June 11th, 2019
Some of you have been wondering the plan for these last 2 weeks:
- Last week: Overview of the stand-alone paragraph (peer review) + pre-assessment
- This week: Review of Stand-alone and rubric standard / peer review of synthesis (Thursday) + 2nd provincial online – Friday lecture and application of stand-alone
- Next Week: Narrative focus: Fine tune narrative essays and Thursday read aloud of narrative papers in circle – out loud = commitment to your words / Monday-Wednesday Final Provincial examination for final assessment
June 10th, 2019
Meeting in computer lab.
We will work on ‘extra’ practice today (Provincial F) because of many sick individuals who might need to recover from an epidemic.
June 4th, 2019
Tomorrow, you will take a full provincial (that will go into Wednesday) and then we will go over it. This is so you can see where you are. Today, we will go over the exact structure of what a provincial exam is. I will call it:
Provincial Boot-camp day #1
Lots of things to go over. You need to know your enemy before you can beat it.
Here are the preliminary papers I want to go over with you:
Exam Prompts and Themes_Setters
I would like for you to look at a specific prompt. Remember that we did this a little while ago? I would like to revisit this and then have you come up with a theme statement based on the prompt given.
May 29th, 2019
Here is the basic outline of what I’d like to see starting tomorrow:
- Have the summary ready (The mash up of all the questions on your inquiry sheets) as your 1000 word response. It should be cleaned up and in a readable format.
- A presentation PPT of all of your work so that everyone can see on either Friday or Monday. (10-15 minutes)
For Monday at the end of class, you should have completed the questions on the daily reading sheet (There are 15 total) to hand in one per group as a participation mark.
Language: Sara, Nighina, Emily
Innocence: Nicole, Tessa, Gabby, Mara
Equality: Alyson, Meg, Brielle
Authority: Shea, Cosh, Kristin, Zoe, JP
Unity: Nathan, Javid, Logan
Kindness: Chloe, Gio, Teagan
Love: Karol, Karolina, Eaeyma
Virtue: Hannah, April, Caitlin
Sexuality: Raiyah, Rachel, Viktoriya
May 28th, 2019
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a great parallel to what will happen to Victor and the Monster, doomed never to meet again.
We will go over some poignant scenes today after I let you work with your groups for 30 minutes approximately.
Chapter 16 – where the creature is finding out about life, and makes a request to Victor that he has to fulfill. Perhaps the creature is the albatross and victor is the mariner? By forsaking the monster, he has, in a way, killed it?
Chapter 23 Victor’s life ended – mentally.
I will explain the ending and Walton’s letter after that.
May 27th, 2019
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner with guides
This is our plan today:
- As a class, read Rime of the Ancient Mariner – I will go over it with you.
- parts designated to people in class – do a deep cut of the lines in the poem
- go back with your inquiry group – find where your themes are the most prominent.
- How does this poem connect to Frankenstein – personal reflection 10 minute write.
Questions from the internet to help you in your groups if you’re stuck on your parts:
- Who or what is responsible for the curse against the Mariner?
- Why does the Mariner get to survive to voyage when all the sailors die? After all, he was the one who shot the albatross?
- What does “Life-in-Death” represent, and what is the result of her winning the dice match with Death?
- What does the albatross symbolize, and why does the Mariner decide to kill it?
- Does this seem like a religious or specifically Christian poem? Does it change your perspective at all to learn that Coleridge was considered by many to have radical, free-thinking tendencies?
- Why do you think this poem has become so famous and influential? Does the poem seem ahead of its time, or does it seem quaint and old-fashioned?
May 24th, 2019
Here is the overview again just for those of you who are confused as where to read.
The last part of the reading will be today. This is the Monster’s story.
We will also go over the last part of your inquiry which is the fiction piece. I’ll have a printout of this.
May 22nd, 2019
- what inquiry projects you have completed before.
- what does it mean to search for knowledge? How is it different from completing a task?
- How can you ask the right questions in order to get answers that invoke wonder and desire for more? In other words: How do I know I’m asking the right questions?
Close read through of Victor’s story – his early life mostly. Let’s go over the questions in your reading guide as well. What we don’t do today, we can finish for tomorrow before we move on. Tomorrow will be a reading and connection day.
Now – Most of the reading I would like for you to do yourselves. For half the class, we can go over questions and ideas and the other half will be for you to work on your connections to themes and your own pieces.
The final project will be due by next Wednesday so that we can have presentations until the end of the week. Let’s discuss this today.
May 16th, 2019
Welcome to Thursday. So complete day 1 in Frankenstein for the end of the day. We went over this yesterday. If you prefer the online version, here it is:
Also, some of you might want to know where the inquiry project is going. These are some examples of earlier ones:
These are from 2 different classes, but the feeling of the project is the same.
Good luck today. Find your themes!!
May 15th, 2019
R – Pinsky
Tessa and Nicole
May 14th, 2019
“Everything you think, feel, say, and do contains seeds of more of itself.”
Here’s the updated list for Tuesday only – Please Email me if I’m missing your name:
May 13th, 2019
“I am master of my spoken words and slave to those which remain unspoken.”
Here is the info on Spoken word – This is from Mrs. Thomasen, but she is the guru of this stuff!
So we will go over it and then, dare I say it, you can have this time to work on them. Tomorrow we start.
Tessa and Nicole
May 9th, 2019
“It is the task of the translator to release in his own language that pure language that is under the spell of another, to liberate the language imprisoned in a work in his re-creation of that work.”
Today, let’s take the text we looked at yesterday and do a little bit from Pinball 1973 in the same manner for about 15 minutes and talk about the changes.
Here is a breakdown of the final project that I will be doing with you today. I will go over it with you tomorrow. The first two parts should take 5 minutes if you have a text ready. As long as you like the text, you’ll be okay. Find one before class if you’re reading this!!
The final step is the work. Since you’ve reflected on your own practice so far (2nd reflection) you should have the confidence to continue.
May 8th, 2019
“Never trust the translation or interpretation of something without first trusting its interpreter.”
