About Me

1) My Favorite Quote!

“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” –Margaret Mead

The quote “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” by Margaret Mead is my favorite because it means something to me. When I was in grade 2 I was feeling sad because people were making fun of me and my teacher told me this quote and it changed my mind. I believe that everyone is unique and that our differences shouldn’t affect the way people are treated. In the end everyone is unique and I think being unique is a good thing.  

2) My Favorite YouTube Clip!

This YouTube video is my favorite because it motivated me to become better at soccer. When I first watched this video after a friend showed me it I was really bad at soccer. Then after seeing some of the best players in the world score goals it motivated me to try harder and now I’m on a really good team and I love the sport.

3) A picture that has impacted me

This picture on the left is an optical illusion.





I see these kinds of pictures all the time and they mean to me that you should always try to look on the other side and try not to be one sided.

I also find them pretty cool




4) My Favorite Website!


My favorite website at first seems a little silly at first but the amount of times I’ve needed to look up something in the dictionary to find a words meaning in French is unimaginable so that’s why I chose this website. If you don’t know what word reference is its basically an English to French dictionary that instantly translates words compared to looking them up in a paper dictionary which can takes minutes and sometimes you don’t even find the word your looking for. Its saved so much time for me that’s why I love it.



The History of my Birthday: 

After looking up some historic events that took place on my birthday these were the coolest ones in my opinion

  • 1819

The first parachute jump from a balloon is made by Charles Guille in New York City.

  • 1847

    William A. Leidesdorff launches the first steam boat in San Francisco Bay.