Assignment 6B: Information Fluency Paragraph


For this assignment, my topic was the Solar System. I mainly talked about where the Solar System comes from, Asteroids, Astrology, the Big Bang theory, telescope etc. I stated how astronomers founded new planets with the invention of the telescope and how useful it was, how scientists found the Big Bang theory, and what it is contained from, how Romans weren’t interested in Astrology and their thoughts towards it, however later they gained interest in the topic, how the Solar System is made up from clusters of cloud and gas on it self and began to swirl. Furthermore I also mentioned Asteroids, by means of, they are located in between the terrestrial planets and the Main Belt. Comets, which they are composed of mainly rock and ice, and what they do in the Solar System. To conclude, Solar System is made from many different objects, and each one of them are important and were/are useful in the creation of the Solar System.

AI (ChatGPT):

The Solar System is a complex interplay of celestial bodies revolving around the Sun. Among its constituents are eight planets, including Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, each accompanied by its own retinue of moons. Beyond these planets lie asteroids, ranging from small rocks to dwarf planets like Ceres, and comets, icy bodies that release gas and dust as they approach the Sun. Astrology, a belief system intertwined with cultural history, asserts a connection between celestial positions and events in human lives.  It interprets the positions of celestial objects at an individual’s birth as influencing personality traits and life events. Despite its widespread cultural influence, astrology lacks scientific backing and is considered a pseudoscience, as empirical evidence supporting its claims is absent.


  • What was your experience in using AI?                                                                                                                                                       My experience with using AI, It took few seconds for it to upload what I wanted the AI to do. Furthermore, it felt like an individual was doing my “job” for me, and I just relaxed instead of worrying about if the grammar is wrong, if the paragraph is too short, etc.
  • Was the paragraph the AI generated accurate? Fact-check any new information and see if it’s true.                                         Based on the paragraph from AI, it was pretty or really accurate because if you search up these information/facts about the Solar System, it will show you the information about it and you’ll notice it’s the same.
  • Was the exercise useful? How can this help you with your learning going forward?I think that this exercise was useful because now we can see that AI or any other AI apps, are giving us the right or true info when we’re asking them about something. Furthermore, I know that if I ask AI for help with something they will provide me with the true information.
  • Were your results expected? Yes or No? Explain.I do think that my results were expected because its obviously AI, and they are programmed to give us the real information/feedback as much as possible. Moreover, I had the expections of AI giving me the “real” information about the Solar System, and it did met my standards.

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