About Me



1) My Favorite Quote: My favorite quote is simple, “Be kind whenever possible.It is always possible”- Dalai lama. I love spreading positivity whenever I can and trying to be happy as much as possible with what I have and what I am given in life. And it is true you can be kind whenever you want to, it is always possible, some people just choose not to, however I do my best to be the best version of myself that I can be for myself and others. I find it is the best way to live.


2) My Favorite YouTube Clip: I don’t go on YouTube very often in general. It’s not exactly my cup of tea, however whenever a new music video comes out that gets people talking, I take a look. The last time that happened was when the music video for Ariana Grande’s “Thank you Next” came out in November of 2018. I found the video to be very well thought out and I really enjoyed it considering the video was about movies from the 1990/2000 and I love every movie that was mentioned. It was very well put together and I also enjoy the song that went with it.

Music Video


3)A Picture that has Impacted Me: In the 8th grade, we did an hour every week of analyzing famous art work, movie clips, etc. I will always remember this one painting called “The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali. I found it very smart and fascinating. In the painting there are clocks on what looks like a beach and the clocks are melting. Whenever I think of famous art this is the first thing that comes into mind and there are so many interesting ways of interpreting it.


4) My Favorite Website: My favorite site is Cool Math Games. I usually don’t use my laptop for anything other than school, however i have been using this website since elementary school. It seems childish but it is honestly so much fun to this day that whenever i’m bored and I can’t think of anything to do, I play “Run 2” or “Papa’s Cupcakeria” on Cool Math Games. It doesn’t take up too much of your time if you don’t want it too, but you can play them more hours.

Cool Math Games