Core Competencies Semester 1 2024

Creative and Critical thinking

During this semester I took computer programming 12, a course which made me work on and develop my creative and critical thinking skills. For most of the course, the most useful skill was being able to analyze a problem and break it down into individual steps and determining which tools and functions are most applicable to the problem at hand. Once this has been done, optimization must also be considered, to re-structure and remove unnecessary lines. To further improve this skill, I just need to take progressively more complicated problems that require new concepts to solve.


As for creative thinking, this comes into play with our final project to create anything we wanted. I chose to make a game and am currently creating my own gameplay using inspiration from other games, but deviating with my own personal style. In addition, these custom mechanics require creative thinking to determine how they would be implemented in the first place, transitioning the concept into the language of code and finding solutions to bugs that arise.