We will begin by reading the second article, then I’ll give you the text in translation – two translations actually. One group will read and analyze the changes of Hear the Wind Sing and another group will read and analyze the Pinball 1973 text.
I would like to read the Pinball 1973 text with you. Keep in mind, we cannot read the original, as it is in Japanese. We need to take these texts as ‘gospel’ and go from there.
Let’s discuss these texts in class analytically. Yet, keep in mind the end goal:
- How can interpretation change the meaning?
- Do the effects of two different translations change the meaning?
- Are there different tones between the two?
Here are the ‘raw’ versions. I don’t have the cleaned up version as a PDF.
Pinball, 1973 – Haruki Murakami
May 7th, 2019
“The word ‘translation’ comes, etymologically, from the Latin for ‘bearing across’. Having been borne across the world, we are translated men. It is normally supposed that something always gets lost in translation; I cling, obstinately to the notion that something can also be gained.”
Here is the brief overview:
And the text for today:
I have paper copies.
Also, regarding spoken word, I have this to show you. I would like to hear comments.
I will teach you something – Keep in mind: WWPH?
May 6th, 2019
“What day is it?” asked Pooh.
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.”
Why did I pick this? Because we have six weeks left and I love Winnie the Pooh. And it’s hard for grade 12’s – especially ones as… vocal as this group to find justification in things that might not seem important now.
So I will do my one day experiment with spoken word, as it should be in the back of your head. Showtime will be next Tuesday – but a lot of you will be working on it sooner.
I wanted to start the translation unit today, but I will postpone that until tomorrow.
Today: Embodied Poetic Narrative (or fractured Narrative) for spoken word ideas.
- find an ‘artifact’ in your bag.
- Put it in the center table.
- We’ll do a quick Kinesthetic warm up so you can get rid of your egos
- Focus on an object.
- Quietly go back to your desks, don’t talk to anyone else about anything
- Write for five minutes about the artifact
- Come back into the circle
- One word that comes to mind from your story ‘word ball’
- Go back to your story and circle key words
- Export these chosen words to another piece of paper and reorder them as a poem
- Make a physical emblem from these poems
Sound difficult? It’s not if you let yourself go.
Stories are due today.
May 2nd, 2019
“Glory be to Him who changes others and remains Himself unchanged!”
― The Arabian Nights
Thread #4 – some diamond in the rough
Cody, the Coder, & a Bad Luck Loader
I went to chapters but couldn’t find the book. It was sold out. He had a book recommendation.
I got a book and it was black. Inside, it was in cursive. On the last page, it said “the book touch” I looked around the area and looked around the library. Something was going on. There were strange people around me. I looked for someone to give the book to.
I went into the street to escape. I almost got hit by a car. Black cat is vicious. I ran. Bad things are starting to happen. I started to read the book and looked at the last page and tried to decipher it. Inside the flap there were strange letters.
Random letters. Didn’t know rhat there was a code store. I needed help. The coder talked about his WW2 experience.
He deciphered codes in WW2. One time he was under pressure from the Further and he deciphered the codes. Little did he know that there was an even better code decipherer who had a tale to tell.
His story starts in WW1. He was in the war for Germans. He was Jewish. Saw the segregation in Germany for a long time. Didn’t like the cause they were fighting for. Learned Russian. SO The Cody Coder stressed the importance of language to the coder.
Language is an important part of life. He was glad so he didn’t care for the war. Language is key and then he opened the shop because of this revelation.
The shopkeeper gets a ding on his phone. They actually both started shops. He messages the other coder to get a good job done on the book that Eaemya showed them in the fist place.
The code was cracked! So it said: The people who are reading the book have bad luck. He told Eaemya,
Eaemya accepts this. She now has a bad luck life .
May 1st, 2019
“A loss that can be repaired by money is not of such very great importance.”
― The Arabian Nights
Here is Thread #3 in all of its bizarre glory
Taco Bell Cosmopolitan
Teagan is stressed about spoken word, so she went to Gio to hear a story.
Gio was too nervous and so was Teagan. She said that how her life got turned upside down
Gio was talking about one day she went to her favorite restaurant and ordered a pizza. The pizza was odd She gets food poisoning and throws up. She complains to the manager. The manager
Manager’s Taco bell story – laid out his taco feast. Watched some Netflix. Felt off and then something weird started to happen.
The manager injected something he wasn’t supposed to. His world starts spinning. He started to…
Woke up and found that everything was upside down. Working out this new found power. Dexter – his dog was lost.
Dog was found. Realized he was dreaming. Woke up and dog was there. Talks to dog. Went back to bag. The taco bell gave him a formula for zombies.
In the story, he was a zombie and went to the store. However – he went to cosmology school to disguise his zombie-ness So you should feel better, Gio, for your food poising because like a box of chocolates.
Gio looked at the manager and thanked him for the story. My problem won’t be as bad she said. Teagan she said – theres nothing as bad as what happened to the manager.
She felt better and Teagan did a good spoken word and threw up.
April 30th, 2019
“Only in utter solitude can man be safe from the doings of this vile world! By Allah, life is naught but one great wrong.”
― The Arabian Nights
Today, we will do thread #3 and read about six more nights of Arabian Nights.
So far, I’ve seen a great improvement in the classroom climate. Keep it up, as our Honors English class should be a safe space for learning and playing with ideas that might seem outlandish outside of class but in class are cherished.
I thought you’d appreciate this – An outline of what I have had planned.
DATES TO REMEMBER (All the way to June— I’ll re-post):
Monday, May 6th – SHORT STORIES DUE
Friday, May 10th – Slam Poetry Unit Begins
Monday, May 13th – Rough copies of poems due. Good copies due on Tuesday for final in class. Three days for this.
