Break The Fake ll

Digital Learning Online
Break the Fake II
Emma Jordaan

Article chosen:
The article I have chosen is a list of the top 10 posts and comments related to the Corona virus which are all fake and not proven. The main fake story that people have come up with in the article is that “

Websites used to research what makes and are examples of fake news:
Examples and ways of determining what is fake information and real information. The first way is to check the link. If there is a lock next to your website then you are on a secure page. If not, your information could possibly be fake or exaggerated. The second is when you notice the page is kind of scattered. When u you ou see all of the information spaces into multiple sections of the page.

Website Accuracy:
Based off of this website. Most of the information on this site based on research and the steps of how to determine the amount of fake information from the website. The website is mostly all accuracy information and is good quality for use on a project or assignment research paper.

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