-About Me-
Welcome to my official blog! I’m Tiffany, and I’m a student who loves music, books, and all kinds of sports! In this blog, I will be sharing with you my interests, future goals/plans, and all sorts of other things about me!
My favorite quote:
“Push yourself until your proud”
This simple, yet very motivating quote is one that I stick with me every day. This quote impacted my life a lot for the better, completely changed my mindset toward self-improvement, and had helped me progress through many overwhelming points of my life with aspiration!
My favorite youtube clip is a 15 minutes HIIT workout video I watch almost every day to exercise. This video represents a huge part of myself as physical fitness had always been a huge priority of mine and a hobby that I love. I’ve become much more active with exercising by watching this video to workout, which is the reason why it’s my most favorite and important youtube clip.
My favorite picture is a photo of my dad eating at a buffet. The photo was taken 6 years ago, around the last week of my dad’s last visit in Canada. Unlike many other people’s favorite photos, usually being family portraits, selfies with friends, or any motivational picture; mine is my favorite primarily because it makes me laugh. To me, the guy in the photo isn’t just some man who’s staring into blank space waiting for food; but the person who taught me many important rules of life.
My favorite website:
If I could recommend one website to others for studying, I’d 100% suggest imissmycafe.com! It’s a website where you could adjust the volume of many things in a practical café atmosphere and also play songs they have on their connected Spotify playlist! I’d usually play background music from my own playlist, but love using this website for rain, people, and barista sounds. This website helps me to stay on task with my work for a long duration of time, which is why It’s one of my favorite websites!