Friday, May 17th – Shakespeare Lit Circles Begin (Synthesis essays with 3 sources & MLA Formats)
Monday, May 27th, Shakespeare Synthesis Finals due – Frankenstein and the rise of Technology (Selections and Theme based Inquiry papers “Formal Reflections & Meta-cognition”)
June 3rd – END: Provincial Boot-camp (Micro Lessons that lead up to 3 examinations. This includes the puppet lesson)
April 29th, 2019
AP test #2 (At your desks)
After we justify answers, we will get back into a circle. I would like to know if anyone has an idea yet for their work. I will show you with thread #2 how to connect theme and insight to a spine of a story for impact.
This is thread #2
Dad lost his job. Mom sent us away. I took my sled and went to the Yukon. Because of the truck accident I lost my spleen. The doctor had more news for me.
Doctor started to tell a story about the Vietnam war. His father had lost organs in the war. His personality had changed. One day, the doctor and his father were walking down the street and seeing a homeless man gave him a quarter.
The homeless man said that when he was younger, he and his family used to do a stealing ring together. Then he talked about a young woman who had a dog and the story she told.
The woman was walking at night. She heard a rustling. She met the dog.
Husband was there when she got home. He told a coworker about how he’d fallen in love with dogs in Mexico. He found a Pomeranian dog tribe. He wanted to learn the Pomeranian language.
As time went on he learned the language. He grew a beard. He learned about the class system. Realized that there is a system language for all animals.
Coworker went to land of the squirrels. Easier. Continued quest to learn languages. Traveling the world, the coworker knew the languages he’d learned. Many people thought he was crazy so he decided to put this behind him until now.
Husband still didn’t want the dog. Made the wife take it to the shelter. She left him. She lived with the dog and that is how she met the homeless man.
Decides to get an apartment with dog. She didn’t go out often. Reconnected on pigeon with a friend. Went to a movie, she was walking back with her dog. Met the homeless guy.
As the homeless guy wrapped up his story, he said to the quarter giver. he hopes that this story is enough.
The doctor’s father said that he’d lost his organs. Even though he’d lost his organs, he still lived a life and was inspired by stories and things.
I was so touched. My heart began to burst along with the spleen which had already burst. This was what the doctor was alluding to in the whole time. Her heart was filled with literature of people. A story that can break a heart both figuratively and literally.
April 25th, 2019
AP test #2 – We’ll go over answers like last week.
Get your devices out.
let’s get everyone together again and go over the 1st 10 nights. SO that everybody gets a chance to do something, let’s split the reading into paragraphs.
And for the last part of this unusually busy week, let’s start with someone to begin a deeper thread. Here’s yesterdays for your convenience… What was the point of the story?
Practice Thread #1: The Lost Keys
Megan –
Crew at talent show – getting ready to go home. Don’t be loud when you get home. Megan didn’t have her key.
Javid –
I hadn’t lost keys in a while. Because of trauma. I lost them in Iran in 8th grade. Didn’t know Farsi. Needed a key to open door and it was 10PM. Went to the landlord’s house and played Pictionary… Gave me some food.
While we played Pictionary, Landlord lectured me about how he’d been diagnosed with cancer and his wife left him. She left him because of
April –
The man she met, was a godsend from heaven. He’d go up to people and let people touch his biceps. He did it at Starbucks.
Hannah –
Sitting in Iran Starbucks – wasn’t interested in 67 year old. Girl had to finish assignment comes up with the idea based on the bicep man. London based. Walks around in jacket. Flexes. Drug dealer. Front for criminal organization. Approaches different girl.
The old man left starbucks. He went to the hospital and was never seen again after going to Canada.
Found out that the flexor had died. He didn’t get back with his wife. He threw her in his house. She died alone and sad in the house.
Listening to the story, she gets scared. Because she lost her keys in Iran. A very life changing story that she remembered about losing her keys.
Wanted to go home. Was left alone after all friends left. Couldn’t get back in the house. Basically snuck in to the house. Her cat was staring back. Thought about the cat door. Swiveled her way through. Didn’t work. Mom found her.
April 24th, 2019
“A truth once seen by a single mind ends up by imposing itself on the totality of human consciousness.”
― The Arabian Nights
- Finish Three nights of Arabian Nights
- Start our own narrative brainstorming. I will be taking notes on the threads and will post them on tomorrow’s blog.
April 23rd, 2019
“Bless thee, Bottom, bless thee. Thou art translated!”
-Peter Quince
Let me collect your documents, assignments and everything you’d like for me to go through regarding the trial. This final grade will be done by next Monday.
We are starting the Arabian Nights today. Save this document:
The Arabian Nights (New Deluxe – Muhsin Mahdi-2e5cj6r
Put the chairs in a circle. They will be like this until next Friday.
Here is what I’m planning:
Arabina Nights Intro and Assignment-151j4mq
So we can get started right away.
April 15th – 18th, 2019
Monday, April 15, 2019
A Mock Trial of Antigone
Before Lord Giles, Judge
The charge: that Antigone was guilty of breaking the law of Thebes
Counsels for the Prosecution: Shea & Karolina
Counsels for the Defence: Hannah and Caitlyn
The trial will follow this basic format:
1. Opening Statements
• First Prosecution
• Then, Defense
2. Prosecution’s Case
• First Witness
– Direct Examination
– Cross examination by the Defense
• Second Witness
– Direct Examination
– Cross examination by the Defense
• Third Witness
– Direct Examination
– Cross examination by the Defense
3. Defenses’ Case
• First Witness
– Direct Examination
– Cross examination by the Prosecution
• Second Witness
– Direct Examination
– Cross examination by the Prosecution
• Third Witness
– Direct Examination
– Cross examination by the Prosecution
4. Closing Arguments
• First the Prosecution
• Then the Defense
5. Jury’s Decision
• Deliberation
• Verdict
• Explanation
April 12th, 2019
Antigone Trial Structure-2eciep8
AP English explanation and test #1
Blocking of our Monday trial.
Time to work on fine tuning the trial and questions / answers.
April 11th, 2019
Keep on going with the plan.
You have Mr. Mackenzie to keep you company.
Email me if you need help.
April 9th, 2019
Give me your first update.
Who are your witnesses (so we don’t have any overlap) and tell me the overall roles so we can make a master list for next week. This is tentative until tomorrow, of course.
