hello and welcome to Paulina’s blog :)

hello! welcome to my official blog. l’m a student, soccer player and i love to read books, i like to crochet, i’m not much of a talker but i love to listen to what people have to say.  i might post some tips that help me go through high school. i fine this tips useful, and maybe u will too! i hope these tips can help u as much as they help me!

my favorite quote is “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde  i like it because it means to just be yourself, it doesn’t matter what others think its what u think that matters. you have to be confident in yourself everyone is beautiful in there own way.

i don’t really have a favorite Youtube clip, maybe just calm edit audios.


my favorite is any photo of the sky, in my opinion the sky is beautiful, its peaceful, calm.



i don’t have a favorite website, i only use like google.