Take Your Kids to Work Day

TOKTWD 2023 

  1. What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 1st? 

In my dad’s workplace, it is extremely quite because most of the time he works at construction since he is an engineer, however sometimes he spends his time in an office with his other workers. Like I said, in the office it is quiet because he is by himself right now, there are lots of paperworks, computers, designs, it is also bright in here. The room is big for 3 people, and there is also another room which is for the kitchen.  

  1. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work? 

I think the part where I would feel motivated to wake up every day and attend to work would be the fact that you are in a serious place, there are other people with the same interests as you, you have the ability to explore your job, the coworkers acknowledge you, you can do the job that you love, get works done, etc.

  1. What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work? 

It important that the people you work with share your values and enjoy their jobs when it comes terrible collaboration (i.e., when coworkers lack creativity, intelligence, or social skills), the place that is inappropriate (i.e., too small, noisy, old, etc.), and poor communication. Another example would be the massive workload. I may become too tired to go to work if my job gives me too much work, which would reduce my motivation to attend work. 

  1. What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit?

One thing that I found interesting about my dad’s workplace was how quiet it is. I thought that my dad’s office would be a lot louder, more talking, however it is very calming. I also found how messy it was. At first i thought it was going to be all neat; nevertheless, there were paperworks everywhere, designs, models, and so much more, which is why it surprised me.

Here are the pictures of the workplace (office):


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