Remember: One actor per trial. If you want your play actor, and they’re not on your side, you have to cross-examine the witness.
And the rest of the time is yours! Let me know if you need any help before we get to work.
April 8th, 2019
“It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.”
― Zadig et autres contes
I have an easier handout for you. Today is a day for you getting things together and helping each other organize a solid defense or prosecution.
With all of the papers you have, you know (or should know) everything that is going down next week. The trial starts next Monday.
This means that this week is for you to really get everything together – the witnesses (Which we will do today) the characters, the defense, the prosecution. I will ask about our jury and judge.
Me? I’m God – simple. All seeing / being, and very biased.
April 5th, 2019
Last 5 pages or so.
Then I have paper for this final theme analysis before we start the good times next week.
Pick one of the six thematic papers.
Answer it in approximately 300 words.
Integration of quotes handout:
Here is the structure to complete this task:
The Ten-Sentence Critical Paragraph – A Variation of P.E.E.
Like any model for composition, this is open to criticism. For instance, these paragraphs tend to become formulaic and predictable in structure. Excellent paragraphs, certainly, don’t always follow this or any guide. This guide might help, however, especially in the beginning stages of writing about literature.
Sentence 1 – Topic Sentence – contains the title of the piece of literature, the writer’s full name, and your topic. If this is an answer to an assigned question, then your topic sentence might be a rewording of the question into a statement. (a thesis statement, your statement to prove)
Sentence 2 – Main Point #1, One way the writer does what you say he or she does is through…
Sentence 3 – Example/Reference or quotation #1. The best example from the piece of literature which supports you main idea #1.
Sentence 4 and 5 – The explanation in your own words of how/why this example/quote does what you say it does. This section is where you develop your answer and prove your thesis.
Sentence 6 – Main Point #2. Another way the writer does what you say he or she does is…
Sentence 7 – Example/Reference or quotation #2. The best example from the piece of literature which supports you main idea #2.
Sentence 8 and 9 – The explanation of how/why this example/quote does what you say it does. This section is where you develop your answer and prove your thesis.
Sentence 10– Concluding Sentence. Minimally: summarize your paragraph repeating some of the key words from the question. Better: relate this literary device/technique to the effectiveness of the whole composition and how the device/technique helps the author develop the theme, or, relate the composition’s theme to real life.
Due at the end of class.
Loyalty or obligation to family: Throughout the text, there are numerous cases where the value of loyalty and obligation to family is tested. In the end of this text, nearly all family ties have been broken for one reason or another. Why is it important to the characters in this text? How and why are these family ties tested and broken? What does it teaches us about the importance of family?
Obedience to civil law: Creon states that anarchy is the greatest of evils, and that good lives are made through discipline and lawfulness (3:42-47). How does this line of thinking explain Creon’s judgments? Discuss how Creon’s emphatic support of this value is a positive and negative quality as a leader.
Observance of religious law: Antigone was originally written by Sophocles to be performed at a religious festival. How does this relate to author’s intent and the text’s treatment of the importance of observing religious law? Provide specific examples from the text to defend your answer.
Protection of Personal Dignity: If “personal dignity” is defined as “an individual’s own self-respect,” many characters in Antigone work to maintain theirs. Conflict occurs in the play when one character’s personal dignity interferes with what another character thinks is right. Keeping this in mind, explore what the play teaches us about the importance of protecting not you’re your own personal dignity but that of others as well?
Freedom: Some people say freedom is a state of mind. Other people say that freedom is the right to choose actions for yourself. Still others say freedom is a basic human right. Keeping these things in mind, examine the topic of freedom using Antigone as your guide. Be sure to look at the words and actions of particular characters to see what we in the 21st century can learn from this ancient text.
Protection of Community or Nation: Thebes has undergone an extremely stressful time before the play begins. Oedipus’ family seems plagued by the gods. The city has been in the state of civil war since Etocles would not surrender the throne to Polyneices as promised. Creon comes to the throne untested, and he rules with “an iron fist.” Explore how effective Creon’s rule of Thebes is keeping in mind the gains and losses he, his family, and the city have experienced.
April 4th, 2019
Let’s finish the play today.
Explain how Antigone’s use of allusions is appropriate for her situation.
Does Antigone take responsibility for her situation or are others accountable?
Analyze Creon’s final decree before Antigone is taken away. What does it reveal?
Summarize the Chorus’ thoughts.
What does Teiresias claim to be the Gods’ reaction to the offerings? What does this reveal?
How does Creon react to Teiresias, and how does he justify his actions? Cite text evidence.
To what do the Choragos make their appeal to Creon?
Analyze all of the appeals people make to Creon throughout the play. How are they different, and what do his reactions to them say about Creon’s character?
April 3rd, 2019
“Do not believe that you alone can be right.
The man who thinks that,
The man who maintains that only he has the power
To reason correctly, the gift to speak, the soul—
A man like that, when you know him, turns out empty.”
― Antigone
Let’s continue with the play. I love what we did yesterday. The actors acted, the discuss[ors] discussed. And I… Well I just stood there like Hamlet’s father.
If there is a lull, check out these questions:
Antigone Questions: Scene 2 / 3
- What metaphor does the Sentry use to describe Antigone? What is the purpose of this metaphor?
- What two types of laws conflict in this scene? What does Antigone believe about these two types of laws?
- Explain what Antigone means when she says “Words are not friends.”
4. How do the themes in Ode 1 differ from the themes in Ode 2? - Why is Creon intent on harshly punishing, even family members, for their foul deeds.
- What does Haimon claim is God’s crowning gift to man? Why does Haimon bring up The City?
- Explain what Haimon conveys through the use of the tree and sailing analogies.
- How is the Chorus’ allusion to Aphrodite appropriate?
If we don’t finish today, so be it. We also have tomorrow.
For those of you that want a little more focus for the future, I have a handout.
April 2nd, 2019
“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.”
― Antigone
Let’s read as much as possible today. Remember, there are the players and then the audience that can stop the action at any time.
