Climate Change

This is my infographic about Climate change, what it is, what we can do and what its doing.

My device letting me upload the photo so I can only do the link.

Climate change (1)

What is the overall topic and the goal of your project? 

To inform people about the effects of climate change and how it will change our world in the near future. I feel like Climate change is becoming a big part of our lives, and it doesn’t get enough attention. The effect of this global phenomenon is going to be catastrophic. Even now you can see the effects, how the glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising. 


What sites did you use to collect your data and create the infographic and what did you learn about it? 

I used Our World in Data, when searched for information on climate change on this site, it gave me straight forward real data. It has statistics, graphs and charts to help me visualize and comprehend the large numbers  

The infographic was difficult to create because of the visual aspect, how I want it to look good while maintaining all of the information that I would need to include.  

I learnt a lot about this topic while researching it, which was really cool because when I was younger, I loved doing research about climate change. I learnt that to mitigate or to make it less severe you would need to spend at least €200-350 billion per year by 2030. The fact is that fossil fuels still dominate the global energy systems, even though they release co2 which is the leading factor in climate change. 


How has the process of utilizing these sites impacted your understanding of how technology can change (or help) the world? 

These sites have helped in multiple ways, especially giving me access to so many reliable sources. Technology can and is changing the world because of the way that it gives the information of a thousand books in just one click. When I was researching my topic, I saw so many sources that I could pull from. 

Why learn about climate change.

Now as we have grown up into, is a world that is more aware of what is happening. Our world is changing, and its not for the better. The world is heating up and we have to do something about it, not just for your self but for the 8 other billion people on this Earth. We only have one after all.


Ritchie, Hannah. “How Much Will It Cost to Mitigate Climate Change?” Our World in Data, 27 May 2017,

Ritchie, H., Roser, M., & Rosado, P. (2022, October 27). Fossil fuels. Our World in Data.

Ritchie, H., Roser, M., & Rosado, P. (2022b, October 27). Renewable energy. Our World in Data.

Drug legalization


Drug legalization 

Many people are talking about the drug legalization and how you can carry 2.5g of hard drugs. Especially living in Vancouver, British Colombia this concerns me as they were the first province to decriminalize certain illegal drugs. The government considers this a “little step” for drug overdose prevention, this means that government provides “safe” drugs to stop lacing. “Anyone aged 18 and older can now legally possess a combined 2.5 grams of illicit substances, including cocaine, opioids such as heroin, methamphetamine and ecstasy (or MDMA).” Personally I feel like 18 is too young to be able to carry those hard drugs, once you are more of age like in your late 20’s maybe you could be more mature and be able to think properly.

The legislature’s health and human services committee held a one-day hearing in the state capital of Concord on bill 1298, which would authorize the formation of a committee of experts to study the effects that legalization would have.” This is a good step forward with this; this means that they could see the effects of the legalizations and change things when the effects are shown. George Bush has tried to launch a $9.3-billion anti-drug program, and quote “cocaine is our most serious problem today.” “Substance use is a public health issue, not a criminal one,” said Sheila Malcolmson, B.C.’s minister of Mental Health and Addictions, this means that they are trying to help people to break the stigma that stops people from going to emergency services. Some supporters say that the 2.5g limit is too small for what people currently use, especially for those who buy in bulk to save on money. 

Over all the drug legalization could end up good or bad, depending on how the public react and respond to the new laws.




One Canadian province has decriminalised drugs. (2023, February 25). The Economist, NA. 

Corelli, Rae. “A new war of words: drug legalization is winning converts.” Maclean’s, vol. 103, no. 4, 22 Jan. 1990, pp. 39+. Gale In Context: Canada, Accessed 5 Apr. 2023. 

Duong, Diana. “British Columbia trials drug decriminalization.” CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 21 Feb. 2023, p. E281. Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 5 Apr. 2023. 

Break The Fake – Ryan Reynolds Wining the People’s Icon Award (Read to the end)

Before you start, make sure you read to the end (there is a weird gap that I can’t get rid of, sorry)

A. Include a short summary of what the article, video, tweet, etc. was about or what it was claiming.

  1.  I found a tweet about Ryan Reynolds winning the People’s Icon Award. It has a nicely edited photo of Ryan and the title “People’s Icon” so I’m questioning if this is true. I know he deserves it but I want to check if this is in fact true or not before I start celebrating!

B. The steps you took to verify the information, including screen shots of the webpages you used.

2. So the first thing I went to was the creator of the tweet, “Kennedy Ryan Reynolds Fan“. Once I checked the account I noticed that the account did not have a blue verification mark.

3. Next I searched on google “Ryan Reynolds winning icon award hoax” and the sources that I see on the page are valid. (NBC New York)(Top Screenshot). I am going to cross check it by searching “Is The 2022 People’s Choice Awards at Barker Hangar?” because that is what the NBC website said. The result was Wikipedia (Bottom Screenshot) stating that the 48th ceremony is indeed at Barker Hanger.




4. I referred to the man himself, Ryan Reynolds (twitter). Seeing as how he “retweeted” how he was as shocked as everyone else (underlined in red). I confidently say Ryan Reynold Winning the People’s Icon Award is true. Also seeing that “Maximum Effort” has a blue checkmark is relieving!















C. Your judgment call: was it True or False?

5. In conclusion, Ryan Reynolds did win the Award, so its True! With photos of him on TV it makes it more believable, Him personally tweeting about it is conformation, Congrats Ryan!


EKONA (with 3 friends, Kate, Selena, Ace) (some photos have been removed due to issues with confidential reasons)

Today I experienced, who and what my father works with, This is a company called Ekona.

