What were my main goals from this project?
The main goal of this project is to show basic competitive programming and coding with “real” programming languages. A lot of students have worked with websites that use block coding languages or basic text-based languages. However, these websites have been developed with many built in functions that do not show the algorithms behind even simple looking operations such as moving a character forward. I wanted to show what is it like to code in a low-level language, one that is centered around input and output rather than visuals and hardware. Although the visuals are not as nice, there is much more complex functionality with “real” programming languages. I also wanted to show the problem-solving element of competitive programming. Although the problem that I showed may be very easy for some people, real contests have much more difficult questions. The idea of competitive programming combining two different tasks. The first is problem solving. The second is programming and debugging code. The second task is what makes competitive programming unique, but the first is just as if not more important in this mind sport.
What did I learn from this tool?
For this project, I chose using a video. Since I have only used Adobe Premiere Pro once before, I learned a lot about the functionality of the program. I learned how to put many video and audio clips together, move objects, and export the file into a video. I also learned a lot from the other tools I used to put this video together such as OBS (for recording screen).
How will video technology change the world?
The video technology has drastically changed the world since the start of the digital age. Using video editing software has shown me the possibilities of this medium. A lot of the changes of video technology has already occurred, meaning that it is unclear whether video will continue to evolve or not. However, I can see from using this problem the potential of video taking over big portion of text-based information in the foreseeable future. With video, there is no need to read information or just listen. It is now possible to create a digital format that allows people to use all of these senses combined with seeing to entertain themselves or learn.
Citations: Citations