Keep this in mind:
How can I apply these words to the guilt or freedom of Antigone?
April 1st, 2019
“And if I have to die for this pure crime,/ I am content, for I shall rest beside him;/ His love will answer mine”
Antigone (lines 72-74)
First, we will have a short 25 question multiple choice quiz on Antigone.
Next, I’d like to check and see if you still remember the worksheet that we completed (or did a little bit of) over the break. It was a hard copy. I’ll show you.
I think that we’ll have time for me to talk a little about the themes and intricacies of Antigone before I assign roles.
And here is the roles sheet I’d like to get ready today before we leave:
Antigone Character list-1y42xn5
I know I’m ambitious for the first day, but it’s OK. There’s a lot to do and we’re only a few stories deep into Scheherazade’s tale for this semester.
By the way, if you’re not picked to read, you have the opportunity to stop the play at any time, as like in smaller venues of Athenian theatre. You can make comments or share a query. I’ll have questions for each scene up on the board starting tomorrow.
March 15th, 2019
“Some birds are not meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure.”
We’re going to go over the lectures and then start our book today. I am extremely excited.
Here’s a worksheet to help you through the first part – It’s a physical handout.
So – Finish the play of Antigone by the end of break – there will be a quick quiz for comprehension then we will go over the play again for analysis.
March 14th, 2019
“A silly man lies awake all night, Thinking of many things. When the morning comes he is worn with care, And his trouble is just as it was.”
― Mythology
Today, we will finish off the presentations and then after that, I will give the first of 3 PPT lectures that will go over what we will be doing after the break. The first:
The Second:
And the last:
These can be found on the internet as well, if you’re guessing the source. I hate making PPTs. If it ‘aint broken, don’t fix it or re-invent it.
ANTIGONE: The intro.
Or as I like to think: OEDIPUS 3: REX HARD – WITH A VENGEANCE
March 13th, 2019
“For, thought Ahab, while even the highest earthly felicities ever have a certain unsignifying pettiness lurking in them, but, at bottom, all heartwoes, a mystic significance, and, in some men, an archangelic grandeur; so do their diligent tracings-out not blue the obvious deduction. To trail the genealogies of these high mortal miseries, carries us at last among the sourceless primogenitures of the gods; so that, in the face of all the glad, hay-making suns, and the softcymballing, round the harvest-moons, we must needs give in to this: that the gods themselves are not for ever glad. The ineffaceable, sad birth-mark in the brow of man, is but the stamp of sorrow in the signers.”
Presentations final few. I’m looking forward to it.
March 12th, 2019
“Freedom of the Heart
Imagination is beyond my comprehension,
Such is the beauty of creation.
With every soul in constant migration
We inhale the light of our suffering’s transmutation.
We move into our core, our love, our heart
A sacred space within, our deepest art
Move from our thoughts, our noisy mind space,
Into a sanctuary of love, joy, peace and grace
And as we dive deeper and deeper still,
We find in that silence, the divine will
And see there’s nothing else to really fear,
In freedom we surrender our inner victim.”
Presentations today – Give me the written work after. This will go through tomorrow.
March 11th, 2019
“It may seem odd to say that the men who made the myths disliked the irrational and had a love for facts; but it is true, no matter how wildly fantastic some of the stories are…”
Final Work Block for Creation stories. This will be the last work block of the semester – unless you convince me otherwise.
Tomorrow / Wednesday: Presentations
Thursday / Friday: Greek & Roman PPT / Beginning of Antigone
March 8th, 2019
“I am an act of kneading, of uniting and joining that not only has produced both a creature of darkness and a creature of light, but also a creature that questions the definitions of light and dark and gives them new meanings.”
― Interviews/Entrevistas
It’s your time today. Don’t let me stop you. Go anywhere in the school that makes you comfortable and work.
March 7th, 2019
“The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words make them smaller. When they were in your head, they were limitless; but when they come out they seem to be no bigger than normal things.”
― Stephen King, The Body
So here’s what I came up with. Well actually, you came up with it. The second page is a wonderful outline of the whole process I had to share – it was exactly what I was looking for.
Look over it. Critique it. Trust the process of things that are demanded of you. Never accept the first draft. Always question the teacher. Down with the government!
Creation Story Final Rubric-23t483d
March 6th, 2019
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
Okay – first 30 minutes are looking at what we came up with, then we will work on what you’ve come up with in your group based on the questions. Check it out:
March 5th 2019
“There are no owners in nature.”
Today is full of stories of the First Nations people. Pay a lot of attention to the simplicity of the story, the attention and love of nature and the rich and deep meanings.
We will do our final reflection and find creation elements. Tomorrow, you will do an exercise with our final document that I’ll fix tonight and post tomorrow.
(An Aborigine Creation Story)
“Heart of My People”
Weowie the water serpent came out. And where the water serpent traveled he made waterholes and streams and depressions in the land. So once all that was finished, of course, Weowie went back into the mountain to live and that’s where Weowie lives now, in Mount Minara. But then after that, they wanted another lot of water to come down from the north, throughout our country. Old Pundu, the Cod, it was his duty to drag and create the river known as the Darling River today. So Cod came out with Mudlark, his little mate, and they set off from the north and they created the big river. Flows right down, water flows right throughout our country, right into the sea now.
And of course, this country was also created, the first two tribes put in our country were Eaglehawk and Crow. And from these two tribes came many tribal people, many tribes, and we call them sub-groups today. So my people, the Ngiyaampaa people and the Barkandji further down are all sub-groups of Eaglehawk and Crow. So what I’m telling you the stories that were handed down to me all come from within this country.
