Information Fluency Paragraph

Topic: Chinese Apps and their influence to the western world

My original paragraph:

Despite the tense relation between the US and China, Chinese companies have been striving, feeding infinitely on the western market. Why choose to use so much effort and expand to the US, when they can choose to stay in the home country and thrive? Answer is, Chinese companies can’t thrive inside China. Large companies in China is always the target of the Chinese government to take them down, for various reasons. Large companies need a place to set their foot on other than China, in case their main (Chinese) branch becomes the target. Those apps, and companies have largely impacted the western world we see today. Those companies from the country of manufacturing has, of course, the cheaper price tags compared to the average Amazon. Temu, the western branch for PingDuoDuo, is a great example of how people loves same products with cheaper prices, aquiring a high 268 million visits per month, ranked #6 marketplace in the U.S.

CHATGPT Paragraph

Chinese marketing apps have wielded a significant influence over North America, permeating the digital landscape with their innovative approaches and expansive user bases. Platforms like TikTok, WeChat, and Alibaba’s AliExpress have captured the attention of North American consumers with their blend of entertainment, social networking, and e-commerce functionalities. TikTok, in particular, has surged in popularity, reshaping how brands engage with audiences through short-form video content. WeChat serves as a multifaceted tool, integrating messaging, social networking, and payment services into one cohesive platform, appealing to both Chinese expatriates and Western users alike. Additionally, AliExpress has emerged as a formidable player in the e-commerce sphere, offering a vast array of products at competitive prices, challenging established North American platforms. As these Chinese marketing apps continue to expand their reach and refine their strategies, their influence over North American consumer behavior and digital marketing trends is set to deepen further.


Answering questions:
1. I use AI any time I need some little aid. I like it better than a google search. Chatgpt never let me down before.

2. The paragraph AI wrote was not on point and had missing examples that were crucial. Chatgpt once told me it was last updated with news in around 2021. So the news event part is not accurate.

3. I learned that it is best not to use Chatgpt for paragraphs involving real life events/products. I still think its great to use chatgpt for idea, etc, but not for complex tasks.

4. I expected chatgpt to do so, because I use the program often. I already know the news are outdated, so I fully expected the AI to be a little behind on news/products.