Core Competencies Reflection 9

Throughout the year, I have improved myself in various core competencies. In Electronics and Robotics 9, I demonstrated critical and creative thinking by designing and building my own robot. I then tested my robot on other groups, and was able to successfully analyze flaws in my creation, gathering ideas and utilizing them, making an even better, less flawed robot. I analyzed other robots, improving my own.

Critical thinking was also clearly demonstrated during the course of the robot building process, and the final “robot fight”. Building a robot isn’t an easy and problem-free process. Even though I wired a perfect controller, I encountered multiple wire issues. I thought critically for a solution when I discovered that, one of the wires doesn’t conduct anymore. Without the help of anyone, I quickly fixed the wires by taking the controller apart, and connecting another wire to my motor as a replacement. It happened again during the robot final match; in which I found particularly frustrating, further testing my critical thinking skills. I fixed my bot in time, and had a fine placement in the overall competition. 

Not only do I demonstrate the core competencies in school, I take care and acknowledge my social responsibility by volunteering. I have, starting from April, been volunteering for SOBC – the Special Olympics BC. I have been an active volunteer, coaching football to people with intellectual disabilities. By coaching at SOBC, I have very well and happily contributed to my local community, at the same time valuing diversity by uniting people of different disabilities with ourselves. I don’t just volunteer after school, I build strong friendships between lots of peers in different schools through sports and various hobbies. 

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