Mayan Creation Story
From the Popul-Vuh of the Quiche Maya
“God made some men of mud, but they were very soft and limp and couldn’t see. They could speak, but what they said didn’t make sense. When they got wet the couldn’t even stand up. God saw that they were of no use so he broke them up and said “I will try again”. Then he made men out of wood. The wooden men were better; they could walk and talk. They built houses and had children, and there were very many of them. But they were dry and yellow, and their faces had no expression, because they had no minds nor souls or hearts. They beat their dogs and they burned the bottoms of their cooking pots. They had forgotten how they were made and could not remember any of the names of God. So he said,
“These men will not do either. I must destroy them also”. And he sent a great flood and the houses of the wooden men fell down. The wooden men wanted to escape, but the animals they had starved and beaten, and cooking pots they had burned, and the trees whose branches they had chopped off, all turned against them and wouldn’t help them. Only a few of them escaped from the flood, and it is said that their descendants are the monkeys. And it still hadn’t dawned; and God wanted to make real men when the dawn came and the sun rose. . . . He took ears of yellow corn of white corn and ground them into meal. With the corn meal he make nine kinds of liquor, and these became man’s strength and energies. With the dough of the meal he shaped the body and he made four men, very strong and handsome. They were called the Wizard of the Fatal Laugh, the Wizard of the Night, the Careless and the Black Wizard…They were gifted with intelligence and they managed to know everything there is in the world. While the men slept, he made four women very carefully, and when the men woke, each found at his side a beautiful wife. .
. . When they looked they would see everything that was around them, and they constantly contemplated the arch of the sky and the round face of the earth. “Thank you for our life!” they said. “We can see, we can hear, we can move and think and speak, we feel and know everything, we can see everything in the earth and in the sky. Thank you for having made us, Oh Father!” Then the Creator was troubled, for he realized that these men could see too much and too far, so that they would not really be men, but gods. He saw that he had to change them so that they could be what he needed. So he leaned down and blew mist in their eyes and clouded their vision, like breathing on a mirror, and from then on nothing was clear to their sight except what was close to them. The four men and their wives went up on a mountain and waited for the dawn. First they saw the shining face of the great star, the Morning Star which comes ahead of the sun, and burned incense and unwrapped three gifts to offer the sun. Then the sun came up. Then the puma and the jaguar roared and all the birds stretched their wings and sang, and the men and their wives danced with joy because the sun had risen.”
Northwest Creation Story
Raven was so lonely. One day he paced back and forth on the sandy beach feeling quite forlorn. Except for the trees , the moon, the sun, water and a few animals, The world was empty. His heart wished for the company of other creatures. Suddenly a large clam pushed through the sand making an eerie bubbling sound. Raven watched and listened intently as the clam slowly opened up. He was surprised and happy to see tiny people emerging from the shell. All were talking, smiling, and shaking the sand off their tiny bodies. Men, women, and children spread around the island. Raven was pleased and proud with his work. He sang a beautiful song of great joy and greeting. He had brought the first people to the world.
Salish: The ancients all had greater powers and cunning than either animals or people. Besides the ancients, real people lived on the earth at that time. Old One made the people out of the last balls of mud he took from the earth. They were so ignorant that they were the most helpless of all the creatures Old One had made.
The difficulty with the early world was that most of the ancients were selfish, and they were also very stupid in some ways. They did not know which creatures were deer and which were people, and sometimes they ate people by mistake.
At last Old One said,”There will soon be no people if I let things go on like this.” So he sent Coyote to teach the Indians how to do things. And Coyote began to travel on the earth, teaching the Indians, making life easier and better for them, and performing many wonderful deeds.
Iroquois: The Iroquois trace the beginning of human life to a time when Skywoman fell to an island created by a giant turtle. The island grew in shape and size and became North America. There, Skywoman gave birth to a daughter whose children propagated the human race.
Penobscot: When Kloskurbeh, the All-Maker, lived on earth, there were no people yet. But one day a youth appeared, born from the foam of the waves, and became his chief helper. After these two beings had created all manner of things, there came to them a beautiful girl. She was born of the wonderful earth plant, and of the dew, and of warmth. First Mother (as she was called) married the chief helper of Kloskurbeh. When their children multiplied until there was not enough game to feed them all, First Mother made her husband kill her. Then he and his children dragged her body back and forth across a barren plot of land, as she had ordered, and buried her bones in the center of the field. Seven months later they returned and found the field green with ripe corn and, in the center, fragrant tobacco.
Tewa/Hopi: Way back in the distant past, the ancestors of humans were living down below in a world under the earth. They weren’t humans yet, they lived in darkness, behaving like bugs. Now there was a Great Spirit watching over everything; some people say he was the sun. He saw how things were down under the earth, so he sent his messenger, Spider Old Woman, to talk to them. She said, “You creatures, the Sun Spirit doesn’t want you living like this. He is going to transform you into something better, and I will lead you to another world.” When they came out on the surface of the earth, that’s when they became humans. In the journeys that followed, they were looking for a place of harmony where they could follow good teachings and a good way of life.
“One day the Great Spirit collected swirls of dust from the four directions in order to create the Commanche people. These people formed from the earth had the strength of mighty storms. Unfortunately, a shape-shifting demon was also created and began to torment the people. The Great Spirit cast the demon into a bottomless pit. To seek revenge the demon took refuge in the fangs and stingers of poisonous creatures and continues to harm people every chance it gets.”
Now that we have some creation stories – Take a look at this tale of the Squamish people and how Salmon came to the Squamish rivers.
March 4th, 2019
“It is interesting that Hindus, when they speak of the creation of the universe do not call it the work of God, they call it the play of God, the Vishnu lila, lila meaning play. And they look upon the whole manifestation of all the universes as a play, as a sport, as a kind of dance — lila perhaps being somewhat related to our word lilt”
― Zen and the Beat Way
Hopefully you read the Bhagavad Gita Chapter XIII
We will look over it today. You’ll write a reflection – just as we have been doing – and then we will look at the creation elements.
Wednesday, we will have finished everything and I will have a finalized document to help you on your own creation story – this will be due the following Monday. Thursday and Friday are work days for you to collaborate and write. The school is yours.
Next week we’ll share… then ANTIGONE (after a Tuesday or Wednesday lecture by me on the Greek and Roman Gods – and a little bit of Oedipus Rex.)
March 1st, 2019
He sees, who sees the Supreme Lord, existing equally in all beings, the unperishing
within the perishing.
