Recently many sources have claimed that the Eiffel Tower has caught on fire. While many people believe this article is true, countless other sources say it’s false. After a lot of research, I’ve concluded that this is a false news story.
1. Find the source
I found a news article by The Sun which claimed that this news story was a “hoax”.
2. Verify the source
The Sun is a real British tabloid newspaper paper which was founded in 1964. On sources such as Twitter, it is verified (with the blue checkmark); however, recently it has become easy to buy the checkmark on Twitter. The article has been written by a real person named Caroline Peacock, but she is not verified online.
3. Fact checking
When I went on the Snopes website, I didn’t find any other information about this article which likely indicates it’s false.
4. Checking other sources
After checking many other resources which also stated this as fake news, I believe this news story is a hoax.