Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. As my first post I would like to outline a few guidelines to think about when commenting on my site.
1.Don’t say anything you wouldn’t say in person
Even though we are online it is still important to be respectful and please comment like you cannot take back what is said
2.Respect others’ opinions
Everyone has a different opinion so try keep them in mind when commenting. Avoid online drama or ridicule.
3.Thinking about your comment before posting
Before posting question if the comment is helpful, true, or respectful. If not, consider changing the comment or not posting it
4. Avoid spam or unrelated topics
I would like to avoid the comment section being filled with unrelated or spammed comments. This is to allow us to navigate the section and find meaningful and insightful commentary without having to pick through a large amount of unnecessary posts.
An example post would be:
-Hey Roman, I agree with your thoughts 0n Canada’s response to the Covid-19 epidemic. But I think that the government actually did a pretty good job distributing vaccines once they where ready to control the spread of the virus.
This would be a good comment because it is relevant, on-topic and respectful of others while providing a different opinion without ridicule.