Bhagavad Gita XIII, 28
Gilgamesh is now done. Please work on the reflection.
That will take about 25 minutes to write. Please be quiet and just reflect on it by yourself.
After that, we will do the elements of a good creation story for Gilgamesh.
If we have time, we can do bgita-2csdrxa
The Bhagavad Gita Chapter XIII – or read it a little bit. Read the rest over the weekend.
February 28th, 2019
“This curious world we inhabit is more wonderful than convenient; more beautiful than it is useful; it is more to be admired and enjoyed than used.”
Here is the Epic of Gilgamesh – you only need to read the first three tablets.
So far we have the creation of the universe and the modes in which to live by through direct explication or through parable.
Like the other two pieces, you do the following:
- summarize what has happened
- explain elements of creation
- give your reaction.
We will read some of it as a class – this might help.
This is what we have so far for the first 2 reflections:
Compare and Contrast Chart for Creation Myths-2a75v6y
February 27th, 2019
Journal #18
“The creation of the world did not take place once and for all time, but takes place every day.”
― Proust
Here is the Epic of Gilgamesh – you only need to read the first three tablets.
So far we have the creation of the universe and the modes in which to live by through direct explication or through parable.
Like the other two pieces, you do the following:
- summarize what has happened
- explain elements of creation
- give your reaction.
Here is the text for those of you who are absent:
February 26th, 2019
Journal #17
“In the beginning, God created the earth, and he looked upon it in His cosmic loneliness.
And God said, “Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done.” And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close to mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. “What is the purpose of all this?” he asked politely.
“Everything must have a purpose?” asked God.
“Certainly,” said man.
“Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this,” said God.
And He went away.”
― Cat’s Cradle
Reflection #1 – Get it ready and we’ll go around the room.
The Quran “the opening” is to be read quietly before the end of class today. Same thing applies. Reflect – find creation element and we’ll talk about it on Wednesday.
Key differences between the Bible and the Koran
Table 1. Creation |
The Bible Says: | The Koran says: |
Man was created on Earth, in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8). | Man was created in Paradise (‘janna’),1 not on Earth (first couple later banished to Earth, e.g. Koran 2:36). |
The Bible describes clearly what was made on each day of Creation Week. The ‘Big Bang’ is excluded by this sequence (E.g. Earth before Sun). | No clear details of each creation day. Some vague clustering of the days in 41:9–12.2 |
Creation in 6 Days which are clearly Earth-rotation days (c. 24 hours). | Creation also in 6 ‘Days’2 but could easily be interpreted as ‘millions of years’ (see main text). |
Man and the animals were created vegetarian (Genesis 1:29–30). No death and suffering in the original creation. | Carnivory (and thus death and suffering) apparently integral to life on the created Earth from the first. The Koran (6:142, 16:5, 40:79) says that cattle were created for man to eat. |
Man was created naked (but not ashamed—Genesis 2:25). | The Koran speaks of Adam’s (and his wife’s) nakedness becoming apparent to them after they sinned (20:121; also implied by 7:22), yet also implies that they were wearing some kind of raiment prior to the Fall (Koran 7:273). |
All things were created through Christ and for Christ. He was pre-existent to Creation (e.g. Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7; Micah 5:2; John 1:1–3, 10; 3:13; 6:62; 8:35, 58; 17:5, 24; Romans 11:36; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:16–17; Hebrews 1:2). | Jesus Christ was a created being. Koran 3:59 ‘The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; he created him from dust … .’ |
February 25th, 2019
Journal #16
“I think God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability.”
This unit is very interesting. The end result is you will be creating your own story… of creation. The point of this exercise is simply to see if you can provide elements of a narrative in a cohesive and creative way. These are the five texts we will be going over:
Monday: The Bible: Genesis Chapter 1 / 2-3
Reflection #1 – Share Tuesday
Tuesday: The Quran: “The Opening”
Reflection #2 – Share Wednesday
Wednesday: Gilgamesh: Tablets 1-3 (For heroic qualities)
Reflection #3 – Share Thursday
Thursday: The Bhagavad Gita Chapter XIII
Reflection #4 – Share Friday
Friday: Squamish Tribe: Reflections of Vancouver – The Lost Salmon Run
Reflection #5 – Share Monday
Next week is your time to create your own creation story after we have similar elements of all five texts.
February 21st, 2019
Journal #15
Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.
-Dalai Lama
Showtime today!!
Monday is the first day of our creation stories. It will (hopefully) be a week.
February 20th, 2019
Journal #14
“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in. No one is fanatically shouting that the sun is going to rise tomorrow.”
― Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Please work well on your presentations for tomorrow. I am looking forward to them.
Please also ask me for help. I’ll be around.
February 19th, 2019
Journal #13
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde
Obama essay is done? Gimme. I will give back your other MLK essay.
Be proud. I am proud of all of your work so far. You started strong.
Speeches start on Wednesday of this week. Those are going to be excellent. They will go through Thursday (I’m planning) and then we’ll branch off and go honors style with some creation stories.
Get ready for small selections from: The Torah / Gilgamesh (as heroic introduction) / The Quran.
February 14th, 2019
Journal #12
“The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don’t know how to be submissive, and so on — because they’re dysfunctional to the institutions.”
Finish up that Obama essay. If you’re done – this will help you for the next step.
Purdy Own Rhetorical Speech-1lr23vu
February 13th, 2019
Journal #11
“Without willing it, I had gone from being ignorant of being ignorant to being aware of being unaware. And the worst part of my awareness was that I didn’t know what I was aware of.”
― I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
Today, you will have time to work on your Obama essay. I am excited for the results. Please see me if you would like me to proofread.
February 11th, 2019
Journal #10
“It’s ok to be a fool once or twice but never let it be a third time. Be smart and pretend to be a fool and at the end of the hunt make sure you’re the one that has the gun.”
― Surgeo Bell
Finish up and turn in that first essay. If you can, staple the rubric I gave you and any drafts you’ve had. I’d like to see each individual progress, so I can know more about how you make papers into the final.