Ekona is a Engineering company that works on producing H2 (hydrogen gas) with a machine that uses Methane Pyrolysis to create this H2, with a byproduct of C (carbon)


The company’s VP of business first briefed us on how the the global GHG emissions are destroying Earth, and how we need to hit net zero by 2050 (you might have heard of this online or on TV) and our goal for 2030 is to hit 19-23 GtCO2e (gigatons of CO2) every year.

Next we had a tour of the whole building, I loved the vibe it gave off, the open and spacious feeling. The company feels like a tight knit group

friends and geniuses working together to solve this issue that’s slowly killing us.

(photo redacted due to confidentiality) 

( above, Workbench for testing valves.)

Here is a photo if my dad and his coworker explaining this machine.

after we got a tour of the work shop we headed outside where we met more engineers who showed us about the machine that will in the future save us all.

(photo redacted due to confidentiality) 

(above, PMP Reactor)

The PMP Reactor, held in the reactor bay is low-cost, non-catalytic, scalable and most importantly mitigates carbon fouling (lessens carbon emissions)

(photo redacted due to confidentiality) 

(above, a testing area for one of the most important parts of the reactor)

Lots of pipe work, pressurized gasses and electricity make this masterpiece work. It helps dial in on the exact measurements needed for the part needed.

afterword we had a snack <33

Now after all that touring we had to settle down and get some work done!

above we have a photo of electrolysis (splitting water and hydrogen in two) happening, this is a science experiment that was guided through the seven steps of engineering, they go as follows.

Seven steps of engineering

  1. Find the problem or the question
  2. Brainstorm
  3. Design, Draw, Share our ideas
  4. Approval, Review, Double check
  5. Build, Make, Do
  6. Test
  7. Improve it, Make it better

first me and my friends got to work, in front of us stood 7 materials we had to find out how to use these to have this reaction happen, so we started to brainstorm.

Then we drew our ideas and shared amongst each other.

We had our designs approved by our head scientist (The chief of engineering), after we started to construct our designs exactly, not missing one step.

Then comes the testing phase, if one of our experiments worked and another one did not we find out what worked and adjust accordingly to the one that dose not.

Then we made it all very efficient, so that the reaction would occur faster.

Lunch time!!

We had pizza.

That’s it just pizza, it was really good though.

Over all I really enjoyed this work space and the thing that would motivate me to wake up everyday to go work there is the fact that Ekona is doing something to change the world, one bit at a time; and if I can help in anyway it would be worth waking up every morning to go there and change the world. At the work place I heard lots of machining and engineers chatting, running around the place putting the PMP reactor together. I saw the office where people coded the software and I saw the 3D printers working at making a component. I smelt practically nothing, the chemicals that they work with are odorless (hydrogen) so besides the reaction with the electrolysis (which smelt like vinegar because we needed to add a base to the battery acid that we made) everything else smelt really clean and orderly. I felt a sense of community with the people that were around me and the people that I worked with.

10/10 I would go there everyday






extra notes that I took just incase you want it 🙂


Methane Pyrolysis solution for clean hydrogen

Greenhouse effect is a natural process where natural gases trap the sun’s heat in the Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere

Greenhouse effect is natural. Everything that grows comes from the energy trapped in the greenhouse. Infrared energy bounces in the blanket.

Life is producing too much greenhouse gases, especially humans.

Must be produced and absorbed, Carbon cycle.

Carbon cycle is a natural balance of carbon fluxes into the environment and stored by the ocean and land.

Humans produce CO2, but there are too many humans. Producing too much CO2 for the planet to absorb

Mars has 72% CO2 concentration.

We look for oxygen out whack. If there is water vapor, it means that there is something going on.


CO2 released into the atmosphere by industry and fossil fuels dominate global GHGs

Cows emit 4% of the greenhouse gases

Seaweed company, seaweed has benefits to cattle. It reduces the emissions from the cows.

by eating less meat, you can reduce greenhouse gases.

Cement and steel industry releases 21%

Transport 14%, Other energy 9%

Rapped increase in the last fifty, especially since 2000.

CO2, CH4, N2O, goes up, planets temperature goes up.


Positive feedback loops

Warmer temperatures -> More sunlight absorbed by earth -> Less and Less snow

This needs to be a worldwide project.

We are at 50 Gigatons a year

+1.5 Degrees consistent

Net zero by 2050. 2030 ambition gap 19-23 GtCO2e

The world pumps out two hundred mountain Everest sized clouds of greenhouse gases


  1. Efficiency and Conservation
  2. Fuel switching
  3. Decarbonize Electricity (ex. Wind turbines)
  4. Decarbonize Fuels (liquid & Gas)



– Clean 90% fewer GHG emissions than incumbent SMRs

-Low cost, cost parity or better with incumbent SMRs

-Scalable, suitable for large-scale, industrial applications

-flexible, deployed where NG infrastructure exist


-bed*-Mitsui & CO.-Suncor-Cenovus-Continental


– British Columbia- CRIN – NRC – IRAP


Methane Pyrolysis + Carbon Storage (NG)

Methane Pyrolysis + Carbon Value Generation ((NG)

PMP Reactor

Pulsed Methane Pyrolysis (PMP)

PMP Reactor Design Concept

PMP reactor is non-catalytic, low-cost, scalable & mitigates carbon fouling`

PMP Test System Status

– assembly and integration behind schedule, but satisfactory progress since work could start inside the lab

-commissioning once integration is complete

– Sub-system/component pre-commissioning

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