Equine Therapy Break The Fake Part ll

Website: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/ending-addiction-good/201708/the-therapeutic-value-horses

Horses are one of the most important things in my life. They help me stay calm and happy, and when horses are used to help people, it is called equine therapy. I saw a website that talked about equine therapy and the benefits. I didn’t know if this was a website made by people who did studies on the subject or people who made guesses. The website talked about how horses have taught many people how to trust again and how they will take skills they have learned from the horses, such as hard work, into the real world. I wanted to see if what they were saying was true. This is what I found:


First, I checked Wikipedia. They said that the company, Psychology today, is a website that features “therapy and health professional directories,” This shows that the people who wrote the articles are experts and shows what they do.

I then searched up “Psychology today equine therapy hoax.” Nothing came up about it being fake. It came up with more articles from the same website about the benefits of horses.

Finally, I checked the website and saw that this article was reviewed by a fact checker and had a checkmark beside it. Also, I went to the Twitter of the author of the article and saw that she has a PhD in Transformative Studies and is a mental health advocate.

Overall, I found nothing leading to this author and website being fake. Everything leads to the direction that what they are saying is to be believed.

The information in the website is true.


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