Here is the final for the Rhetorical essay:
Obama Paragraph Final Rubric-14427uf
Speech: (This is Part 1 – but you can get the rest of the links as a continuation)
It’s due at the end of the class on Wednesday. Thursday, first thing, I’d like for you to be working on your own Rhetorical speech. Please think throughout the week what your speech will be about.
I know that there’s a lot of work – but I’ve cut it down a little bit. You have class time and also time to talk to me one on one during class so that no one feels too overwhelmed too soon.
February 8th, 2019
“Sometimes when you’re young, you have moments of such happiness, you think you’re living on someplace magical, like Atlantis must have been. Then we grow up and our hearts break into two.”
― Stephen King, Hearts in Atlantis
Peer edits today. You can use the printout. I have more, but also here it is online:
Rubric rhetorical analysis-1npc6dd
I’ll collect them on Monday – this is also when we will start the AP exam quiz section of our class. Every 2 weeks, I’ll give you old texts with questions and we’ll go over the answers together culminating with a quiz on Friday on the passage you learned.
Then we’ll work on Obama’s speech and you can take that home for Tuesday hand in.
Then you’ll do your own rhetorical speech for Thursday (Tentative).
Then it’s time to get into our actual honors class the following week.
Time flies.
February 7th, 2019
“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”
― Franz Kafka (who is not a cousin lover)
Today, you will have the class to get those essays finished. I will collect them for completion grades, yet will attach a peer review for tomorrow. This is for your own use, as you will be using the structure to get your peers to edit the paper. I will collect the finalized edits and give you your final paper that you will do over the weekend and finalize on Monday (tentative).
Next week will be all about your own rhetorical speeches which I will give you a quick run-down for. Brainstorming on Monday.
February 6th, 2019
“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”
I have a handout with examples and a definition for you.
How To Booklet Essay Outline Samples for each paragraph and tips-1i070a1
We’ll do as much as we can today on a speech you connected to the most. I will check for any inconsistencies in your structure.
Paragraph by paragraph!
February 5th, 2019
Full text: Eagleman, Sum: 40 tales from afterlife
Sum_ Forty Tales from the After – Eagleman, David-2e9ptbm
Journal entry #6
“There are three deaths. The first is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last time.”
― Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlife
Let’s Kill Metonymy and Synechdoche once and for all.
Metonymy and Synecdoche-1na6878
I also have a handout with examples and a definition for you.
How To Booklet Essay Outline Samples for each paragraph and tips-1i070a1
We’ll do the first paragraph today on a speech you connected to the most. I will check for any inconsistencies in your structure.
February 4th, 2019
Journal Entry #5
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
Let’s hear the last 6 people and what they’re all about.
We will finish the analysis of the MLK speech and then…
We will be continuing with the analysis of the speeches. I will walk around and help you a little bit with them as we go through the different stylistic devices.
Your job or takeaway today is to share your findings with the class on either the second or third speech in the package and turn in the worksheet (the first page).
I won’t be lecturing, but working with you individually on this assignment.
Tomorrow, I’ll teach you how to put it all together.
February 1st, 2019
Journal entry #4
“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.”
― Stray Birds
Let’s finish with the questions for class today. I enjoy hearing your stories.
Today, we’ll be going over the MLK speech after you have time to write about it and watch the video. This video is remastered and edited from the 18 minute full version. You will get an idea of his orating style and we can talk about it.
You have 20-30 minutes to go over the speech and find how some of the rhetoric either works or doesn’t work. (Pathos, Logos, Ethos – literary devices etc.) I need that excellent critical analysis I’ve gotten very happy to see these past three days.
You will continue this on Monday as well. – other speeches based on the same subject.
January 31st, 2019
Journal Entry #3
“Life often turns upon such small things as a flickering oil lamp.”
Let’s finally finish those stories about you as learners. Here are the questions again:
- What are my plans for post secondary? To what end will these plans meet?
- What are my strengths in English Literature? Be specific.
- What are my weaknesses in English Literature? Be specific.
- What do you expect out of this class this semester? – This is an important question because each grade 12 class I’ve designed is tweaked for each dynamic.
- What is my expected grade? Why?
I have a physical handout that we’ll use for the next 2 days to solidify learning on your rhetorical analysis.
- Review the following literary terms. (You can choose as many or as few as you’d like for your class to focus on for this lesson). If you click on the hyperlinked terms, you’ll find definitions and individualized lesson plans that we’ve created for the term.
- Alliteration
- Allusion
- Anaphora
- Assonance
- Metonymy
- Hyperbole
- Parallelism
- Personification
- Simile
- Synecdoche
January 30th, 2019
Journal entry #2
“Only in utter solitude can man be safe from the doings of this vile world! By Allah, life is naught but one great wrong.”
-Arabian Nights
Journal entry rubrics etc.:
Quote Journal Grade 12-1h9pdy9
Continue the plans for post secondary – individualized.
This is our unit on Rhetoric:
Introduction to EPL Purdy-26g84rb
Here’s a PPT that I’d like for you to take notes on:
And if you (or I) still have energy after that, here’s the big one:
We can do the first exercise:
Present this to the class WITHOUT mentioning the appeal and we can guess and see if this is a good argument to buy the shoes.
January 29th, 2019
Journal Entry #1
“A truth once seen by a single mind ends up by imposing itself on the totality of human consciousness.”
― The Arabian Nights
Write about this for about 10 minutes.
Welcome to class.
First, I would like you to write a paragraph in your journal about what it is you would like out of class following these questions: (This isn’t just for me – treat it as a rough draft for your grad transition shenanigans)
- What are my plans for post secondary? To what end will these plans meet?
- What are my strengths in English Literature? Be specific.
- What are my weaknesses in English Literature? Be specific.
- What do you expect out of this class this semester? – This is an important question because each grade 12 class I’ve designed is tweaked for each dynamic.
- What is my expected grade? Why?
Here is the syllabus for the class. Spend some time looking over it and pose any questions to me regarding the class. each pair should come up with one or two questions.
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