My food blog for Foods 9 (The food)

The thoughts you’ve put into composing your shot (colour, contrast, texture, angle, light, etc.)  ?

The first thing that I put thought into when composing the pictures of the food was the colour. These are portuguese cod cakes we call them Pastéis de Bacalhau. They had this nice crispy brown texture when just coming out of the hot oil and when I added the parlsey to give it this added pop of colour you can simply see how they both compliment each other. The texture is the part that I took the most time on when photographing these images.  As I mentioned before the cod cakes had just came out of the hot oil so I tried to get as close as I could to show the viewer the flackyness, the beautiful brown outside of it and the overall shape to really show them off. In each of the photos down below they are all taken at different angles to hightlinght different sides and perspectives of this food. The light in these shots was key, it was bright so it highlighted everything very well and it did not cast any shadows on anything.

What you’re trying to capture—Does your picture tell a story?

I was trying to capture the portuguese cod cakes or Pastéis de Bacalhau as they are just coming out of the hot oil. In other words I wanted to show how fresh they were and display all of their many features. My pictures don’t tell a story but there is history behind the food. This recipe has been past on by generation on my mom side of the familly. She used to make it with her mom and now I make it with mine.

What you like about the photo ?

I like all of these photos a lot. Each of them highlight beautifully the texture of the food as if you were viewing it on your plate right now. I like how I added the parsley to just make the images pop and just ovderall more intresting. I also like how I chose to not hightlight or show any backround keeping this simple and not distracting the viewers eyes. Using the plate with just a white paper towel to again add an element of simplicity, elegance and with no added distractions.



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