was really delicious and looked pretty good, too.

Maddy’s blog guidelines for commenting

Hello everyone, thank you for visiting my blog. Please always think before commenting on my blog and make sure your comments  are respectful, as well. I want this to be a safe place for everyone. A few ways you can make sure you are being respectful and kind are……….

Try not to use foul language.

  • It could hurt someone’s feelings. Please find another way to express how you feel.

Try to respect everyone’s opinion, even if you may not agree

  •  This rule may not work in every scenario but please try to make everyone feel welcomed.

If you have any suggestions or tips about my work or other people’s work, please tell me or others as politely as possible.

  •  I appreciate when people help me improve on my learning, but please do so while keeping my feelings in mind.

If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say it.

  • This kind of speaks for itself, so if you are thinking about commenting on something in a way that you know is rude, then just don’t.

Example on how to comment on something like a project:

“Hey Maddy, wow your project looked really good! I was just thinking that next time you could add more detail to your drawings. I loved how you explained and went into detail about how riding horses can benefit your health.”