About Me


Hello there! my name is Ezra. w, I like Minecraft, overwatch, and helping out my friends when needed, overall I’m a pretty chill guy who just wants to hang out with his friends and make memories, I need a little me time sometimes



My favorite quate would be one that my father gave to me when i was in elementary school. It was ”why aim for 50 when you can aim for 100. i tell myself this quote at the start of every year but then i forget it, anyways it still helps me a lot when need encouragement


  meiyo – Nothing’s Working Out – YouTube

this isn’t a normal video of a pod cast or someone playing a videogame or anything generic like that, i chose this song video cause it just really good. i always listen to it while I’m done working to get away from all the stress of working too much.


This is basically what I’m going though everyday (don’t worry I’m fine) but i feel like i could slip at any time, I’m just ”hanging in there” just another way of saying fake it till you make it. Its also pretty funny.


Minecraft Mods & Modpacks – CurseForge This is CurseForge. a Minecraft launcher for mods of all kinds. its not just for Minecraft too, you can use it for Stardew valley, among us, etc. but more on Minecraft. me and my friends always use CurseForge to spice up our gameplay. the Minecraft modded community is massive so if you think of it, there’s a mod that you can add to Minecraft, and Minecraft is already a place for dreams to come true and for drams to bloom. now imagine that but you can anything that can come to your mine. so yea pretty amazing don’t you think?


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