Quarter 3 proud assignment

One of my favourite assignments that I completed this quarter was a map of the United Kingdom and the British Isles in social studies. We learned a lot about the United Kingdom in the 17th century and one of our tasks was to draw a map that included things like important cities, textile production, metallurgical production, dairy production,  and Hadrian’s wall. It also included the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. I am proud of this project because I received a good mark on it and I put a lot of time and effort into it. I think it is easy and clear to read and I coloured it well. I am pleased with the final result and I also learned many new things while making it.

Quarter 2 proud assignment

An assignment that I am proud of from quarter 2 is my Slope stained glass project that I did in math. I enjoyed this project because I learned a lot about slopes and graphing lines and it helped prepare me for my unit test.

I had to draw 20 different lines on the graph with specific slopes and x/y-intercepts. Then I had to colour it. I put lots of work into it to make sure the lines were graphed correctly and drawn straight. I’m glad that I was able to do this assignment because it was good practice on how to graph lines and it helped me do well on my unit test. Math is a subject that is sometimes hard for me to enjoy because it can be very complicated, but this assignment helped me understand how to graph properly so I wouldn’t be worried for my unit test. I also did quite well on this assignment, so I was proud of myself.

French 9 – portfolio de poésie

In French 9, one of our big assignments was writing many different poems based off of lots of different subjects. I have always enjoyed writing poems in English, but I had never done it in French until this assignment. It was a bit of a challenge because it was much harder for me to find words that rhymed in French and it was sometimes difficult to find the perfect words to describe things. I am very proud of how my poems turned out. They were really fun and interesting to write. I’m also proud of myself because I did very well on this assignment and I think I learned a lot of new things about poetry. I’m glad that I was able to write poetry in a different language, and it was overall an assignment that I enjoyed a lot.