Exploding a Tesla

This video shows Alex Ernst blowing up his Tesla model 3 with explosives, many people believe that he destroyed his car.

The video in question was faked. William Osman had helped Alex Ernst with the video. William made a fireball for exploding the model Tesla. They made an asphalt effect under the car with sandpaper And added lights and horns in special effects.

The second video explains the process of making the 1st video.



I like cooking. it is fun to bake cakes, cookies, pies, and pancakes. one thing I have found when I am baking is cleaning up after myself. I do not enjoy cleaning up after myself after cooking, that is why I do it while I am cooking. so it feels like am doing less work. my two favourite things about cooking are the end product and the making of dough or another mixture. getting to the end product feels amazing because after all your hard work you can enjoy a nice cookie, slice of cake, a stack of pancakes, or a slice of pie. making the dough is probably the best part about baking, there are a lot of textures while mixing the dough like chocolate chips in cookie batter, the smooth cake batter when you mix all the ingredients in. my least favourite is when you have to restart because something did not go to plan. there are a few things that can go wrong while baking a cake like burning the batter, running out of ingredients, and not preheating the oven. I have made many recipes some from a cookbook I got a few years ago. when I do make something my mother is there helping me with some things when I bake. in conclusion baking is an enjoyable activity and more people should bake more.

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an appropriate comment is something that would not hurt someone’s feelings for example good job, I agree with your statement, your approach was excellent, i found this post helpful. a comment i would like to see on my post is some constructive criticism so dont say something is bad without a reason